
The Power of Seven

Harry realizes that he's a horcrux a year early. Desperate to help her best friend, Hermione discovers a ritual that can save him. The problem? Harry needs to have sex with and bond with seven witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/14253384/chapters/32871009 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/VelvetInferno/pseuds/VelvetInferno

mooooooooooow · Book&Literature
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81 Chs


"It worked, by the way" Hermione blurted out.

The next day, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and Luna secluded themselves in a corner of the library. A muffliato ensured they wouldn't be overheard, and the four of them piled up textbooks and notes to make it appear they were busy.

"What worked?" Luna asked.

Hermione blushed, but Ginny answered for her. "Hermione was getting distracted by Harry's magic. Harry ate Hermione out yesterday, which seems to have helped her focus."

It had though. Hermione was feeling much more like herself. It was like a fog had been lifted, and she could finally think clearly. Her attraction to Harry was still there, but it was no longer intruding on her every thought.

It was clear to her now, what had happened. When her body absorbed his magic, it didn't go away, at least not completely. It was running in her veins, distracting her, enticing her, heating her up. Orgasms were a way to 'vent' that excess magic, but if she got that release from having sex with Harry and he came in her… well that was counterproductive.

Despite her relief at being back to normal, part of her missed it. Okay, a lot of her missed it. Now that it was gone, she could feel the loss. Yes, she'd been distracted, but she also felt so vibrant. It was like coming back to the muggle world for Christmas in her first year after spending those first few months at Hogwarts. Yes, it was nice to return to normalcy, but…

She wanted it.

She missed the rush in her veins. The spark of power in her that now realized had been boosting her spells. While the constant want had been frustrating, she realized now that being kept on the edge like that made her feel alive. The truly frustrating thing about her situation was that she had just come to accept that her sexuality wasn't just okay, it was amazing and powerful- something to be embraced.

In comparison, now she felt almost dull, sedated.

"It is very interesting how Harry's magic interacts with mine." Hermione said, moving on from her train of thought "I feel like something like this should have turned up in my reading on bonds, but the most I'd found was that some people were able to share each other's magic, no mention of any… side effects."

"You know wizards." Ginny scoffed "Most of wizarding society is very repressed when it comes to sex. Our generation seems to be better about it, but you'd be surprised at how some of our pureblood classmates view sex."

"I'm guessing that's why birth rates are so low." Hermione mused.

"Huh?" This was news to Harry, though it faintly tickled something in the back of Ginny's mind.

"The wizarding population has been in decline for centuries." Hermione explained "Just look at how expansive Hogwarts is. Do you really need this much space for some 300 students?" She asked rhetorically.

"Its just, well, the Weasleys." Harry mentioned.

Hermione chuckled "The Weasleys are a bit of an outlier. I guess they take a more liberal view?"

"Hardly." Ginny snorted "When mum gave me the talk, she guilt-tripped me to high heaven about waiting for marriage. I guess they're fine with it within the bounds of matrimony, but I'd rather not think about that too hard."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Ginny." Luna told her "I'm glad that you decided to not listen to her."

"Believe me, so am I." Harry joked. Like, incredibly, insanely happy. He added mentally.

"So, when do you think that Harry and I can have sex?" Luna asked suddenly. Ginny sensed that she'd been waiting to say that the entire time, and had run out of patience in waiting for the right moment.

Harry decided it was best to just go with it. "Saturday?" He suggested "The room of requirement after lunch?"

Luna smiled brilliantly. "That sounds great!"

Harry couldn't help but meet her smile with his own. Harry was constantly surprised by not so much her enthusiasm, but her complete lack of shame. She wasn't embarrassed to admit that she was really looking forward to having sex with him. Similarly, she didn't appear to mind revealing her insecurities.

"Would it be alright if Ginny's there?" Luna asked, hesitantly.

Harry and Ginny's eyes met briefly. "Sure." They said simultaneously "But why?" Harry followed up.

Luna looked down. "I think it would be nice to have her around. In case I'm not good enough for you."

Harry's heart ached. He wished that he had a bond with her right now, so he could show her how he saw her.

