
The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Disclaimer: MC is bisexual! Book One Finish! Warning: Arc One is terribly written; Arc Two is where the plot gets better. **** "I'm bored."  Neban Zaal, an SS-level hunter, was tired of being one. And even though he does not mind working all the time, he did not like fame nor being in the spotlight; plus, he never wanted to be a hunter in the first place.  He only became a hunter to provide for his son when he unexpectedly became a single father. But, after three years of being a hunter and making more than enough money to provide for his child for a lifetime, he is ready to quit.  So, he did what he finally wanted to since day one; he disappeared from the life of being a hunter.  But, he was always the type that had to work, or he would become too bored. He decided to do the next best thing to give him more freedom, but enough to make him feel like he is working: he became a porter.  Follow Neban in his adventure at keeping his SS-level a secret as he works as a porter while trying to stick to the shadows.  Remember, secrets always find a way into the light.  **** * Cover art commissioned from ukhyukhy 

RJMidnight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
91 Chs

Division Broken

Neban woke up to someone jumping on the bed. "Papa, papa! Wake up already! Grandma made some breakfast." 

Then he heard another voice say, "You should jump on his chest." 

Neban opened his eyes when he felt his son getting on top of him. Theo bent down to where they were face to face. He gave a wide grin as he looked at his dad. 

"Good morning, Theo." Neban greeted as his voice sounded more profound than before. 

"Morning, papa. Grandma made some food for us. If you did not hurry, Siren said they were going to eat it all." 

Neban glanced over at the other voice he heard, which was Siren. They were sitting on a chair in the room as their form was now a teenager. 

Feeling his gaze, Siren looked over with a sly smirk as they had a plate of food, eating it as they never looked away. 

Neban rolled his eyes at the behavior before sitting up, taking Theo with him. "I'm getting up."