
The power of a spirit master

Jake_Draper · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Ratar’s Entrance

The village was small but for our master, he didn't seem to mind. The only thing here worthwhile is our master and what he is searching for. Entering the largest building I'm met with golden walls shining brightly into my eyes. Some places I can't even look directly at. Between me and the master's room is a large golden door decorated and chiseled to meet his artistic preference. For a lesser demon, opening the doors is rather easy. Even if they weigh a few tons.

"What is it, Lasx? Master Ratar said while striking a large golden pillar with just his fists. 

His strength was more weight than the door. Just stepping inside the room is a challenge. Even with Resist Aura which is a race trait for demons, all of us still can't handle Lord Ratar. Except for one of course

"Lord, Ray is dead." I stated.

"Alright I'll be sure to summon another one to keep the troop numbers up."

"Well that sounds good lord but don't you want to know how he was killed?"

"He fought the dragon didn't he? The one close to the mountain tops. I can't believe I lost to a dragon. I'm the highest rank of demon there is. It's infuriating." His punches began to crack the gold

"Ray was defeated by a human."

"Hahahahaha. No, he wasn't. Whoever told you that had to have been jesting."

"It was Thra. And yes he used his demon invocation." I explained

"Thra huh. Well I guess it's true then. A human killing a lesser demon. We haven't seen that since the gods fell from the little hiding spot."

"Well Herderal was also there, my lord."

"Herderal? Well that explains everything. A human alone could never have beaten Ray. Herderal must have been the main reason for Ray's defeat. But wait, how did Herderal come back from my possession?"

"Thra is looking into the matter as we speak."

"He better come back with at least decent information."

"Wait what?" I say.

Gabe tries to stop me from talking but I walk outside the building just to make sure. Gabe makes sure to follow me.

"Yeah, I'm right. The demon is gone." I state. A smile grew on Gabes face but it quickly vanished.

"Hey kid if you were a demon given a command to look for something and found it what would you do?" Gabe asked.

"Well, I'd probably go back and report it to the one who commanded me." I played along

"I guess we're in deeper shit than I thought. Forget one, we're probably dealing with Ratars entire army."

"Where's Alter?"

'He's in his house. A few buildings down from the school." Gabe directs.

I rushed over leaving a huge cloud of dirt behind me as I ran. I made it to the door and began to knock repeatedly, almost knocking the door down. Alter then opens the door.

"Hey kid, is the demon gone?" Alter said.

"I need you to train me!"

"So I guess you're staying to fight? Why not leave and take zero risk?" Alter asked.

"How am I going to defeat Ratar if I run away from a few of his lackeys. If I did I never stood a chance in the first place."

"Alright. This path will be significantly harder on you. There will come a time when you might think of regret and feel only emptiness."

"What stands in front of me now is a challenge I need to overcome to help you guys. I don't care about the future."

"Very well. Then let's begin."

We quickly rushed over to the school and went into one of the open areas. He grabbed a sword from a bin full of them then joined me in the middle. 

"You're not going to use your main sword?" I asked.

"That sword only sees real battles. That's what these swords are here for."

I picked up my sword and we began. "To slow". My sword quickly fell out of my hands. He wasn't kidding when he said he went easy on me. I rushed in again with my sword but again I was quickly disarmed.

"You have a strong grip but you aren't using it correctly. You're still thinking of them as weapons not tools. Your hands have many uses. Consider your sword as your hands whenever you pick it up."

I keep up the fight but this time, though I struggle I keep the blade in my hand. Again we engaged but this time he went on the offensive. His speed and strength were both manageable but when it came to tricks like trying to throw me off balance and disarming me he had me cleanly outmatched. 

He once again tried getting rid of my weapon but this time I stabbed my hand into his weapon. Grabbing the blade and tossing it aside. As I got ready to swing I noticed that he was just standing there. I quickly stopped my attack.

"What was that?" He asked, looking at me with eyes I couldn't describe.

"I disarmed you." I replied.

"At the cost of your own arm?"

"It'll heal quick enough."

"Is this how you've won your battles? You've spent parts of your life on openings that could land you a win. Can't you tell that's wrong? Was there no other way for you to win? You have the speed and strength though you still believe you need these methods to win."

"Speed, strength, hell, even skill are things that failed when I fought those demons. Creatures with abilities I didn't even know existed. They have my strength and speed 10 fold and you expect me to win without so much as a scratch? How come they get to use their abilities but the moment I use mine it's a problem? I've never fought once in my life until recently."

