
The Power of Seven

Harry realizes that he's a horcrux a year early. Desperate to help her best friend, Hermione discovers a ritual that can save him. The problem? Harry needs to have sex with and bond with seven witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/14253384/chapters/32871009 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/VelvetInferno/pseuds/VelvetInferno

mooooooooooow · Book&Literature
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81 Chs

Drunk In Love

It was a difficult adjustment for Hermione.

Harry, at least, had done this before. Though he did frequently report being overwhelmed by her thought process and found it better to not try to follow her thoughts directly.

Hermione had quizzed Harry and Ginny to exasperation about their bond, and practiced meditation and occlumency exercises that she thought might help, but there was really nothing that could completely prepare her for… everything.

It was so easy for her to become distracted, even moreso now than before. It wasn't even completely sexual. The thrill Harry was now feeling while flying at quidditch practice kept drawing her from her reading, particularly when he did one of his trademark reckless dives. It was wonderful, getting such direct insight into how Harry thought and felt. She knew he loved flying, but couldn't fully appreciate how he felt until now.

The same could be said for how he felt about her. There was a vast difference between knowing that he loved her and being able to feel it herself. It was a deep well that she could always tap into, strong, stable, and reassuring. Honestly, it made her want to throw her books down and spend every second of the day in his arms, showing him just how much she loved him.

She felt her cheeks flush… because yeah, the sexual aspect of things was just as distracting. She remembered that first day of classes after the ritual… she'd had the worst performance in Charms she'd ever had because Harry had had a hard on. She had completely underestimated just how distracting erections were, how one part of the body could so completely dominate her every thought, how good it felt as it swelled, yet at the same time aching for more.

She had come to wonder how boys accomplished anything at all. Harry had seemed to handle it admirably enough (though he had the benefit of lots of practice, she was sure), but It'd taken her until the very end of the class to be able to perform the spell adequately! She just knew that Ginny had been encouraging that erection, Harry hadn't been able to hide that from her.

Not that she was ashamed. In the past, she would have been mortified by any of this, but she'd long since let go of those inhibitions. Just like she'd previously rejected how society dictated she looked, or what career she wanted, she no longer gave a jot at what 'people' thought she should desire.

She refocused on Harry, who had just landed. She let out a silent gasp as she recognized the lust burning in him, the flush of blood to his cock as it strained against his clothes, tingling and yearning for more. There was a certain anticipation building within him… he was a little nervous, but masking it with confidence, there was more than that, though. Harry was placing himself into a different state of mind. With a flash of insight, she understood what was happening. It was roleplay.

Oh, Demelza won't know what hit her.


Demelza knew she was in trouble. To put it bluntly, she had her worst performance of the season this practice. Periodically she had spotted Harry looking at her critically, but also with a fire in his eyes. His intense gaze would bore into her, and it sent such a rush of heat through her that she swore she might just topple off her broom.

She damn well knew why she felt like this. She was mid cycle, she was ovulating and her body was begging her to let it get stuck in. This had never been an issue before, but ever since things began with Harry- well, she'd never felt more sexual. She dutifully got herself off every night thinking of her captain. At first she thought that amount might be a bit much, but before long she found herself still wanting even after cumming.

She frigged herself to exhaustion last night, hoping it would be enough to allow her to control herself for practice- but it wasn't enough. She just couldn't help herself, the anticipation of knowing something was coming after practice, how handsome and in control Harry looked in his uniform, and the looks he kept sending her way… Her body knew exactly what it needed- oh how her inflamed cunt throbbed against the cool wood of her broom…

"Oi! Watch it!" Katie bellowed as Demelza almost plowed into her.

Harry had seen that, and was now flying over to them. Ginny, her eyes alight, hung off to the side. "Would you mind explaining what happened here, Demelza?"

"Captain! I mean, Harry. I mean-" She fumbled.

"Because it looks like you nearly knocked yourself and Katie out of the sky." Harry prompted flatly.

Harry was never cruel or mean during practice, but this was about as close as he got- blunt, deadpan, and biting. Demelza found it absolutely titillating, even as she was genuinely ashamed of herself, which made it somehow better. Oh Merlin, how would he punish her after this? She was flushing, to be sure, even as the heat within her rose up a notch.

"I lost focus." Demelza confessed, her eyes downcast. "I'm sorry. I'm not at my best today, sir."

Harry let out a frustrated sigh. "Are you two okay?"

They both nodded, and Katie flew up beside Harry, to confer as the two elder team members often did. "We all have off days." She defended "And honestly, I think she's in a bad way." Katie had always been something of an older sister figure to her. She'd rib and tease her teammates viciously until the moment they appeared to be in actual trouble, at which point she'd be quite protective of them.

Harry nodded appraisingly "Yeah, I can see that. She's rather flushed, not focusing… are you feeling alright, Demelza?"

He knew of course, what the issue was, and by Ginny's smirk she knew as well. "I- I'm feeling rather hot." Demelza said lamely "I'm sorry."

"Alright, why don't you cool off in the changing rooms." He told her. "We only have about fifteen minutes of practice left, so we can talk afterwards. If you still feel off, I'll escort you to Madam Pomfrey."