Instead, he stood up. "C'mere" He murmured, before drawing Luna into a hug. "Luna, you will always be enough. Trust me. As long as we're open and honest with each other, it will be fine. It will be more than fine. It'll be brilliant."

Luna returned the hug, and snuggled into his arms, letting out a soft sigh. "Thank you." Her voice was muffled by his shirt "But it would still be nice to have someone experienced to help teach me. You know?"

"Whatever makes you comfortable." Harry murmured. "And Luna? I- just wanted to say again how much this means to me."

"You don't need to." Luna interjected "It's quite obvious."

"I suppose so, but humor me." He grinned, before continuing more seriously. "Thank you. Thank you." He repeated, his voice growing tender. "Not just for saving my life. But sharing this, yourself, with me. I promise I'll do everything I can to make your first time spectacular. You deserve it."

Hermione was beaming at Harry.

You're such a sweetheart, luv. Don't change.


This is going to be so hot.

Harry couldn't help but agree. Ginny now knew his body inside and out. She knew exactly how to pleasure him, every sensitive area, every kink, everything that made him tick. And she was about to teach Luna how to exploit that.

You're god damn right I am.

Luna was already in the room of requirement when they entered. "Harry!" Her smile was both excited and nervous.

"Hey Luna." Harry said warmly. "You look lovely."

"So do you." Luna blushed. While both compliments were meant earnestly, neither of them had bothered to dress up for the occasion. They were both wearing casual clothes.

"Don't mind me you two." Ginny grinned slyly, taking a seat in an armchair off to the side.

Harry approached Luna, and drew her into a gentle kiss. Luna let out a soft whimper as their mouths melded together, and she pressed her body to his. He could feel the swell of her breasts against him and his erection was trapped against her abdomen.

They parted for breath. "You're hard." She whined.

"Yeah." Harry "I want you."

Luna kissed him, surging forward to catch his lips. She didn't hold back, moaning deeply as she plundered his mouth with her tongue. She rubbed her body against his- her crotch against his thigh, his erection against her abdomen, her boobs against his upper body.

Harry, however, had the advantage of experience, and by the time he pulled back from their kiss, she was trembling against him. "Harry." She whimpered. Harry didn't stop there, pulling off his shirt in one fluid motion. Luna's normally wide eyes seemed to expand as she took him in. "Wow. I- wow." She raised a hand to touch him, but held it just away from his skin in hesitation.

"You can touch him." Ginny encouraged. I know you want to show her a good time, but you should let do this first. She needs the confidence boost. Ginny told Harry.

That was all the encouragement Luna needed, and her hand was now trailing over his abs and chest. Harry sat back into a bed that the room had just provided and Luna followed, with her hands and with her mouth.

Almost reverently, she kissed his neck, his collarbone, his chest and abs. Occasionally, Ginny would help Luna out, mentioning spots where Harry was particularly sensitive. The girl honed in on those spots, returning again and again until she drew a moan from Harry's lips.

She hovered his hand over his erection "Can I?"

"God yes."

Luna grabbed at his crotch, palming the outline his erection firmly. Harry let out a ragged moan, which seemed to spur the girl on. Her gaze locked onto his crotch as she continued to rub at his hardness.

Ginny too, had moaned at Luna's touch, but she was trying to avoid touching herself. She wanted to be as immersed in Harry's experience as possible.

Harry's hands went to the back of her dress and unzipped her. Luna, pausing in her exploration, shrugged her shoulders to allow the top of her dress to fold downward. While Harry's hands pulled the dress down her legs and to the floor, his eyes were taking in Luna's body.

Luna looked down self-consciously, but Harry was quick to reassure her. "You are so sexy, Luna." He breathed.

"Thank you. You are too. If I didn't know better, I'd say that a weaselwort just bit me. But that can't be because if it were I'd be overtaken by the sudden urge to dance, and frankly that couldn't be further from my mind right now."

"Luna." Ginny interjected helpfully "Remember what I told you about compliments."

Harry couldn't help but remember when yesterday, Ginny had asked him for privacy while she talked to Luna. It's a surprise. She had said. It took some willpower, but they'd managed to keep that particular conversation private.

Luna was looking up and down Harry's body. "Harry. You are very, very, sexy. I've been imagining this ever since the Slug Club party, but somehow, the reality is even better."

