
The Power of Seven

Harry realizes that he's a horcrux a year early. Desperate to help her best friend, Hermione discovers a ritual that can save him. The problem? Harry needs to have sex with and bond with seven witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/14253384/chapters/32871009 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/VelvetInferno/pseuds/VelvetInferno

mooooooooooow · Book&Literature
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81 Chs


Bill worked intently as the silent group stood at the ready. No one knew what was on the other side of the door- only that Harry, Ginny… Fleur, and the rest had disappeared behind it to face You-Know-Who.

It had been a terrible battle, until, very suddenly, it wasn't. Every Death Eater had died in terrible fashion, and while it made their lives much easier… it was disconcerting nonetheless. What happened? Why hadn't anyone come out?

Finally, Bill managed to crack the enchantments around the door. Voldemort was powerful, but not nearly as creative as ancient Egyptian magicians had been. "Oh, thank Merlin." Ginny said. She'd been right on the other side of the door, and immediately grabbed him into a tight- if brief- hug.

"Oof- Ginny!" Bill grunted "Is everyone alright?" His eyes surveyed the rest of the room, taking in the weary, but satisfied expression of the other girls. His heart clenched painfully when he saw Fleur, but he forced his gaze down to floor, where Harry's body lay prone next to… Dumbledore?

Clearly, there was a story there.

"They're both alive. Tom's dead." Ginny told him. "Though I have no idea what to do with Dumbledore."

"And you know exactly what to do with Harry, I reckon." Tonks teased. She along with a number of the more experienced Order members had been at the ready in case Voldemort had come out, wands blazing, but now that it was clear that it was over, they hung back awkwardly, without purpose.

Wow, it was over.

Bill noticed Dumbledore's missing hand. "The ring?"

"Voldemort was possessing him." Ginny nodded "Harry saved him." And that was that.

"Well, I imagine we should get those two checked out before anything else." Bill scratched his head. "Is there anything else we should know?"

Hermione, however, interrupted "What happened out there? Did the Death Eaters…?"

"They're dead. All dead." Bill said with finality. His eyes trailed to Snape's body, still resting on the couch. It seemed that his old Professor had gone out on his own terms, he probably had the best death of any Death Eater that night. "And they look a fair sight worse than he does."

"It was Voldemort." Susan hurried to clarify "He sacrificed his Death Eaters to gain their magic. He almost won with it, too."

At this point, Remus came up and clapped Bill on the shoulder "I think these ladies deserve some rest."

"Yeah, you all look beat." Bill added "Come on, lets get you lot back home."

The girls hurriedly conferred with each other and came to an agreement. "Alright." Ginny agreed with a tired smile "But two of us are staying with Harry at all times."


Wakefulness came gradually to Harry. He shifted in bed, with a sense that something urgent needed his attention, but then he felt a soothing presence assure him that everything was alright, and a warm body next to him, and he drifted off again. Eventually, he did wake properly, his eyes bleary from sleep.

He lay there, comfortably blinking away his grogginess, when suddenly he remembered, and sat bolt upright. His panic steadied as he realized he was in his room back at the Bones Estate. Luna was curled up next to him, while Hermione was sitting by the bed, reading a typically large book. "What happened?"

Hermione smiled, and he could feel the answer coming from all of them, each of them assuring him of the same thing. "You did it, Harry, you won."

"We won?" He said, breathless, hardly able to process it. It was over, all of it. He was free, he was alive, they were all alive, he could do whatever he wanted with his life. And then came the warm reassurance from Ginny, and then Katie, and the Fleur, that yes, he was free, all of them were safe.

And Harry began to cry.


He spent a couple lazy days tucked away. In that time, the problems of the world seemed so very far away. Why should it concern him who the next Minister would be? Why should he bother to give a speech or address the press?

Harry was tired. There was a time where he could have gotten worked up over affairs at the ministry, and could see himself going out there, cleaning things up or arresting dark wizards. But now it felt like that drive had been sapped from him. He'd done his job, he'd killed Voldemort. All of his followers were dead too, and even if that had not been because of his actions or even his desire he had to admit it made some things easier, even if it opened up a host of complications.

But really, as he reflected he realized he just wanted a quiet life. The idea of being an auror, which had once been his go to career choice, was very unattractive to him. He didn't want to fight anymore, he didn't want to hold himself up as some sort of big hero, or a dark wizard slayer. He just didn't want it. He could sense from his girls that many of them had very different outlooks. Perhaps that was part of why Harry felt so comfortable with letting things be, he knew the future was in competent hands.

Susan was now driven to mold the post-war wizarding world into a better place. She was chomping at the bit to get out there, she had ideas and plans. The money that had belonged to Voldemort's followers had to go somewhere, and there were any number of worthy causes. The Wizingamot and the Ministry as a whole had been thrown into chaos, it was the perfect time to stake their position and mold the future. She needed his help with her plans, of course- his endorsement and his influence could be used to great effect. He couldn't say no to her, especially when it was a good cause, but he was content to sit in the back seat and let her drive.

