
Chapter 1 - Brave women

Ellyza Daniel was an ordinary woman she was 30 years old now, separated and having a 2 years old son. She have an innocent beauty, white skin and sexy body despite of her ex husband separated her because of rich girl.

She's a brave woman, she survives all the trial she's encountered in her life, but sometimes she feel hopeless just like now looking at her son. Thinking how to survive just like an ordinary girl she can feel weak. She need to do everything for his son.

Ellyza open her cellphone and go to we chat. She remember her friends told her, "you know what Ellyza! Melany have rich foreigners husband" Really? Yes where she meet that foreigners? "In we Chat".

Ellyza was looking in her we chat ID, she try to shake her cellphone, and suddenly someone great her in we chat. " hi there" ellyza throw her cell phone in her bed because of shock, she's slowly took her cell phone again she look at the profile of the man but there's no picture in his profile. She reply Hi! to him.

"Can you be my friend? the guy ask her

"Yah sure" Ellyza said.

How old are you? "

I'm 30" and you?

I'm 33. What is your country? "he asked.

I'm from Philippines.

How about you?"

I'm from Korea, do you know any actors here in Korea?

"No I don't know them why? I answered to him.

" Nothing! Can I see you in cam? Ellyza was a little bit nervous but she answered yes, because of that the guy was immediately called her. Because of nervous instead she answer the call she cancelled the call. "Oh my god I've cancelled it.

Why you cancelled? he ask me

Ops sory you can call again. Her phone ring again, she slowly answer. Hi how are you? I'm Jake, how about you?

"I'm Ellyza," she feel nervous because this Jake not only handsome but very handsome he looks like an actor in short ideal man. Jake was looking at her and smile, hm your very beautiful jake said.

Ellyza was blushing because of shyness. Can you be my friend jake asking her. "Yah sure" they asking there personal information to each other, Ellyza told to jake everything even her son.

In her mind jake was only friend nothing more. And jake told her that he want only a friend, maybe because he have a girlfriend. She feel a little bit pain she ignore that and be satisfied.

Jake everyday call her sometimes she want to ignore his call but there a strong power that she cant ignore his call. She feel a little bit nervous, what if she fall to jake? I think he have a girlfriend.

In Korea Jake was a famous actor his real name was Lee Chang heon. In his house after his shooting he took his cp and smiled he can't believe that there's a girl didn't know him because of that he become more and more interested to Ellyza in fareness she was very beautiful even without make up.

He become more more addicted to call her everyday. "Oh my god what happened to me? I think I'm going cracy, remember she's having a son and separated. But she's really very beautiful". Tsk... Never mind I just need a friend outside the country it's very convenient to him because he feel ordinary people when he talk to her. He smiled and dial the we chat ID of Ellyza. Ellyza was taking a bath she didn't notice Jake called her. Asher was right playing in the room and answered the call of Jake.

Jake smile and said "hi" I'm your mom's friend I'm jake how about you what is your name? Asher just looking at him and ignore him keep clicking the keypad of laptop because of that asher accidentally hide the cam of Jake and screen shot the screen and send to him. Oh what is this her son playing her laptop, where's ellyza? He look again the cam, son of Ellyza was not there only empty bed he can see in his cam the shower room was open.

Ellyza was wearing a peace of towel and wet hair, he want to close the cam but his mind said no. Ellyza go to other side of bed and open the cavinet she wearing underwear now and take off her towel. Jake feel hot and difficult to breathe ellyza was very sexy and having a beautiful and white skin complexion anyman can turn on. He end the call and go to shower to relax his body.

Saturday morning ellyza praparing a breakfast for her son, after their eating she was thinking why jake not call her in the past few days. What happen to him? Maybe he was busy to his girlfriend hayst what happen to me. Don't expect to much to him.

I forget him I need to find a job or sideline for my son. "Knock knock" there's a visitor who's there? Its me Lanie. Lanie it was her youngest sister. She open the door, why are you here? Nothing I just miss my nephew where he is? He's playing inside room.

Can I have sideline in your salon Monday to Friday only? I need a job that I can bring my son. "hm ok sure you can start on Monday" thank so much.