Did she rehearse that?

No. I just gave her some general advice.

Luna rejoined him, pressing her lips to his briefly. "I want to make you feel good." She entreated, cupping his erection in her hand.

Let her.

"Oh, Luna. Whatever you want."

Her hands worked to unbutton and unzip his pants, and Harry lifted his hips to help her pull them down. Luna briefly palmed his erection through his boxers, before she shucked them off as well.

"Oh Merlin." She gasped. "It's so big and thick and..." Almost as if in a trance, she grabbed the head of his shaft "And hard and warm."

Harry gasped softly at the contact. Luna eyes were locked onto his cock as she moved her hand down his shaft. She quickly found that using two hands, knitting her fingers together, was more comfortable for her- allowing her to encircle Harry's girth more easily. "Does that feel good?"

"Extremely." Ginny moaned, as Harry breathed "Yes."

Luna began to stroke him with both hands. She was entranced, her eyes never left his shaft, so focused she was on her task. She drank in every small noise that Harry made, even as Ginny moaned in the background, and had begun offering specific advice on exactly where to touch, how hard and fast to stroke.

Luna's breathing had grown labored by the time that she spotted the glistening drop of precum perched on the tip of his shaft. Almost magnetically, her lips lowered to his tip. Her tongue extended to collect that bead of liquid, brushing against the sensitive head, which elicited a groan from both Harry and Ginny. Luna withdrew, and she let out an uncharacteristically low moan as she savored the taste. "Mmmmmm."

"Was that cum?" She asked huskily.

"Yeah. Precum." Harry answered. In her tentativeness, Luna had inadvertently been teasing him. There was an instinct in him to take her face and shove it down on his cock, but he squashed it. Luna deserved better.

"It tasted good."

"I don't want to pressure you, but if you want to do that again, that would be great." Ginny prompted.

Luna's face lit up in realization. "Oh. Of course." Without hesitation, she kissed the swollen head of Harry's cock again, and then took him in deeper. Her lips were wrapped around his cockhead, her tongue stroking the sensitive skin of his frenulum.

Harry looked down at Luna lovingly, cupping her face in his hands. "Oh Luna. That feels so good." Luna was looking back up at him and in her eyes he found adoration and desire. She slowly took more of him within her mouth, her tongue swiping at every bit of skin it found.

It was overwhelming. Harry's shaft was warm and throbbing in her mouth, it had a distinct taste and smell, musky and stronger than skin. She loved it. She wanted more. Her jaw was being stretched uncomfortably in the effort to take him, but she didn't care. Luna rubbed her thighs together, attempting to quell the rising heat between her legs, but it only stoked it higher.

She bobbed up and down his shaft. Harry's moans, at first soft and breathy, had become deeper and louder. The change had enflamed Luna, and she desperately wanted to know what he'd sound like when he came.

"Luna. I'm getting close." Harry warned after not too long "I'm about to cum." There was a desperation in Harry's voice that Luna had never heard before. He was going to cum. The thought hit her like and electric bolt straight to her core. Luna's intensified her movements, bobbing more vigorously and sucking more firmly.

Until Harry's breath caught, and his shaft seemed to suddenly become even harder. "Luna!" Harry cried out. His cock twitched as the first string of semen was pumped into her mouth.

Luna's body reacted viscerally to the feel and taste of him. She hadn't even touched herself, but the tidal wave that was sweeping across her from her core was more powerful than anything she'd given herself while masturbating.

Luna moaned desperately around his cock and her fingers dug into his thighs as her body quaked with the power of her orgasm. Harry's cock pulsed, pumping load after load inter her mouth. She drank from him like his semen was nectar, swallowing every load he pumped into her mouth and letting out muffled moans with each shot. The taste of him was so strong and potent, the feel of his cock trembling in her mouth so arousing, the knowledge that she was doing this to Harry so empowering.

All too soon, the bursts of cum became dribbles, which became dry twitches. Harry took his cock, dragging his thumb up his shaft and pushing out a final few drops of cum, which Luna drew into her mouth with determined suction.

