
The Power Of A Shadow Monarch! ; Multiversal Journey [CW: OPM]

Huh? I fought a whole army, defeated the monarchs who were even more stronger than before... What do you mean I can't go back to my world!? ...I see. So, my existence will destroy the world you say? Fine, let me just choose a successor and then I will go in slumber, I am tired of this already. I spent 90 years for f**ks sake. And this is the treatment I get... THIS GUY, I CHOOSE THIS KID. He seems to have great endurance like I had when I was younger, the determination to survive as well. Though the world treated him harshly. It isn't his fault. . . . . Meet Ether, the successor of the strongest Shadow Monarch, and see him, going though multiple worlds, trying to enjoy his life but getting dragged in the story lines, though he likes it. . . . . This is my first fan fiction novel, so if there are mistakes do point it out, and yeah, I will be giving it proper updates. Though do check out my original novel as well. Anyways, the current world is: 1. One Punch Man! 2. ??? Do drop powerstones. Thank you.

TheDarkestFragment · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 2 : Caped Baldy.

Chapter 2 : Caped baldy.

Waiting for a while, a portal like thing appeared in front of me, where an angelic like being guided me towards. I was inside a city of some sort... A city in ruins?

The moment I was about to ask a question, the angel disappeared. I explored a bit, not by myself ofcourse. I had the shadows move around it to inspect it properly. Until, one of the connections was lost. All I saw from its eyes was, a bald guy with a cape on, staring it.

Noticing this enemy, I sensed great danger from it. Immediately, I called back all my shadows, once that was done. I headed in its direction, it looked like a human after all, and I would maintain my distance.

[Insert the image of Saitama with groceries. ]

Once I reached the southern part, I saw it again, I stood at the top of a building, with my enhanced senses, including my eyesight, I could clearly look at it from above. It seemed to be carrying... Groceries? Huh? Why does it seem familiar... I feel like I have seen him somewhere...

After pondering for a while, I received a message from the system.


Seriously? Is it because I did his training? Well, this was pretty... Unexpected to say the least. But, it now makes sense how I lost the connection so quickly, and didn't even know how that happened when he was just standing there... Menacingly.

I think he sensed me too. Oh well, I have no intention to provoke someone as strong as him, in a fight, which I definitely won't win.

I guess, it would be a better choice to make him my friend, I will give him discount coupons and vouchers, after stealing it from a supermarket. Though, before that, I have to confront him as of now. Because, he definitely... Isn't in my sight anymore-

"Yo. What are you looking at? There's nothing down there. And are you a stalker or a thief? Do you wanted to steal my groceries? If yes, I will punch you. "

Knew it. He was standing behind me the whole time.

I got up from my sitting position, and turned around to face the strongest person in this universe. He was looking at me with his dumb expression he shows to every strong monster, of course weak, for him.

[Insert Saitama's relaxed face here. -_- ]

"You see, I have lost the way to my home. Could you kindly tell me in which direction it is? " I asked in the most kind and humble voice I could muster.

"Oh, is that so? Sorry for calling you a thief earlier. So, where do you live? ", Saitama apologized and asked me while scratching the back of his head.

"City Z, the middle-eastern part. There's an apartment there, I reside at the third floor. Could you guide me there? " as I said so, Saitama while pointing his finger at himself said, "Hey, are you joking with me? I live in the middle of the city Z as well. And, this is city Z. "





I had one of my shadow go in the middle of the city, where saitama lives, and found more abandoned apartments in the process, as to not raise a suspicion, I chose the apartment just behind his.

Later, he asked me some questions, as to how much time I have spent living there, my name, age, and so on. After that, we reached his apartment, I then showed him my 'house', and he said with a thinking pose, that now he understands why he didn't encounter me up till now. And was also surprised that I lived behind him all this time.

Though, I also told him, that I went on a vacation for 2 years, that's why I wasn't here. Nodding in understanding, he invited me to his home, which I declined, then I entered the supposedly apartment which I chose to live in starting today.

Although, there was dust here and there, some web at the corners, and hidden monsters which were swiftly killed and absorbed inside my army.

After that, I put my shadows to work, while Beru and Igris were put in charge, they were renovating my house, then I went outside again, this time towards saitama's apartment, I had to gain a lot of information along with forming a good and friendly relationship with him.

There was a thought that crossed my mind once... What if, he turns into a shadow? Wouldn't I have another commander then? And a limitless one... Though, discarded the thought as quickly as it came, as I knew, I was nowhere as strong to even put a scratch on his body.


Pressing the doorbell once, I waited for him to open the door, after hearing some footsteps coming near the door, I was welcomed inside by him. Soon, I found that, Genos wasn't here, I deduced the time line being before the starting of the anime.