Oh lord.

Demelza had nothing to do for those fifteen minutes except wait. She sat on the wooden bench of the changing room, swinging her legs as she imagine just what Harry would have in store for her.

Maybe he'd have her degrade herself for him. She'd have to tell him just how dirty a slut she was. How she was a pathetic little girl who was so horny she couldn't even fly a broom straight. She shuddered, stifling the temptation to touch herself. Ginny and Katie would be in at any moment and she couldn't afford to frustrate herself further.

Soon enough, the two girls walked in. Katie appraised Demelza with genuine worry "You still look flushed." She fussed "We should get you to Pomfrey right away."

Sudden panic struck Demelza, if she went to the hospital wing, she and Harry wouldn't… wouldn't… "No! I'm fine." Demelza insisted, a little too fiercely "I really think I should just talk to Harry."

Katie shook her head. "Stop being such a martyr, Dem. You think Harry hasn't had more than his fair share of time in the hospital wing?"

Demelza looked to Ginny beseechingly. To her great relief, the redhead winked. "Katie, why don't we go out onto the pitch, and talk."

Katie arched an eyebrow at Ginny. Something meaningful seemed to pass between the two girls, but whatever it was, it was lost on Demelza. Katie seemed to accept it, however, and followed Ginny back onto the pitch.

Demelza sat in silence for perhaps another five minutes before Harry finally went to her.

"So, an off day, huh?" He said neutrally.

"I'm sorry."

"Look at me." He told her. She did so. He had sat himself right beside her, and was peering down at her. His fingers went to under her chin, tilting her head up slightly so that their eyes met. She nearly lost her breath, his eyes shone with intensity, determination, compassion, lust, but not anger. "I'm not mad at you."

This wasn't how she expected this to go, but his understanding was throwing her stomach through a loop. He'd could have laid her across his lap and smacked her ass, he could have done any number of things to punish her, but he wasn't going to.

"You're not?"

"No. You didn't do this on purpose; I know you want to improve. So it's just a matter of helping you get there."

"Thank you, sir."

Harry grinned mischievously, and by Godric did it make her heart flutter. "So, you want to tell me exactly what happened?"

She told him everything. How her sex drive had spiraled out of control. How she needed to masturbate more and more. How her cycle has struck at just the wrong time and played havoc with her. Unintentionally, she unleashed some of what she'd been contemplating before Ginny and Katie had interrupted.

"It's just, when I close my eyes, I can't help but see you. Your body. Your cock. You cumming all over me, covering me." She shuddered as her voice broke "I'm such a slut. I can't stop thinking about it. I'm so obsessed I can't even fly a broom properly!"

"Hey, it's alright." Harry soothed, wrapping and arm around her shoulders. "It's perfectly natural to feel the way you do, and really, I'm flattered. We just need to help you deal with it. I take it that no amount of masturbation is helping you."

"No sir." Demelza knew what would help her, but she knew she didn't deserve his attentions yet, she hadn't earned it yet. Besides, everything that he'd done with her up to this point had made her into even more of a slut, maybe fucking her would too.

"Well, you just need to learn self restraint. Control."

"Oh?" Demelza breathed.

"You can't help how you feel, but you can learn to work with it, to feel your body's needs but not let them master you." Harry explained "And I'm going to help you."

"Thank you. What do I need to do?" Demelza was expectant, eager for what the 'lesson' would entail.


Demelza nodded and immediately began to strip off her uniform. She tried to keep her breathing even, tried to remain composed as she felt Harry's eyes burning into every inch of skin she revealed. When she dared look him in the eye, she shivered at the pure lust she saw in them as he drank her in. Finally, she was completely exposed to him. He could see everything, he could see how dripping wet she was, how her arousal was running down her thighs.


"Touch yourself, but… you're not allowed to cum." He smirked. So that's the catch. Demelza realized. He's going to teach me self-control, so I'm gonna have too… oh.

She was already so keyed up, it wouldn't have taken long at all to push herself over the edge, but that wasn't what he wanted. Her captain wanted her to tease herself, keep herself at the edge.

"Yes sir." She breathed, and she obeyed. Her touches were tentative, fingers probing her folds carefully, completely avoiding her clit.

Harry nodded approvingly, and to her surprise began to undress just feet in front of her. "Hnnng." She moaned after his uniform shirt came off. She couldn't help but gawk at the view of his flushed, sweaty chest and torso.

Demelza braced herself against the wall, already feeling a bit unsteady at her feet. Her ministrations, slow as they were, were still pushing her higher with the 'help' that Harry was providing.

Then came his shoes and socks, then his uniform pants. Demelza's gaze locked on the prominent tent in his boxers, and she licked her lips subconsciously.

Harry said something to her, but she didn't catch it. "Uh. Huh." She said rather incoherently, her eyes never leaving his crotch, and her fingers continuing to slowly dip in and out of her pussy.

With a shrug, Harry shucked off his boxers, letting his erection spring free. "Uhnng." Demelza moaned as she accidentally shoved two of her fingers deep into her cunt. She might have cum then and there, but was drawn away from the moment by Harry walking away from her.

