
The Poor Guy's Slave

Spending his nights going through tissues and watching adult videos, Ceil had coined himself a bum, a nobody. He's never recognized at work, his boss gets his name wrong, and people tend to sidestep him. But all that changes the day Ceil makes a moral decision and saves a real prick from being killed by a car. Of course, this upsets the life and death quota, so the Director of Hell agrees to give him a chance at becoming a Master of a Sex slave. Sounds great, right? Biting off more then you can chew can sometimes make even the tastiest of things hard to swallow.

Natashia_Lou · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Rose Wins

I had fallen asleep at some point reading only the fourth page of the contract. When I woke, I was lying on the couch, covered. Through my window, I could see it was night.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I turned to see Rose's big violet eyes peering at me over a pillow she was hugging sitting on the floor.

"Master's awake."

So much for Master Ceil, I sighed in my head.

"What time is it?" I asked her, but she just shrugged.

"I don't know, Master. Rose is sorry."

"Stop saying sorry, Rose. I only asked because I thought you might know. You didn't do anything wrong," I told her, still a little beat down from the whole sex with other men thing.

She shook her head at me, "No, Rose should be sorry because she doesn't know the time for Master. I will find out the time right now."

She scrambled to her feet, and I noticed she was wearing a long plain shirt made of a gauzy fabric. The shadows did a great job catching the underside of her breasts and that sweet V between her legs.

I smacked my head. My deviant appetite was the worst. Nevertheless, thinking of her like she was some piece of soft pound-worthy flesh was something I couldn't hold back.

"9:30, Master! Oh, and I have messages from Director. Too bad Rose can't read them. It's okay. Master can read them to Rose."

She giggled in excitement, and I felt somewhat better. Rose was in a good mood.

"Oh, that's nice, sure, later," I responded absently, too busy staring at the huge contract in front of me and thinking I had wasted precious time sleeping.

I pulled at my hair in frustration. There were still 452 pages to go through, and I only knew this because the corner of the last page was peeking out, taunting me from under the tall stack.

Letting out a deep breath, I went straight to the 5th page where I had left off. So far, there was nothing. It was all mumbo jumbo definitions and legal terms. So I skipped to where they ended, figuring there were only certain words I needed to recognize.

That realization set a lightbulb off above my head.

"Rose, come here for a minute!"

She had been messing around in the kitchen again, and it didn't even matter if she was burning it down at that point. I thought I had possibly found a way to get through the stack of horror faster.

"Yes, Master?"

"Here," I said, scribbling a few words on a piece of paper, "take this small stack and just look for words that look like this," I said, pointing to the simple terms.

Termination was the hardest, but the rest were simple, like Death, Clause, and the word Either. If that word was in there, it might present the option for either this or that.

"Why are we looking for these, Master? Rose can't read," she asked, scanning the first page at such a speed I was worried she might miss them.

"It's to find a way for you not to have to sleep with so many men. But make sure you go slow, so you don't miss finding those words. It's important."

Rose nodded and continued at the same pace.

I got amusement from some of the sections. One even stated Rose could only sleep with humans and that inanimate objects, vegetation, and animals did not count toward the quota.

There was one paragraph stating that if I died again, the contract would be reset, and I would be assigned a new sex slave with the same conditions for the quota. At the same time, Rose would be signed off as having automatically fulfilled her obligation of screwing 100 men.

It did cross my mind just to go out and jump off a building, but then I wasn't sure I could handle the idea of incoming concrete. But I kept that tidbit of information in my head anyway. If push came to shove, then shove it is!

When I was done with my stack, Rose managed to look through several. The contract was only halfway from its usual imposing height.

My stomach growled with boredom. The contract was proving useless, so I asked her, "Are you hungry, Rose?"

She shook her head, "Rose doesn't get hungry, Master, unless you're wanting sex, then Rose is AlWAYS hungry?"

She giggled in a feminine manner and smiled as she set her papers down and started stalking me across the floor like a cat.

I held my hand up to stop her, "No, not that kind of hungry, Rose. Besides, sleeping with me again won't do either of us any good," I said, thinking especially if I can't remember to fantasize about it later.

That was another thing I was hoping to find out about in the contract. Maybe there was some reason why I couldn't remember how we managed to break my bed.

"I'm going to make something to eat. So you can just keep looking, okay?"

She nodded at me with a pout and continued looking through the papers. It would keep her busy, and that was helpful for the moment.

I checked the fridge, and the variety of food was terrific, but I wanted simple and easy. The clock was ticking.

Opening the cupboard, I was surprised to find it filled to the brim with the same noodles I usually buy.

"Oh wow, you even bought the ones I like," I said, smiling as I turned and jumped while Rose stood facing me.

I never had a chance.

I swear it was something about the kitchen or having me on my back that she must enjoy.

I was still holding on to the noodle package as my back protested from the impact.

"Sorry, Master, but Rose wants you right now!"

She started pulling at my sweatpants, and I desperately dropped the noodles to pull my pants up. I was embarrassed because I was only semi-hard and didn't need to feel inferior than I already did.

The little sex demon won. I laid there now with her standing over me, clutching my sweatpants in one hand, smiling, "Wasn't that fun, Master? Now let rose finish!"

I put up a good fight with my hoodie that was going now where, but my boxers didn't survive.

Once again, she stood over me, looking me over as I covered myself with my hands, "Rose, I am your Master! Can you please, PLEASE, give me my pants back?"

She smiled a cute wicked grin, her violet eyes glowing and tiny sharp points glistening in the kitchen light, "Yay, Rose wins! Now don't move, Master. Rose will take her prize!"