Luna found that she really liked the idea of draining him dry. Of drawing every drop of cum from him until his cock could do nothing but twitch in her mouth. Her orgasm began to wind down after Harry's finished, dampening from the equivalent to a volcanic eruption to a warm pulsing heat.

At that point, she realized that Ginny was still in the grips of her own orgasm. The redhead was gyrating wildly, using her grip on the arms of her chair as leverage buck her hips into the air.

"You came?" Harry asked, removing his cock from Luna's mouth.

Luna smiled dreamily as she rested her head against Harry's thigh. "That was wonderful." She sighed "Do you think we could do that again?"

"Oh fuck yes, you can." Ginny moaned. Luna's hand went back to Harry's shaft, but Harry resisted.

"Not that I wouldn't really enjoy another blowjob, but I'd really rather we actually have sex." He told her. He kissed her gently, drawing back after a moment. "What do you say?"

"Yeah." Luna breathed. "I'd like that."

Harry picked her up and set her on the bed. That simple action, his protective embrace as he held her, the feel of his body against his skin, the tenderness in his eyes as he set her down, affected Luna profoundly. The fire between her legs was rekindled, and her entire body felt unbearably hot.

Her hand went to his cock, jerking him off within her limited range of motion at this angle. She really wanted him to cum again. She wanted to be able to watch him shoot. She wanted to feel his essence on her tongue, hot, sticky, with that strong pungent taste that still lingered in her mouth. Harry's eyes glazed over at that first contact, but he refocused soon enough. He deftly undid her bra, tossing it aside as he gazed at her breasts. "Beautiful." He crooned, caressing them.

It was all happening so fast, she could barely keep up. Harry was touching her breasts, teasing her nipples, and then he was kissing them, sucking her nipple into his mouth. His hands moved to exploring the rest of her body. He pulled down her panties, and then his fingers began to caress her slit- stroking and probing at her lower lips experimentally. "Tell me what feels good." He murmured.

Whimper after whimper left her mouth as Harry's touch set sparks racing across her body. This felt better than touching herself. It felt so much better than touching herself. She didn't know how to handle the sensations he was eliciting in her. Harry used her pleasured noises to guide his ministrations. Luna writhed as Harry pumped her up higher and higher with nothing but his fingers. He leaned over to kiss her temple and asked her "Are you ready?"

"Please." Luna's legs were spread supplicantly, exposing her wet core to him.

Harry placed his cockhead at her entrance, rubbing it up and down teasingly. Luna whined, instinctively gyrating her hips slightly. Looking down at him, she couldn't help but be somewhat daunted. His penis was so much thicker than she'd imagined it would be (not that she had much to go off of). In her explorations since Ginny had taught her to masturbate, penetrating herself with even two fingers felt like stretching it. Having that throbbing, veiny rod of flesh ready to penetrate her most sensitive area was more than a little intimidating.

Harry began to slowly push himself inside of her. Luna felt herself part for his cockhead, her flesh giving way for his hardness. Oh god, he's big. Each centimeter his sank into her he stretched her, she felt so full, uncomfortably (but not painfully so), and he had only just begun to enter her.

"God. You're tight." Harry moaned. Penetrating Ginny and Hermione by themselves did not feel particularly different to Harry. Sure, the way they acted and responded made for completely different experiences, and when Ginny clenched her powerful core muscles around him it was fucking spectacular, but the physical act of penetrating them did not feel much different. But Luna was tight. Her inner walls clung to him like a vacuum seal, but she was so wet that even then he could practically glide into her if he wanted.

It was tempting to do that, the pound into Luna repeatedly until he filled her with his cum. Hell, the thought of that, along with the sensation of him entering her, had just triggered another orgasm from Ginny. But Harry could see the strained look on Luna's face, and he knew he just couldn't. With immense restraint, Harry continued to slowly enter her, watching for signs of distress.

"That's a good thing, right?" Luna squeaked.

Harry laughed deeply "Yes. Fuck yes. It's very good. Are you doing alright?"

He was mostly in her by now, and Luna was having a hard time paying attention to anything that wasn't how his penis felt inside of her, how stretched and full she felt, how every centimeter he penetrated seemed to bring unexpected new feelings of discomfort and pleasure.

