
The Possessive CEO's Broken Maid

[WARNING: CONTAINS MATURE EVENTS, TRIGGERING EVENTS, RAPE] Read at your own risk. "Are you afraid of falling in love?" He asks. She replies with tears in her eyes, "Aren't you, Mr. Knight?" "There's only one way to know." He replies, kissing her forehead, then her tears and he begins to trail down to her lips. Ezra Knight is a billionaire with bad habits. Laborious at day and notorious at night. He once lived with pride but now he is in a pit of humiliation and darkness. His live-in maid committed suicide but the blame goes on him. Accused of physically abusing the victim made him the villain in the eyes of New Yorkers. Now Ezra Knight is looking for another live in Maid. Scarlet Martinez, wants to escape his Italian Mafia husband. Working as a maid under Ezra was her safest option untill she figured her new boss is a suspect for killing his own maid. What's a better choice for her? Going back to her devil husband or keep working under the ruthless villain CEO and hope for the best? Is it only a fight to survive or something more can come out of it?

RiyaSarkar24 · Urban
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148 Chs

Waking Up Next Morning

That night she couldn't sleep. It wasn't because she was having a nightmare or something but it was because of what Jones, the butler of Mr. Knight said. His warnings left a deep impact on her mind. She's triggered, that's what she is ready to admit but still she can't bring herself to be scared of him. Something about him doesn't make her nerves run cold, instead seeing him makes her calm and secure.

Tossing around again in her bed she sighs, "what the heck is my problem?" she scolds herself. "Why am I even having these thoughts?" she sits up straight rubbing her palms over her face and groans, "maybe I should have a cup of tea." Thinking that she rests her legs down the bed when suddenly Jones' warnings came into her mind. Immediately she tucked herself to the bed again remembering Mr. Knight indeed is drinking tonight. Maybe going to the kitchen tonight will be a bad decision.

The next morning came too soon for her as the whole night she just kept on turning and tossing on her new bed and thinking bizarre things. Finally seeing the sun come up she rises from her bed too. "Now, I need to prepare for my first day." She went into the washroom which was attached to her bedroom. She brushed then showered, after showering she puts on a descent clothing as because Mr. Knight still hasn't given her any attire or uniform. She saw Jones yesterday wearing a crisp black and white suit so, she assumes that must be his uniform but about her she has no idea neither the job application had any information on it nor Jones said anything about it. Mr. Knight could've at least said that to her before showing her his back.

Now that she remembers, she has no idea about today's routine either. "Oh no! What do I do now?" Slapping her forehead, "I guess I can't forever ignore him, I have to face him alright."

Ezra's eyes flutter open when a certain sound of removing curtains assonates in the room. His eyes briefly caught a vision of a slender silhouette, the hour glass figure struggling with the long curtains of his room made him smile. Seeing Stella the first thing in the morning is something he didn't expect but now that he's blessed with the sight, he's going to enjoy it.

Upon successfully tucking the curtains to the side of the window she opens it to let the fresh breeze come inside. Breathing in the fresh air to her heart's content, she turns around to the sleeping figure and frowns in confusion. "How do I wake him up now?" She mutters to herself but little did she know that the sleeping figure isn't exactly sleeping.

He is hearing everything with his eyes closed and fighting the urge to smile at her cuteness. He heard her stepping close to the bedside where he's sleeping as the clanking of her heels with the marble surface echoes.

Pressing her lips against each other, she contemplates on calling him out or not. What if he again shows a cold shoulder for interrupting his sleep? But then again what if he gets angry at her for not attending him on a reasonable time? Ugh! She sighs and decides to try her luck in interrupting his beauty sleep. "Mr. Knight?"

His breath hitched.

He curses his damn luck for having this kind of reaction to just hearing her voice.

Her pure as a melody voice felt like music to his ears. Everything about her already intrigued him yesterday but the way she purrs his name out from her lips, aroused him in every way possible.

"Mr. Knight?" She calls out again but no movement from his side. Should she shake him? Wait, is touching her boss appropriate? No, wait; it's not like she's touching him sexually, just a tap on his arm would do.

She hopes.

Walking closer to his bedside she lets her eyes roam over his sculpted face. Chapped lips in a straight thin line makes him look serious even in his sleep, seeing his sharp jawline made her fingers twitch wanting to glide over it, while his thick eyebrows compliment perfectly his face.

She pouts leaning closer to his face, "I want to see those eyes though," but then she sighs in defeat as he wouldn't allow her to see his ocean blue eyes when he's sleeping.

She feels embarrassed looking at him up close, and if he wakes up now he might peg her as a creepy lady.