"You talk with no experience then. I can bet that the only way you've won so far is by either immobilizing or surprising your foe. Can't you do those things without need for injury?"

"I-I mean I guess but it's easier."

"If you have lived your life only thinking of what would be easiest then maybe you should look back and think of what your life would have been had you put in a little effort."

I had no response. My body couldn't be controlled and I quickly rushed out of the school. I felt it reaching to the very depths. The place I fail to reach unless I dream. I made it to Gabe's house in tears. Gabe noticed me and quickly brought me to the living room. 

"I'm guessing Alter's words got to you huh? Hehe." Gabe laughed awkwardly. "I know how it must feel. I remember in training he would always get a little too into it. He sent many aspiring students down into the dumps."

"I guess it just hurts because it's true. I didn't think my body could react like this anymore. I thought my ability to reflect on the past was long gone."

"Well kid, the past haunts all of us, young and old. But you know, old guys like us gotta stick together." Gabe said jokingly. I form a small smile.

"Does it ever get easier?"

"No, honestly it gets far worse. You know, Ella wasn't my first child."


"No, our first was a boy but he didn't get the chance he deserved. He came out a little too late and shortly after his arrival he didn't last much longer. Before, I said if it was a boy I'd name him Arthur and I think that's a perfect name for you if you'd want it of course."

"Arthur. That's a great name. One I hope to live up to."

"I know you will."

I soon made it back to the school and sure enough Alter was waiting. Though he was waiting he was still surprised to see me by the look on his face. He quickly walked over to me.

"I assumed you went and talked with Gabe?" He guessed

"Yeah but that's not the only reason I came back. He made me realize something. From the moment I got here there was something new. A new version of me. Someone that got to experience this place without thoughts of my past. And now along with this new me is a name. My name is Arthur and regardless of my past I'll do whatever it takes to defend these people."

"Well said. You know, you're the first person to come back. Sometimes I take things a bit too seriously or too far. I've hurt people with my words more times than I could count. I guess I'm really glad that of all students to leave from my words, you were the one that chose to stay. Alright let's get back to training." he stood up.

Alter and I trained day in and day out. Both of our stamina were far greater than anyone normal. Sometimes Ella, Ascal, and Gabe would pop in to see how we were faring until eventually a time came when we had the best match yet. A battle where I stood my ground with a sword master. In the middle of training I noticed a multitude of demons had entered the area.

The door to the training room slams open. Gabe, Ella, and Ascal all enter the room.

"Our scouts spotted multiple demons approaching." Gabe announced with fierce eyes.

"They'll be here soon." I stated and from what I can sense there has to be at least 5 of them.

"Ok well I think it should just be the three of us." Gabe says to both me and Alter.

"Hey but we can fight too!" Both Ella and Ascal protest.

"You guys just fought, you're still recovering." Gabe says making an excuse. 

"Oh come on dad can't you see we healed. If there's a group of them you'll need as many numbers as you can." 

"No!" Gabe snaps, "I will not allow it. You both are not ready. What we are up against are creatures both of you couldn't defeat with multiple handicaps. We three will have to be enough." Gabe calms himself down.

Both Ella and Ascal who were too frightened to even respond turned and left the room. Hell even I could've wet myself had I not been careful. Gabe sent us all to the surface using a magic item from his pocket. The city soon after went into full lockdown, leaving us three outside. 

"We're as ready as we'd ever be." I said.

"Here's hoping this doesn't all go to shit." Alter exclaims.

"We have Arthur. Had it not been for him I wouldn't have even considered this option." Gabe explained.

"I won't let you down." I state with a confident tone.

Through the forest of ever multiplying trees grew an intense aura. An aura I've come to hate the feeling of. Its energy was immense, far worse than the two I had fought. I know I sounded confident but am I really ready? Has my time down in the city been time well spent? I thought of Herderal, Ella, Ascal, Gabe, and Alter. All those who need me to be ready. 

Soon the demons arrived and I was right, there are five of them. From the left there was one that seemed to not really care for being here, To the right was one that was chatting up the group trying to stand out, but they were all ignoring him. One seemed to have a far smaller presence but the one next to him had by far the strongest appearance out of all of them. The last one was the one that was here earlier. I guess he was the one that guided them here.

"You ready Arthur?" Gabe asked me

"Of course I am." I responded as they approached us.