
The Poor Guy's Slave

Spending his nights going through tissues and watching adult videos, Ceil had coined himself a bum, a nobody. He's never recognized at work, his boss gets his name wrong, and people tend to sidestep him. But all that changes the day Ceil makes a moral decision and saves a real prick from being killed by a car. Of course, this upsets the life and death quota, so the Director of Hell agrees to give him a chance at becoming a Master of a Sex slave. Sounds great, right? Biting off more then you can chew can sometimes make even the tastiest of things hard to swallow.

Natashia_Lou · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Contracts Have Claws

The Director snapped her fingers, and the giant stack of paper from last night was sitting on my kitchen table, throwing plates and food everywhere from its sudden appearance.

Rose immediately squealed and jumped off me, "Director! Rose missed you!"

I quickly stood, turning away to hide the light pole that was trying to protrude from my shorts.

"Okay, calm down. I missed you too, my dear," she replied to Rose.

When I looked over my shoulder at them, I almost blew a hole through the front of my pants.

The sight of my almost naked slave jumping up and down while embracing another woman that was also wearing very little made my balls ache worst.

The director was dressed in a red patent leather bra top and half-suit coat, with a black mini skirt and fishnet stockings that matched her red heels.

Rose's full plump breasts were pushing into the Director's. With Rose pulled close into a hug, the woman patted her head like a child.

"There, there, please forgive me for putting you with such a," she glanced at me before finishing, "incompetent Master."

The incompetent remark thankfully killed my hardon, and I turned toward them, "Wait a minute, who says I'm incompetent?"

She rolled her eyes, "Everything about you does. Look at this mess. You can't even clean it yourself, let alone direct a slave to do it."

I started to argue, but she blew me off and looked at Rose, who now stood there obediently, waiting for attention, "Wonderful job, you have officially sealed your first contract all on your own, Rose. Keep it up! Before long, you can come back to the academy and go on to the next step."

I was suddenly confused and a bit taken aback, "What do you mean she got the seal all on her own? I played a part too! We have 99 days left, and you just interrupted the start of that," I said, knowing it wasn't anything but me being a coward on the kitchen floor.

The Director shook her head and smiled wickedly, "Fool, you never read the contract, did you?"

I pitifully shook my head and then eyed her, "No, I didn't, but why does that matter? You already told me the basics, Master, me, sex slave, Rose, what more is there to know?"

The Director suddenly laughed out loud, "You really don't know, do you? You're right. The contract states that you are the Master to a sex slave for 100 days. However," she responded, her lips pulled back even tighter in a grin, "if you would have read further, it also states that if you sleep with your slave, you seal the contract, and the sex slave is now able to move on to the next step. Why do you humans NEVER read the contract!? Simply put, Rose needs to have sex 100 times with a hundred human men to graduate from her current class. It's a formality and extracurricular lesson. She refused the Grand Master's lesson, but he allowed her extra points if she completed her task. And your punishment, Ceil Jankins, is to ensure she completes it. Did you think YOU were the only one she could sleep with?"

I was confused, pissed, and could feel my voice raise, "But you said to remember that 100 days means sex 100 times! You never said anything about her sleeping with 100 DIFFERENT MEN!"

The Director of Hell stepped toward me, making me step back. Even though the woman was a sex object in my eyes, she was still intimidating.

"I never said, Ceil Jankins, 100 days of sex with YOU. Failing to read the contract is through the fault of your own. Might I suggest you get to work and find her next the next human to obtain a seal instead of standing here like an idiot, wasting time? You were lucky enough to seal yours last night, giving you a head start of a few hours. Find other men for her, Ceil Jankins, or suffer the consequences."

With that, the director turned to Rose and smiled at her lovingly, "Have fun, my dear. Oh, and a new phone is in your bag, so you can contact me if your Master misbehaves," she said before giving me a disparaging look and leaving.

I fell to the ground hearing the slam of the door. I was doomed. I tried focusing on the egg yolk and soggy bacon grease soaking into my shorts and covering my face with my hands. How could I have been so stupid? I never even asked the Director why I couldn't remember having sex last night, and now this? FUCK! I had to live the next 99 days of my life knowing she, my perfect Rose, had to go out and screw a different man each night.

"Master, are you okay?"

In frustration, I uncovered my face and ran my fingers roughly through my hair before looking up at her. I didn't want to take the frustration out on her; it wasn't her fault, but anger isn't always something you can easily hide.

"Rose, why didn't you tell me? You knew this whole time but never said anything. Didn't you think it was important to tell me before we had sex?"

I felt sad, betrayed, and stupid. I knew nothing could be that simple or easy for me.

She shook her head and rushed down to her knees to join me in the food mess on the floor.

"You're still my Master. I still belong to you. Rose will always take care of you first. We can still have sex," she started to say and leaned toward me, reaching for my shorts.

I grabbed her wrist and pushed it away. I was honestly pissed, and even though I didn't want to be mad at her, I was.

"Stop, I'm not in the mood," I said, feeling more pissed by the moment.

I needed to put some space between us and went to the bathroom to shower. Her sobbing filled the kitchen, and I ignored it. I felt like a real piece of shit for getting mad at her and not seeing it from her perspective. I was the idiot for falling so hard after just one day. I let it happen.

How pathetic could I possibly be? I knew we only had 100 days, but I thought they'd be the best hundred days of my life, and even if I died after, I would die happy.


Stop shaking your head. This isn't as bad as you think. Yes, I was having a pity party in the shower, and true, how could things be any more screwed up than living with a sexual being and having to see her go off with other men?

Well, things can and will get worse, but that's later.

For right now, I left the best thing that happened to me, crying on the kitchen floor. I regretted not holding her and mourning what I thought we had together.

I won't spoil anything, but remember that thick ass contract sitting on my kitchen table? You do? Good.
