
The Poor Guy's Slave

Spending his nights going through tissues and watching adult videos, Ceil had coined himself a bum, a nobody. He's never recognized at work, his boss gets his name wrong, and people tend to sidestep him. But all that changes the day Ceil makes a moral decision and saves a real prick from being killed by a car. Of course, this upsets the life and death quota, so the Director of Hell agrees to give him a chance at becoming a Master of a Sex slave. Sounds great, right? Biting off more then you can chew can sometimes make even the tastiest of things hard to swallow.

Natashia_Lou · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Wet In The Shower

Hot water beat against my back. The usual smell of stale water and lime filled my nose as I took a deep breath of the steam.

I would have traded any hot sexual sweaty, multiple-orgasm dream that I kept in my personal rated X adult collection of memories if I could just wake up tomorrow, and this had all been a nightmare. I would rather forget Rose than see her with another man. Speaking of man, what if I killed that snobby bastard office worker, the one I saved that got me into this mess? Would that break me free of this whole contract Master slave thing?

Serving jail time wasn't an option, unfortunately. Both my parents were still alive, and even though we didn't talk, I couldn't possibly disappoint them further.

I wanted to cry but couldn't.

"I don't remember it the first time, so it's not like I could really say she was my first, right?"

Shaking my head at my ridiculous ramblings, I turned off the shower. There was no window in the bathroom, so the steam was thick, and I could barely see in front of me. Sliding the rickety shower glass door to the side, I was gently slammed back into the tile wall behind me.

"Rose, what are ya doing?"

Her naked body pressed into me. I could feel how warm her skin was and the hardness of her nipples.

"I'm so sorry, Master, I wasn't completely honest. Rose knew she had to complete her task before returning to the academy, and I did know about the 100 men. But I didn't lie completely," she said gently sobbing, "I really was banished because of the Grand Master. I can't read only a few words. I will care only about Master Ceil, no other Master, I promise. So please forgive me," she whispered it all, and when she called me Master Ceil, the new shell around my heart cracked.

It didn't completely dismiss the fact that she had to sleep with other men. It was just gross to me.

"Let me get dressed, Rose, and we can talk in the living room. I can't think while you are, um, wait, what are you, umm, doing? Stop, no, I'm angry, Rose, ohh," I couldn't say another word. The only sound that filled the bathroom was my adjusting against the tile wall and the soft wet sounds of Rose's mouth around my now hard cock.

I wanted to stop her. My palms were stuck to the wall as I braced myself to keep from slipping. All I could focus on was her mouth softly sucking and taking me in before stroking it back and forth. I tried holding back my deep moans of pleasure. I was still angry with the situation.

"Rose, please, you can't just, it won't change, uh, please stop, this isn't fair!"

She ignored me and sucked harder. Her hands came up between my ass and the tile wall, pushing me deeper into her mouth. I was getting close. I could feel her wet saliva mix with water and drip down onto my balls. Her lips and mouth were firm but soft with each stroke.

I couldn't hold back. There was so much sexual tension built up from when I came out this morning and saw her naked under the white apron to the point where she straddled me. I remember when she was reaching for the edge of my shorts to set me free, making me envision her sliding down on top of my hard cock and grinding me into the dirty floor.

She was about to set me free this time, free of the anger and gallons of tension I had built up, ready to explode from being cared for with her mouth.

I tried biting my tongue as the orgasm hit me, but I lost it. I was coming. I swore I heard angels singing in the background. It echoed, and below that, I heard her satisfied giggle.

My breath was heavy though all I did was stand there. Then, finally, I looked down, and the steam had cleared enough to see her violet eyes peering up at me. She looked so sexy, and it made my cock twinge seeing my explosion all over her breasts.

I turned and bit my lips closed. When she said I yelled last night, I didn't believe her but hearing my own voice raised several octaves while making the sound, "AAAUUUOOOWAAAAAHHH," I wanted to hide.

"I'm going to uh, ehm, start the shower. Let me rinse off real quick, and you can have it," I said, trying to move on from the embarrassment.

The quick burst of cold before warmth startled me but woke me up a bit. I didn't turn around, but I could feel her behind me. I envisioned her wrapping her arms around my waist and feeling her fingertips play their way down to the front of me.

"Okay, all finished," I said abruptly, sliding past her and looking straight ahead. I didn't want it to go any further. She wasn't mine, didn't belong to me, and I wasn't up for sharing.

Snatching a towel from the rack, I said, "That was uh nice, uhm, thank you," and left the bathroom before she could respond to my cheesy comment.

I was back to self-reflecting. I should have stopped her, but it didn't matter now. It was done, and even though I could scream to the skies, "THANK YOU, GOD, FOR THE BEST AND FIRST BLOW JOB I'VE EVER HAD!" the fact was, I couldn't enjoy the aftermath.

After I was dressed, I walked into the living room and stopped. The entire place was sparkling.

No longer did it look like a hermit lived in my living room. Everything was neat and clean, with no clutter. All my precious magazines were nicely laid in a stack on my bookshelf. Even the mounds of trash, primarily tissues, by my computer were gone. The smiley face's I drew in the dust on my monitor had also disappeared.

The kitchen was the same. The murder scene on the fridge was gone, and the upper cabinets no long dripped with gooey eggs. But the most surprising was the kitchen floor. I didn't know the tiles were white! Ever since I moved in, I had assumed they were normally a tan color.

"Wow," escaped me in a whisper as I looked around. Did Rose do all this?

I went to the fridge and opened it to get some water from the pitcher, and I was shocked to see it packed with food. So that's why she said I needed a bigger fridge?

I grabbed a bottled juice instead, and when I was about to drink it, I stopped and looked at it. Tears streamed down my cheeks, and I could no longer hold the heartbreak back. The girl of my dreams, the only person to give me a blow job for the first time in my life, has to sleep with other men.

My sobbing didn't last because, come on, there's been enough crying going on already, so I wiped my tears, took a large gulp of juice, and went to the living room.

Rose had moved the contract to my makeshift coffee table. I sat there facing it, bound and determined to find a way to keep Rose all to myself.

When I left the bathroom a moment ago, I heard the shower turn off to run water. She was taking a bath instead. That was good. It would give me some time to make a plan.

I still had to work tomorrow, and time was ticking. I only had a little over 24 hours to get through the contract. I was going to find something to change this shitty twist of luck. Come Ceil or 99 other men.