"Wh- Captain! Where are you going?" Demelza called, staying rooted in place as Harry strode deeper into the changing rooms.

"I already told you. I'm getting a shower." He continued to walk away. "You can join me if you like."

Demelza took a moment to process what he had said, before rushing after him, falling in place right behind him, where she had a perfect view of his ass. "You don't have to touch yourself while we're in the shower." He added.

That was fortunate, because she didn't think she could have stood it if she had to. The showers weren't cramped, but clearly weren't made with two people in mind. They wouldn't really be able to maneuver without interacting with each other.

Demelza closed the stall door behind them, and when she turned, she found Harry facing her. He was so close she swore she could feel his body heat. Her body was calling out for him, like some invisible force was urging her to move closer.

She felt so small and feminine like this. With Harry towering over her, sporting strong muscles that he could easily use to overpower her and a swollen erection that she could barely stop herself from taking in her hand.

Hot water sprayed over both of them, cascading down Harry's chest in rivulets. The warm water did little to sooth Demelza's desire, even as it washed away the physical evidence of it. Harry lathered his hands with soap and murmured "Let me wash you."

Demelza trembled, but nodded and took a step towards him- they were almost touching. Smiling, Harry grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her around "I'm going to start with your back." He crooned in her ear. His hands began massaging her shoulders methodically, before moving lower, firmly rubbing and kneading at her skin. She felt like she was turning to mush. Soft moans escaped from her and her head lolled back, resting against Harry's chest.

She felt Harry's hot breath in her ear, and he purred "Are you enjoying yourself?" before nibbling at her earlobe. Demelza could only let out a decadent moan in response. His hands were now massaging her sides, first skirting along the sides of her breasts, then rubbing firmly at her hips.

"O-ohh. Harry." She whimpered "I-I… please." She didn't know what she was begging for, she couldn't focus on anything beyond the feel of his hands on her, his breath and voice in her ear.

Harry growled when his hands cupped her ass, taking each cheek in hand and kneading them. "You, Demelza Robbins, have got a magnificent arse. I should know- you love to shove it against my cock." He turned her around again and kissed her. Brief yet fierce- the sudden invasion by his lips and tongue left her reeling, struggling to find words. "Oh, Dem." Harry murmured, stroking her cheek affectionately "You're gorgeous."

Demelza brought her shaking hands to his chest to steady herself. "Ha-Harry." She moaned "Yo-you're-" He kissed her again, giving her the barest taste of him before withdrawing once more.

"Shhh." He soothed. "You don't need to talk. You don't need to think. You don't need to do anything. Except feel."

With that, Demelza completely surrendered herself to him. She didn't need to care about the outside world, about anything. Why would she when she had Harry to protect her? She was safe, completely safe with him. She was his.

He massaged her breasts, circling around her areolas hypnotically. His fingers found her nipples, stroking them and alighting sparks of pleasure. Demelza moaned without a care, unconsciously tilting her hips forward- as if presenting herself to him.

Harry leaned back into her ear "That's perfect, my little Dem." He murmured. His hands went lower, caressing her toned stomach. "Just feel." His hands skirted downwards, and suddenly he was kneeling, stroking her legs, her knees, her thighs…

She spread her legs for him, exposing her dripping, swollen core. Harry's eyes lit up, and he began kissing up her thigh. His hands and mouth moved higher and higher, getting so close to the focal point of the volcanic heat rising within her- consuming her. She looked down helplessly, enraptured at the sight of Harry on his knees in front of her, with hungry eyes focused on her cunt. He was going to do it, he was going to… oh god.

"Don't cum." He told her "Unless I tell you too." Then his mouth descended on her folds, his tongue lapping gently against her core, and his lips molding firmly against her. Demelza felt like she was imploding. She was ready to throw herself in front of Harry and beg him in tears to please let her cum.

He seemed to sense her limit, and pulled back just as she was at the edge. "Please. Please. Oh please." Demelza chanted.

Harry looked up at her, his lips coated in her arousal, and smiled. "Good girl." Demelza's knees wobbled as his simple proclamation sent an electric surge of pleasure down her spine. "Now, cum for me."

His words alone might have been enough to send her over the edge, but Harry followed them up by returning to her cunt and devouring her with vigor. His hands grabbed her arse and pulled her to him. His tongue relentlessly massaged her clit, and the stimulation was so sudden and intense, that Demelza short circuited. Her body was paralyzed, her mouth was open, but she could only utter the barest, desperate gasp. She was so unbearably sensitive, needed it so badly, and Harry's mouth was exactly what she needed but also almost too much.

Demelza broke. She screamed as her knees gave out, so that it was only Harry's hands gripping her arse that kept her standing. It was at that point that she lost track. She would vaguely remember Harry letting her down onto the floor- her legs jelly and her mind mush. She'd remember feeling warm water and firm hands run over her, her hair stroked soothingly, her face cupped, and simple kiss.

She'd remember Harry scooping her easily into his arms, and feeling safe in them, and then him carrying her out of the shower stall.

Most clearly, however, she'd remember realizing Ginny and Katie were waiting in the changing room. Waiting for them.