"I go to asher I have something to give to him" Okei. Lanie gave asher a chocolate, what's that? Chocolate no no no give it to me, he finish all that if you give all this to him, just give him one only. " OK baby only one chocolate for now, tomorrow your mom give you another one okei" hmm Okei asher answer. Very good, good boy love you mwuah mwuah. I have to go now bye bye. "bye bye untie".

Ellyza start cleaning the house and after cleaning he bathed asher after he got dressed she took a bath too then she prepared there meal. After a meal they go to room to sleep. After few mins her phone ringing she saw it's jake she feel nervous again. Ellyza answer his call, jake appear on the screen.

"Hi how are you? I miss you.. Ellyza was blush erm hmm really? Yes why you don't miss me? "No no I don't" I'm busy. Hm I'm sad because you don't miss me last time I call you but your son answered my call. Really? I don't know. "yes I know you don't know jake laugh" why are laughing? Nothing secret... Hm what is your secret? Tell me! Secret Jake answer while smiling. "hmm okei" Ellyza blushing again.

Monday to Friday don't call me because I'm starting working on Monday at salon I have no time. You can call me on Saturday and Sunday. What? I can do that, I'm gonna miss you! I'm sorry I need to work for my son. How about your son deed you bring him in your work? Yes I bring him. Ah okei then I call your son not you while your working. Jake! Why? I miss you everyday I can do that. We're only friend why you miss me? Why there's a law that I can't miss my best friend? Ellyza was silent she feel pain again best friend only. "Okei I have to go now I have something to do off your phone now. Then ellyza off the call not waiting to speak Jake. Wait wait said Jake but his phone call off, hasst how can she endure not to call me in a week? I think I going crazy if I don't call her. And now she working at salon, I know there's a lot of man there what if there's a man courting her what I'm going to do? She didn't know how I miss her and how difficult to control his self not to call her Last few days, but I can't endured, I'm going crazy I miss her terribly. That witch what she do to me she using me a voodoo.

Monday Ellyza wake up early to prapare breakfast and for their lunch. Asher asher baby wake up take a shower and let's eat you will go with me at salon mommy need to work to buy a food and milk for you.

At the salon there's a lot of customers ellyza have 2 client a girl and boy. The boy always looking at her while his customer talking her.

Jake call her in her we chat. She ignore the call but her son answered jake call. Jake appeared in the screen while asher say hello to jake. Jake smiled and say hi asher how are you where's your mom? There asher said, accidentally the cam of her phone point to Ellyza and to her client while their talking and smiling.

Jake feel angry and jealous he off the call and lay down to his bed that girl she don't want me to call her because she was busy with onother guy. Who's that guy? Why they look like very close? Haissst she the only girl ignore me, I can believe her. I stop calling her from now on I won't call her unless she call me first. A week later Jake can't concentrate in his shooting he feel jealous and jealous because until now Ellyza not calling him.

The first time he saw her, he was astounded in her beauty and never forget her, when he tell to ellyza that he like her as best friend his heart said no but he can't voice out, he worries that if he say I like her she turn off to me. Haissst what I'm going to do. I need to talk to her, I need to call her or else I loss her.

Jake looking at his cell phone in his desk waiting a call from ellyza until he deside to call her but only ringing no one answer Haissst why your not answering my call?

Saturday ellyza day off she rest with her son in their room. While they lay down she look at the wall and thinking maybe Jake has really have a girl friend and he was busy to his girlfriend, ellyza feel a pain but she ignored that feeling she took her cell phone and open her we chat there's a miss call and message from Jake.

Why your not answering my call? Ellyza reply "I can hear your call, you can call me now" Jake call her immediately, "hello why you ignore me almost I week? Jake said.

Ignore you? but your not calling me how can I ignore you? And I'm busy too with my work. From now on your not allowed to work or to go out without telling me where to go! "what " are you crazy? Who are you? Your not my boyfriend. How can we live if I'm not working? I have a son. Crazy man!

Yes I'm going to insane of jealousy because I like you! From now on I'm your man and you are mine no one allow to touch you understand? Ellyza was shocked and blushing. What did you say? I said I like you. I like you so much. From now on I give you allowance and your son your not allowed to work okei. "But" Stop just listened to me Jake said. I'll help you, I give you everything you want okei, let's find a lot and we build a house for you and to your son I plan everything just follow me okei.

Ellyza was silent and crying because in her heart she really like Jake and also she really need a support. She have no choice but to grab this fortune just like the other girl.