
A Pain

Morning has been greeted by the melodious singing of the chicken crowing in the next place, enough to make noise for a few moments for the next row of rooms. Exactly the 11-20 rooms because over there coincided with the chicken farm.

Yes, even though it is not too close, if the sound appears not only from one chicken but from many chickens, it can be a problem for those who get the room over there. And of course, Mr. Joko's room was there too. Right in the most corner.

"Feel it the noise of the chicken next to, who is wrong who likes to give a surprise," said one of the students who bars in room 23.

Vino has woken up since 5.30 because he was busy going back and forth to the bathroom.

"Ouch so hurting!" He muttered as he held his buttocks and glazed in the mirror in the bathroom.

"Even though last night, it's normal, maybe because it's too enjoying it, so it's not like it!" He said to himself.

It can be said that last night they had sex for up to two rounds, indeed it felt like most of the foreign people were strong. But the pain in his buttocks was quite subsided because Vino took the anti-pain medication that he had prepared before.

Vino decided to return to the room by walking slowly because if he walked rather quickly, the pain he could still feel pretty well. Likewise, when sitting, he must be very careful when he was about to sit.

"Surely he was tired, so how could I not! Last night he was round, and at three o'clock in the morning I still wanted to continue the third round, I was not strong!" Vino murmured while sitting slowly on the sofa in the inn room.

Yes, it's quite extensive for two people, with large and wide bed facilities, so that they can go to the bathroom, and there is also a sofa in his room.

What clothes do you wear today? Thought Vino while choosing the clothes he wanted to wear today. Because today the ration should be relaxed, so Vino chose to wear an oversized shirt that is relaxed, so it is not too hot later.

"My Baby Boy!"

Vino was surprised when he was about to choose clothes for him to wear later, suddenly his lover man woke up from his sleeping sleep and called him with a call for the first time he heard.

"Hah?" Said Vino pretending not to hear what was just said by Bryant.

"My Baby Boy," Bryant answered in a hoarse voice that still looked very tired trying to call his new lover.

Vino immediately rushed to him and sat on the edge of the bed while stroking Bryant's head hair gently.

"Yeah, what's up hehe, already awake," said Vino in a spoiled tone to Bryant.

"Hmm yeah hehe, I'm so tired, but it's really happy too!" Bryant answered while kissing the back of Vino's hand.

Vino just hit him with a warm smile from him.

"Hmmm btw how are you? Are you alright? That one?" Asked Bryant while giving a code that he asked about Vino's buttocks.

"Ahhh, it's still a little pain," Vino answered while narrowing his eyes.

Bryant who heard that immediately got up from his fall, then sat next to Vino while grabbing his hand on Vino's body.

"Hmmm sorry, next time I'm not going to ask for around anymore, or if possible next time if we're just marrying!" Said Bryant while kissing Vino's cheek and forehead after that awakened his head on Vino's shoulder.

"Haha is Okay Bryant hehe really wants to wait for that long?" Vino asked teasing Bryant.

"Hmmm can anyway if you intend, as long as you are not tempted by you, hehe!" He answered while chuckling.

"Haha, there's just you baby!" Said Vino while ruffling his lover's hair.

"Just go Shower!" Said Vino

"Hmmm okay ready for my baby boy!" Bryant answered swiftly and immediately got upstanding from his seat then rushed to take a shower.

Vino, who was bathing, immediately prepared to change the clothes he wanted to wear later, and of course, he also prepared the same clothes for Bryant.

While waiting for Bryant to finish bathing, Vino took his lover's cellphone from the bedside table and put it on the table near the sofa along with the cellphone too. Because today there is a breakfast in the lodging lobby, so it's not too rushed to immediately be ready to come to the breakfast place, because if you are in a hurry, you will be afraid of queuing a lot. So Vino decided to relax a little.

Bryant came out of the bathroom naked while wiping his body which still had water traces that had not been completed to be dried with a towel.

Vino who saw that immediately looked away from Bryant's very tempting body, he immediately pretended to play with his cellphone.

"Hey why hehe?" Shouted Bryant who realized when Vino looked away from him after seeing him out naked.

"I use the towel!" Vino answered while bowing his head.

"Hey see," said Bryant lifting Vino's chin so that his girlfriend saw him.

"Don't be ashamed, anyways we have officially dated on November 22 yesterday in 2021 hehe, why are you still ashamed again hehe!" Said Bryant, smiling at Vino.

"Yes, you need adjustment times!" Vino answered while closing his eyes.

Bryant relented and decided to wear clothes that had been prepared by Vino, yes because he also knew that his new lover was still not accustomed to it so he understood him.

"Come breakfast!" Whispered Bryant while sitting next to Vino and embracing him.

"Yeah, come on, but don't get the way fast!" Vino answered miserably, asking for understanding from Bryant.

"Ahhh yeah, my boy is ready, or want me to carry it?" Bryant answered while offering himself.

"Ahh, no need to be dear, just like this hehe!" Vino answered as he got up.

Bryant just smiled because he saw his enthusiastic boyfriend. Today their schedule is to go to Banyu Biru Beach so they are given free time to be able to play there all day because it turns out that last night was announced that there were several beaches they would visit.

So it feels very interesting because many beaches will be visited.

Vino and Bryant walked out of his room and did not forget to lock the door of his room. They only carry small bags to fill it with equipment such as their cellphones and also their sunblock and sunscreen.