Hesitating if she should touch him or not but eventually extends her shaking hand over the comforter and swiftly taps two times over it before swiftly removing her hand back to her. She looks back at his face only to find him still in his position.

Huffing out her frustration she decides to just tap on his bare arms. "Mr. Knight, slept without a shirt perhaps." Muttering to herself she curls and uncurls her fingers in hesitation before tapping on his thick muscled arms. This time though she admired his strength with her fingers running gently on his skin. She shamelessly admires him before shaking her head and chuckling to herself, she taps on his arms along with calling his name, "Mr. Knight, wake up please." But to her dismay he didn't wake up.

"Oh, come on." She sighs, "if he doesn't wake up then who will tell me what to do?" Again, looking back at his face she saw him sleeping peacefully yet seems to be on alert. "What do I do with you?"

She decides to just straight away shake his sleepy head lightly, alas, the danger zone she enters. Taking a deep breath, she leans close to his face again and ignores the admiration her eyes are asking her to do to his face. "Mr. Knight, I'm Stella, please wake up." She says bringing her hand closer to cup his cheek when suddenly her movement froze resulting her to gasp because of his tight grip on her wrist. It took her time to register what had happened; Ezra Knight caught her hand mid air. Her cheeks now turned red feeling embarrassed how her boss has to see her in this pathetic situation.

His ocean blue eyes turned icy as if the coldness inside him started to arise while his stare on her became intense with each passing second. She gulps and starts to stutter, the close proximity between them is dangerous and way too risky.

"Mr. Knight- I…"

His gaze drops down to her lips. "Prepare me a warm bath, will you?"

"Yes- yes Sir." Her stuttering brings his gaze back to her terrified eyes.

The fear in her eyes brought certain crimson memories to him and immediately removed his grip from hers.

Taking that as her cue to leave, she hurried inside the bathroom while he rakes his hands through his hair in anger. He thought he would enjoy this little play with her but it seems like she fears him. Of course, any woman would fear him now, that the news is all over the channels. They all make assumptions on him and Stella, isn't any different from them.

Stella, quickly filled his massive bath tub with warm water before sprinkling the bath salts and a bath bomb inside to bubble up. She felt him walking inside and so, she turned back to acknowledge him with a nod but got busy staring at his sculpted body. She closes her eyes immediately and tries hard to not bring a smile on her face. She clears her throat, "your bath is prepared, anything else Sir?"

He nods at her, "I need you…"

She reacted even before he could complete his sentence. "Excuse me?" She asks with a frown to clarify if she heard him right or not but he simply smiles.

"I need you," He steps inside the bathroom further towards her, eyes fixed with her curious ones, "to steam press my office attire, Ms. Robinson. Do you have a problem with that?"

Shaking her head in shame, 'no- not at all, Sir."

"Good." He says, not even for once his amusement filled eyes falter.

She knew her boss was enjoying the clumsiness and the little slip ups occurred by her but that just made her more furious with herself.

The day just started and she already made a fool of herself. She walks away passing him and exits the bathroom. "Oh, I forgot to ask him about the breakfast." She swiftly walks back into the bathroom again only to find him pulling out himself out of his boxers. "Oh shit." She gasps not just looking at him being almost naked but him being hard and almost naked.

"Ms. Robinson." He froze sensing her stare at him and instantly turned his front away from her wide shocked eyes. "Do you mind turning around?"

She instantly follows and inhales deep breaths. "I'm sorry."

He says, "just state your reason for barging in."

Scarlett feels bad hearing his cold tone that's too early in the morning but she knows it's understandable, even if she would react the same. "I wanted to know what would you prefer for breakfast?"

Ezra, lets out a frustrated groan. It's his fault, he shouldn't have ignored her last night and should have told her the rules and regulations. He could have even asked Jones for it but damn him and his brain. Only because of him, she's feeling humiliated in her own eyes. He's disgracing an innocent woman with his own foolish cowardly behavior shown last night.

Taking a deep breath he says, "a list is prepared by my nutritionist, you may find it in one of the drawers of the kitchen."

"Okay, Sir…" She spoke before leaving but again she turned while keeping her eyes closed for his comfort, "and I promise this wouldn't happen again. Sorry for the inconvenience."

His mouth falls open seeing her modesty, "it's…" okay. He wanted to say but she sprinted off like a lightning bolt. He wanted to say it's okay to make mistakes, a part of him even wanted to tease her for her silliness but then he doesn't know if that's even appropriate in her eyes. He wants the thin line between them to be maintained but then again for how long? Looking at his hardness down there he lets out a slight chuckle.

The temptress doesn't seem to have any idea what effect she has on him, maybe, that's what draws him more towards her. His little vixen will be the death of him.