Hermione, too, was eager to make her stamp on the world. During the war, she'd spent so much time in research, had learned about the nature of magic and sex. But she felt that she had only just scratched the surface. There was a position as an Unspeakable open for her, should she want it. And Hermione wanted it.

Ginny and Katie fancied themselves quidditch players, though they both entertained their own doubts over whether they were good enough to go professional. Harry had considered pursuing a career in quidditch himself, but it also didn't feel right. He loved quidditch, but being a quidditch star brought to mind the fans, the press… he shuddered to think about it.

Luna wanted to see the world- to explore new places, and meet new people and creatures. That was something Harry could get behind. He'd never had a proper vacation before, the Dursleys weren't about to take him anywhere after all. His life had been so consumed by the war and Voldemort, he'd never gotten around to learning about the world he lived in, let alone experiencing it.

Fleur herself already had a career waiting for her- an open offer to return to Gringotts, but while she did want to return to her career, her job was not where her heart was. More often than not her mind turned to their child. Accidentally conceived, but so very wanted and anticipated. While he was still terrified of bollixing it up, with a peaceful future suddenly open to him, he sometimes found himself giddy at the thought of being a father.

And then there was Demelza. She didn't have any grand plans for the future. She didn't know what she wanted to be or do. Well, that wasn't entirely true. She hadn't voiced it yet, but Harry could feel that she too had a desire to be a mother. Oh, the others had the idea in mind, as something that they wanted to check off one day, but Demelza wanted it. She just wanted to be his, and to help give him the family he always wanted. Demelza looked at the grand plans that the others held and sometimes felt that she fell short, but Harry couldn't disagree more. Of all his girls, Demelza's thoughts for the future the most closely mirrored his.

There was only so much time that Harry could spend hiding away, and two days after he woke up, they'd received news he had to respond to. Susan would have had a conniption if he just let this lie without intervention.

Dumbledore was awake.

That was what had led him back to Hogwarts, Susan in tow. Albus Dumbledore had come out of that final confrontation quite a bit worse off than Harry had. Madam Pomfrey had declared that Harry was just exhausted and needed rest after the battle, and had, in the chaos, overlooked when Katie had whisked him away. But Dumbledore had need more of a recovery period to restore his health. While others had eventually been transferred to Saint Mungos, it had been decided best that the Professor remain at Hogwarts. Looking at him now, he still didn't seem as he once was. Even though he'd always looked old, now he looked old. He was still confined to his hospital bed, and Harry was reminded of how Dumbledore had once visited him in the hospital wing, after his confrontation with Quirrel.

"Hello, professor. How are you feeling?"

The old man regarded him, his eyes flickering to Susan. Then, with a half chuckle he said "As well as can be expected, for a man of my age."

Harry nodded, he and Susan had discussed where to take the conversation. "We need to talk, about everything. I just want the truth."

"Of course. I owe you that, at the very least." Dumbledore said, sounding very tired "I want to begin by saying how very sorry I am."

"What for?" Harry pressed intently.

"I see now that I should have trusted you more, and trusted myself less. I thought… that I had all the answers, or most of the answers. You were right, in more ways than I could have hoped."

He's being vague, cagey. Susan advised. Ask for specifics.

"How did the Horcrux take control of you? When did it start making decisions?"

"That… isn't an easy question to answer." Dumbledore said. "Are you familiar with the tale of the Three Brothers?"

"Luna is." Harry said. "So naturally, I am now, as well."

That provoked another half chuckle from Dumbledore "Naturally. I understand that Voldemort demonstrated the resurrection stone to you?" Harry nodded. "I am an old man, there are many people who I've lost. Starting with my sister, Ariana. I wanted to see her again, assure myself that she was okay. And that…" He trailed off "…was how it started."

Harry could feel some sympathy for the man, even as Susan bristled internally. "To be honest, there is not a single point in time that I could point to and tell you that is where the horcrux took full control. It was a slow process, it slowly affected me, warping my perceptions and intentions, exaggerating some of my existing biases and faults, suppressing other aspects of my personality. I know this isn't a satisfying answer, but there is no way to determine where Tom Riddle began and I ended."

Harry found some conclusions forming in his mind, but Susan was still more cautious. "I understand professor- life is messy." He wasn't angry at the man, or even resentful. He hated living with the Dursleys, but he'd put that behind him. His actions in the past year had been increasingly violating, but it was hard to hold things done under the influence of a Horcrux too much against him. Still, it was difficult to trust his judgement now. He wasn't sure how he felt about the prospect of Dumbledore just waltzing back into politics as if nothing had happened. There was also the matter of the Elder Wand, but Harry was less keen on meddling with that. While it seemed to be the most prized of the Deathly Hallows, Harry couldn't help but feel that it was overrated- it hadn't saved Grindewald, Dumbledore, or Voldemort from being bested. Perhaps it was a powerful wand, but it seemed to be as much of a curse as it was a boon.