Saitama lied down on the floor and started eating chips while watching TV. I sat down near the table as well, interested in the news of the current time.

The TV showed a monster appearing next to City A, a purple alien... Who defeated many A rank heroes with ease. Saitama, got up with a serious expression, and changed his usual clothes to his hero costume. Just before he was about to go out, he remembered my existence. And asked me whether I was a hero too or not.

With a smile I told him, I am a hero too, (Which of course was a lie.) and asked him whether I could accompany him.

With a nod of approval, I went out alongside him. Just before he dashed on the road, he told me to keep up. Then, went away in a flash.

While chuckling at the odd situation, I called out Kaisel. Getting on top of him, we took off. Soon, catching up with saitama. Though, he was shocked, but continued his pace though a bit more faster, leaving me behind.

[Insert image of Kaisel. ]








These humans... They have no purpose other than acting like bacteria on Earth. Damaging it, using the resources, they have polluted this world, thus, due to the consequence of their actions, I was born by mother Earth.

In the crater formed at the center of the city, stood an abnormality, a purple creature with antenna, polished muscles, and a giant like height.

[Insert image of Vaccine-Man here. ]

Sounds of crying could be heard, a little girl, with a teddy in her hand, was crying loudly, vaccine man noticing this, approached her, his hand increasing in size, he tried to crush the girl in his palm. But, a flash came.

A bald man wearing a yellow tracksuit, red gloves and boots. A white cape on him, fluttering in the air, had saved the girl. It was none other than Saitama.

"Who the hell are you!? How dare you interfere with my job of exterminating the human race!? I was born from the excessive pollution humans caused to mother earth, to erase such bacteria from the face of mother earth, I have been born! I am vaccine man!! ", he said so while turning into a wild monster which looked scary, but not fazed saitama in the slightest.

"Oh? I didn't expect you to catch up so soon. " Saitama said so, while looking at the sky above, a huge shadow covered the area, vaccine man stopped for few moments and looked above.

A black dragon like creature was flying above their heads, and on top of it, was a shadowy figure. He leaped down without a care, and caused smoke and debris to fall around due to the impact of his fall.

After the smoke subsided, a figure, a 19 year old young man, with a perfect shape of a face, wearing a black overcoat, underneath it a black shirt, totally not helping hiding the muscles he possessed, he also wore black trousers, shoes of the same color, and gloves. His hair, being jet black, a puff on his head through his hair, eyes shining in blue, looked in the direction of the monster.

"So, you are the one who is causing trouble everywhere in the city. How about you end this here, and leave peacefully, or you will die here. "

The moment, Ether finished speaking, vaccine man, lunged at him, though he was met with air, "If you wish to hit me, you will have to be faster than that. " Daggers in his hand now, he disappeared in an instant, and slashed vaccine man's arms off.


"Saitama, you don't mind if I kill him right? Sorry, for stealing your kill by the way. " While sighing, Saitama said to Ether to do whatever he wanted to do. After getting the approval of the strongest man, Ether who was dodging all the attacks thrown by vaccine man, kills him swiftly with a gun.


[Insert a image of the eagle pistol here. I know Jin Woo didn't have a weapon like that, this is non canon. And a fan fiction :p]





After killing off the purple thing, which was done by my new neighbor, Ether, and getting dissapointed once more of not finding a worthy opponent, I head home with Ether, but this time, I was on a dragon like creature.

"Where did you even get this thing from? " Saitama asked me, I explained him, that this was a part of my ability. Though I didn't reveal everything, I made sure to tell him, I get stronger by killing monsters, so that in the future, when I ask saitama to let me handle it, he complies without much resistance.

After all, I need to level up quickly, I can't have myself killed yet. If, I am going to get sent to world's of fictions, then I am more interested in living with as much strength I can to adventure through and most importantly survive.

I also wished to have a peaceful life, with a family of my own, and making sure that my son wouldn't be bullied like I was, and won't be driven to make harsh choices. Thus, all of it required, great power-no-ultimate power, which had no rival.

In an hour, we reached the apartments, dropping saitama off his residence, I headed towards the place where hero exams were happening, I was always interested to be a part of an organization which fights off evil.





"What the f**k is that!? "

"Did I drink too much? Guess, I will spend this weekend with my family instead. "

"Is that a plane? No idiot, look properly, it has weird wings, which are moving constantly. Then, is it a bird? Or a monster? I think it's a monster. Shouldn't we call the hero association for this? Already ahead of you buckaroo. I have called them, they will be sending a hero here soon. "






After startling the people around, who were recording all of this, a man coming down from a dragon, surely is a rare sight.

I walked over to the entrance of the gate towards examination room, which ofcourse wasn't smooth, as I was stopped in my tracks by the bodyguards. They pointed their guns at me, though I crushed it with my another skill. Known as [Ruler's Authority] which was like telekinesis.

