
The Poor Guy's Slave

Spending his nights going through tissues and watching adult videos, Ceil had coined himself a bum, a nobody. He's never recognized at work, his boss gets his name wrong, and people tend to sidestep him. But all that changes the day Ceil makes a moral decision and saves a real prick from being killed by a car. Of course, this upsets the life and death quota, so the Director of Hell agrees to give him a chance at becoming a Master of a Sex slave. Sounds great, right? Biting off more then you can chew can sometimes make even the tastiest of things hard to swallow.

Natashia_Lou · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Signed, Sealed, Delivered

I quickly shook my head no in response to her question and started shoveling food in my mouth, saying between bites, "Wow, this is so good, mmm hmm, yummy, so good, nom," to avoid the conversation any further.

I felt ashamed. If she knew it was the sex I couldn't remember, would she be upset? Would she think it wasn't that great, that I didn't care?

"You eat so well, Master. Rose will keep cooking!"

She got up and turned toward the kitchen, and the bottoms of the bow bounced on her sexy round naked butt, putting my mind in a trance for a moment, but then, what she said registered.

"NO, COUGH, ehm, no more cooking Rose, this is plenty, I promise. Why don't you sit down and eat? You worked very hard, uh, today."

Looking over her shoulder with her long hair catching the air, she winked at me, "It's okay, Master, you eat! You worked harder on me last night!"

I felt my cheeks catch fire and my ego flex. God, why? Why can't I remember!?

I took another bite, and my mind jumped to the food again. It was the second most crucial issue at the moment.

"Rose, you said you ordered the food and had it delivered? How did you pay for it?"

She nodded and turned around, leaning against the counter, "With human money, Master. Rose has lots of it, and now you do too! So we can go shopping today and buy lots of new things for Master! Tee hee, so exciting!"

"Um, Rose, I don't think you should spend your money. You should save it. I will pay you back for the food. But, uh, it may just take a little while," I responded, ashamed.

A little while? Pay her back? How? With what money?

I glanced over at my computer. It was the most valuable thing I owned, but if I sold it, I could probably pay her back only half the amount she spent. There was so much food.

Shaking my head, I sighed and set my forehead on the table, feeling lost.

"We can go out today, but not shopping. I need to find a part-time job," I said, getting up and pushing into the table chair before I heard a loud bang.

I jumped and looked at Rose. She had her hand on the frying pan, looking at it before she picked it up and pointed it at me, saying, "Master, Rose has lots of money. If you work more, Rose sees you less. This makes me very sad."


When Rose wanted to do something, it was hard to change her mind. This was just a tiny taste of Rose's stubborn resolve that became scarily prevalent much later.


I took a deep breath, "It can't be helped, Rose. I'm really sorry. I don't want to do it, but I have to."

She set the frying pain down and looked at me with tears in her eyes before she plopped on the floor by the counter and started wailing.

"WHAAA, Master won't let Rose take care of him, WHAAA, I'm a failure, WHAAA," she cried, making me feel awful.

I got up and went over to her and crouched down, "Shh, I'm sorry, Rose, okay, okay, you win. I won't get a part-time job. We can go shopping. Just please stop crying. I can't bear to see you cry," I said soothingly.

When she turned her violet eyes toward me and droplets of tears streamed down her cheeks, I became a pool of puddy on the kitchen floor.


I know what you're thinking, "Take that wench and fuck her until she begs you NOT to stop! Don't be a pussy. Silence her cries with your cock until she's humming happiness! Then, make her scream your name, Ceil Jankins, because that's what a true Master of a sex slave should do!"

Yes, I am lacking so far. Not only at this point am I carrying the shame of not remembering how our having sex broke the bed, but I was also feeding into the domineering little monster that would be created later.

Giving in to something so simple as letting a woman spend money on you is pretty normal, selfish, but normal. Unfortunately, that first step puts them in the driver's seat, which sooner or later you will regret. I didn't know about that each time I gave in to her. I was slowly building my downfall.


Rose had finally calmed down, and when I tried to help her stand, she pulled me down and managed to get me on my back again, straddling me.

"Uh, Rose, we shouldn't do this here. Why don't you take a shower, and I will clean up, hmm? Then we can do whatever you like," I said, trying to be calm and persuasive while I had a raging hard-on in my shorts. Could she feel it?

She shook her head to my request, and her hair caressed my chest, dragging ketchup and egg across it.

"Master, Rose is sorry she made a mess and keeps crying. Let me make it up to you," she said in a pouty but seductive tone before leaning down and changing from her bottom sitting on my groin to pressing the warmth between her legs against it.

I stared into her eyes as she started gently rocking back and forth, making me moan. Flipping her over and taking her right there crossed my mind, but the floor was dirty, and I still felt insecure. Am I big enough? Is my size comparable to other Masters, other men? What if she was lying about last night?

She reached between her legs to pull down my shorts, and I stopped her.

"We can't do this here, Rose. I, uh, um... 24 hours haven't passed! Remember the contract? We sealed it, right, so uh, yeah, let's wait until the 24 hours is up and do it again so that it can count toward day two? Sound good?"

It was the only argument I could use that wouldn't appear as if I was rejecting her. At least that's what I thought until she bent over me and said in my ear, "Tsk tsk, Master, we had sex lots last night, remember?"

Shit. She was right. We did have sex a lot last night, even if my pathetic, stupid brain blocked it out.

"Oh, uh, yeah, um, well what about, um...," I was stumbling over my words, trying to come up with another excuse, when a familiar bell sounded in the background.

My front door opened, and once again walked in the Director of Hell. She looked around before noticing us on the kitchen floor.

"I see I interrupted something. Very well, I am just here to deliver your copy of the contract now that it's officially sealed."