
Chapter 44 : Be Careful What You Wish For


The next day, things start feeling much worse in the studio. I reached out to Asher last night, and he didn’t get back to me until this morning.

‘Looking into something. Sorry, I didn’t message you back. Call me tonight?’

I don’t understand what’s happening on Asher’s end, but I text him back that I’ll reach out. I send him kissing faces, weary of how he’ll respond, until he sends me them back, as well as a few hearts.

I don’t think whatever’s going on involves Asher being distant with me. But I still stress as I leave the hotel and return to David’s studio. I was hoping Asher was going to consider coming to L.A. I would love to see him, spend my nights wrapped in his arms, and bring him around to meet everyone.

But instead, I’m by myself, still, with no understanding of what’s on Asher’s mind.