Soon after, a tall, lean-built young man with spiky black hair. He wears a tight black suit, which appears to be made of bandages. He carries a large spear with him that has a brown handle and a large spearhead at the end. Supposedly being an A Class hero arrived the scene, known by the hero name, 'Stinger.'

[Insert picture of the A Class, Ranked 10th hero, Stinger here. ]

"It was reported that a monster was seen in the air and around the scene, so where is it? "Stinger asks the bystanders, they all point towards me. Which I find pretty rude, well whatever I guess, I once more requested the guards to move out of the way, but they were still standing there while trembling, ready to fight if needed.

I appreciated their bravery, but it was foolish to fight a person who they see as a monster which they clearly can't defeat.

Just then, I felt a hand on my shoulder, turning around I look at stinger who looks pretty much the same as shown in the manga and anime.

"Yes? How may I help you?" I asked politely, scaring some bystanders. Stinger was a bit confused, as to why they saw an individual such as in front of him as a monster, when it can be seen, that it's just a normal person.

"Ah, no nothing, just tell me. Was there a monster here a while ago? "

"...No, I wouldn't call myself a monster, I am an enhanced human, with some out of the world abilities, but I definitely don't think of myself as a monster which everyone seems to think of me as. Anyways, I am here to take the hero test, but these guys aren't letting me pass. Can you help me out? You seem to be a trusted person for them. "

After giving my explanation, Stinger who was still a bit confused agreed, but said, that he would be spectating all of it, which I agreed to. After all, having someone of high position vouch for me, would definitely be great.






First it was the physical exam, which I aced in, of course I made sure not to destroy things like saitama did, I just sent them out of the place far enough to go through many cities.

After breaking all the previous scores, it was time for the written exam. It asked many things, like what would you do if your were faced with a situation where you can only save one person, then some options were given.

There was personal questioning too, I made sure not to ruin it like saitama did. After all, that guy wrote and said, that he would just punch it.

I gave them a show of my powers just in case they didn't believe my answers, then waited for the results.





After a month or so, I received an envelope. Which I opened along with Saitama.

Glad, I made it there. Phew. I thought I would be failed because of destroying more than half of the portion of the practical exam area.

Saitama, asked me what would this even do, I told him about my interest, and he just scoffed. Giving me a thumbs up, he also asked about my hero costume. Which I pondered about later at the night.

Oh and by the way, I wasn't fooling around in the month of spare time, I had my shadows go on a daily patrol at nights, around the city A, Z and few others where an S Class hero didn't live. My army expanded a lot too. Then, my eyes changed to violet, after reaching level 100.

I also don't require sleep now, then I stole some kills from Saitama without him knowing, I had killed the brother duo, the hidden stew and many more. (Sorry forgot the name.)

By the way, it seems due to this being an alternative time line, meeting with genos hasn't happened yet. The mosquito girl hasn't appeared either.

While I was patrolling at night, I was met with Amai Mask (Sweet Mask) . He asked me few things here and there, as to how was the test, and me replying that it was easy for people like me, though perfect for the normal people.

He later on congratulated me, while saying he expects a lot from me, then walked off. The same thing he did with Genos, honestly, I was surprised at first, but got annoyed after getting the same response as he gave to Genos.





At the hero association.

"Did you hear about the new recruit? It's said that he has the ability to call out creatures from hell, and can use magic from hell. "

"Those are rumors, until we confirm it ourselves, they will remain like that. "

"Sir, a footage has been transferred from City A, and few in the vicinity. I think you all should see this. "

As the female assistant said so, the huge computer screen switched from showing random data of the state of the cities, to a camera footage displaying shadow like creatures slaughtering monsters back and forth.

Seeing the gesture of one of them, the video paused at the point of time where, Ether is shown, standing at the top of a sky scraper, and disappearing in the next frame.

"Is that the one who broke the practical records? And then also aced the written exams? "

"Yes sir, this is Ether, he described himself as a summoner of some sort, who can summon souls from hell, to obey his commands. He also possesses incredible physical poweress, which was proved when he fought the A Class hero, 'Stinger', completely overpowering him in battle, which is a great feat. "

"Should we put him in A Class? "

"No, look at that footage, he wasn't even trying, then look at the size of that army, he could topple most of the cities with the sheer quantity. Then, there's also his other abilities which we are still unaware of. We should put him in S Class, and see how he does. "

"Good idea, with this we can also see his capabilities, if he is below the expectations, we will simply put him in A Class."

Like that, the Class for Ether was decided.





While the next day, a handsome young man, is seen, he seems to be looking around corpses who had their blood sucked out.

'Target Acquired'





See the next chapter on next week.

Chapter 3 : Meeting the Demon Cyborg!


Total words : 2978 🗿

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