"Uh" Luna struggled "You're big." A part of Harry growled victoriously at Luna's admission.

I love that part of you. Ginny crooned mentally You still keep it chained up too often.

"Its okay, Luna." Harry told her "If you need me to stop or slow down, or anything. Please, please, tell me."

But… I love that you're so sweet too.

"No. Its's okay. Keep going." Luna insisted. Harry was now completely sheathed in her, and he relished in the sensation of it, her walls completely wrapped around him, so warm, tight, quivering. He withdrew, moaning at the feel of her cunt clinging to him as he left. Luna whined, feeling somehow empty without his cock filling her.

But before he could completely leave her, Harry started pushing himself inwards again. Luna suddenly understood exactly how she could cum from this. Because all those some spots he'd touched on the first plunge lit up again in pleasure, even as the discomfort had decreased (though she felt every bit as impossibly full).

She remembered Ginny's advice. Talk to him, about how good he makes you feel, or how good he looks, or how good you want to make him feel, as long as you don't talk about magical creatures, you should be fine. "Y-you feel so big inside of me." She moaned "You're so thick. Like a cragglemelon."

"A what?" Harry asked, as Ginny stifled a giggle "Never mind. I uh- fuck" He was slowly pistoning inside of her now. "You feel so good, Luna." He rasped "If I went any faster than this, I'd blow so quickly." His fingers came down to stroke at her clit.

Luna squealed. The feeling of him touching her clit was somehow amplified when his cock was buried in her, something about how he'd stretched her made the nub even more sensitive. Luna was gasping, trying to hold onto something, anything. She felt like she was overheating, like her brain was frying from the intensity of it. Because he was filling her so much and her clit-

"HARRYYYY!" She cried as she came. The pleasure was indescribably different than what she'd felt while touching herself, or even the orgasm she'd just had. If anything, her previous orgasm had been better, but there was something deeply satisfying at having a penis inside of her to clench against.

Harry continued his slow pace through her orgasm. The combination of the slowness of his movements and the fact that he'd just cum held him back, despite how exquisitely tight Luna was. Harry tried to continue after her orgasm, but a look of distress flashed across her face.

Harry pulled out. "Are you alright?"

"Yes!" Luna insisted, but backtracked under Harry's firm stare "I'm a little sensitive, but that doesn't mean…" She paused. "Its okay!" She got on her knees and took his cock, slick and shiny from her juices, in her hand. "I'll take care of you."

She practically rammed her mouth down on his cock, nearly gagging in the process. "Luna!" Harry cried, a mixture of pleasure and concern. The blonde continued undeterred. She looked up at him as she shoved her mouth up and down his cock, her eyes expressed an eagerness, nearly a desperation to please, but also a primal hunger.

The taste of herself on his cock, as if she had claimed him, triggered a flood of heat deep in her core. His hands went to her head, fingers weaving into her tangled hair. He didn't force her, or even guide her movements, he was just holding her. "Luna! God! I'm close. I'm close."

In the background, she heard Ginny chant. "Don't stop. Don't fucking stop. Please don't fucking stop!"

Luna didn't, and when Harry's peak came his hands held her head still with only the top third of his shaft within her. So Luna sucked, hard. She sucked on his cock with such vicious intensity that Harry's voice broke when he cried out her name.

His cock twitched in her mouth, and his essence spilled onto her tongue. And somehow, she was cumming again. She loved it. She loved feeling his cock spasm in her mouth, hers (for the moment) to control. She loved hearing the pleasure in his voice, she loved feeling the pressure from his hands increase as he lost control. She loved what his orgasm meant, that he desired her, that she could make him come undone. But most of all she loved his cum- the taste of it, the warmth of it, the consistency of it.

Harry moaned and shuddered as he emptied himself into her, and Luna eagerly drank from him. She milked every drop of cum from his cock as she rode her own orgasm out.

Across the room, Ginny writhed from her fourth? fifth? orgasm from doing nothing but experiencing Harry's cock.

She couldn't help but compare the experience to how her sex life had been before. Before she and Harry started having sex, four orgasms in a row would have been legendary, and they wouldn't have been remotely as pleasurable as what she'd just experienced.

It was something to think about.