They spoke for a while, about the war, the world, and the past, until the topic of the Deathly Hallows came up once more. "I take it you have retrieved the resurrection stone?" Dumbledore queried.

"Yes, but I'm not planning on using it. Maybe I'll just, I dunno, bury it."

"Perhaps you should reconsider."

"Professor…" Voldemort's abuse of the stone, and Dumbledore's inability to resist it's charms had left Harry with a solidly negative view of the artifact. As far as he was concerned, the barrier between life and death should probably stay that way.

"I do not think that you would be the type to throw your life away over dreams. Rather, I think this would give you the opportunity to find some closure and live your life more fully." Harry was unconvinced, and Dumbledore could tell, so he shrugged "It is your decision, and yours alone."

From there, the conversation wandered until finally Harry flat out asked what his intentions were going forward.

"I rather think it is time for me to retire. Professor McGonagall would make a fine Headmistress, and I'm sure the Wizingamot can find a new Chief Warlock, and the International Confederation of Wizards an acceptable Supreme Mugwump." Dumbledore answered gamely.

Good choice. "Well, I wish you a peaceful retirement professor."

Susan would grumble about not being able to take him at his word, but Harry was done with it. If Dumbledore became a problem in the future, they could cross that bridge when they came to it.


Harry turned the resurrection stone over in his palm. It was such an innocuous little thing.

He'd been resistant to the idea of using this thing, and Dumbledore's endorsement hadn't exactly swayed him. It was Ginny who had told him to stop being pointlessly noble- of course his parents would want to talk to him. Of course he wouldn't go mad and if he did, they'd be there to set him straight.

He closed his eyes, feeling the warm late summer breeze on his cheeks, and when he opened them, his parents were there- just the two of them, standing in the field in front of him.

For a brief moment, a thousand doubts surged through him. Would they approve of his decisions? Were they proud of him, or would they be ashamed of his… relationships? But as quickly as the formed, they were dispelled by his mum's brilliant smile, radiating such joy that it scorched away any traces of doubt.

He reached out, but his parents shook their heads sadly. Right, they couldn't touch. He could see how this stone could be so captivating… and dangerous. "Hi mum, dad." He said instead, his voice shaking. And he was struck with an unexpected problem, he didn't know what to say. What could he possibly say? They were his parents, but there also seemed to be such an unbreachable gulf between them. "I love you." That, at least, was a good start, but it didn't feel sufficient.

His parents glanced at each other, and he was tickled to see that they were sharing looks of pride. "We love you too Harry, we always have." His mum said.

And then his dad grinned "And we're proud, too." His grinned turned teasing "I can't say I expected to have seven daughters in law, but I'm not complaining."

"James!" His mum scolded playfully.

"Seven!" He repeated "She's proud too. And she wants lots of grandchildren."

"That's not a request." His mum interjected "Please, take all the time you need for that."

Harry laughed. They byplay seemed so normal, and it inspired a bittersweet feeling, a glimpse into a life that he didn't get to have. He knew he shouldn't complain, he had a wonderful life ahead of him, but there was still that part of him that would always miss his parents.

"Are you really okay with all this, the choices I made, how I did things?" Harry asked them. "I know it's not exactly traditional."

His mum met his eyes "Harry, we never wanted you to sacrifice yourself. We were surprised, but so happy when Hermione discovered the ritual."

"Really, we just wanted you to get to live your life, and be happy." His dad agreed "And anyone can see that they make you happy. Even during the war, you were happier than you'd ever been before when you were with them."

"Yeah. I'm so lucky." He said. He was aware of his bond-mates in the background. All of them had backed off, giving him privacy while he spoke to his parents, but he knew that if he reached out, they would be there. He didn't think he'd ever get over, how truly lucky he was to have found him. They saved him and made him happier than he ever could have imagined.

At this, his Mum's smile turned a little mischievous "They're lucky too, you know."

Harry blushed, a little embarrassed "Mum." Once again, it felt so normal and surreal at the same time. Like she was a mother proudly seeing off her son on prom night, and for a moment Harry let himself slip into this happy fantasy of a life he might have had. He'd never get that normal childhood, but he could have this, one normal summer afternoon with just him and his mum and dad.

When he was done and returning to the house, a misty-eyed Harry hugged Demelza, and slipped the stone into her hand. The unspoken invitation clear, and it was the same invitation he intended on giving Susan after her- its your turn, if you want it.