
The Poor Guy's Slave

Spending his nights going through tissues and watching adult videos, Ceil had coined himself a bum, a nobody. He's never recognized at work, his boss gets his name wrong, and people tend to sidestep him. But all that changes the day Ceil makes a moral decision and saves a real prick from being killed by a car. Of course, this upsets the life and death quota, so the Director of Hell agrees to give him a chance at becoming a Master of a Sex slave. Sounds great, right? Biting off more then you can chew can sometimes make even the tastiest of things hard to swallow.

Natashia_Lou · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Because You Are Human

Standing above me, she straddled me with her legs, and I realized she wasn't wearing any underwear. How could I not have noticed that earlier?

Unsure of what she would do, but I got my answer when she started to come down on top of me and hold up her long shirt.

Between her legs was a smooth, soft mound. My semi-erect dick shot through my hands, almost exploding into the air. I desperately tried flattening it, but she grabbed my hands and pulled them away.

It popped back up, and I swore I saw the tip of it smile as she started to come down over it.

Unfortunately, this is where the world started spinning. I could feel the tip touch soft wetness while I screamed in my mind to fight the onset of darkness before I passed out.

"Master, are you okay? Wake up, Master! Rose is sorry! Did I hurt you, Master? Wake up!"

Her words reached me as I slowly came to, feeling the cold tile kitchen floor under my ass. Suddenly there was a massive wave of cold water, making me sit straight up and open my eyes in shock.

"What the hell!?"

Rose stood by my feet, holding a tall plastic cup as the faucet was spewing water in the sink.

"Did you just dump water on me?"

She nodded, "Emm hmm, I did it to wake you up. Rose is sorry, Master!"

"I was already awake, but thanks, I guess," I replied, irritated from trying to gather my wits.

A small patch of cold air and tile against my bare ass made me realize I was still naked from the waist down. I panicked, looking for my sweatpants and boxers before seeing them in a pile sitting on the counter. I reached up and snatched them down, covering myself.

"Can you please go wait for me in the living room?"

"But Master," she started to say before I stopped her. All I wanted to do at that point was get dressed.

"We can talk in a second, okay? Please go wait for me."

She nodded and set the cup in the sink before heading to the living room.

I couldn't remember anything again other than her starting to straddle me and waking up in a pool of water.

Finally, I grabbed the counter to pull myself up when I slipped and fell back on the wet floor. I groaned, sitting up again and rubbing my head where I hit it. I was sure it must have hit hard because there was a buzzing sound in my ears.

Looking around, worried I may have finally lost that last bit of my sanity, I saw Rose's phone on the floor under the lower cabinets. Grabbing it, I debated looking. It was one thing if we were lovers, and I suspected her of cheating. It was another thing being in a contractual Master and sex slave relationship.

However, she did say I could read them to her. So I would be doing her a service if I took a look. At least, that's what I told myself to justify invading her privacy.

The phone wasn't locked, and there were several messages from the Director. One message in particular almost had me crying and jumping for joy simultaneously.

"To all sex slaves, please don't forget, each human you sleep with will forget the moment intercourse takes place. As a result, they will react differently and may even become violent. I've had several messages ONCE AGAIN from contracted sex slaves, asking me why their Master can't remember having sex. So AGAIN, let me remind you it is for your safety and to reduce the risk of unnecessary attachment.

I am currently tied up with finding a replacement for the academy. I do not have time to deal with repetitive inquiries. My efforts to enroll the most recent Master ended in failure due to him having an unfortunate accident. This dramatically reduces our sex slave output. I may lose my position if I cannot find a replacement in 48 hours, according to the Sex Academy's Grand Master. If this occurs, you will be passed on to one of the secretaries here at the main Hell Hall to monitor your progress. Stay strong, ladies and gentlemen. Keep filling your quota."


That single text explained a lot.

So here we have it, my one-way ticket out of watching my sexual bunny shake her little cotton tail at other men and me not having to deal with the contract. Confused? I'll explain, don't worry.

I didn't like the idea of going back to school. I had already served my time, but I was 24, so I would have to force myself to view it as getting a late start in college.

But it wasn't as easy as applying for a job handing out coupons or fliers on a street corner. I had to find something to back me, convince the Director I could save her career, and get Rose back into the academy. This is where the contract, death, and taking a gamble come into play. I had only 48 hours to make it happen.


My job was the only thing holding me back as I sat there, finally dressed, on the couch, and staring at Rose's phone.

If the Director didn't take the bait, I would be screwed, not in the way I wanted to remember either.

"Rose, do you know how to become a Grand Master? Is it some sort of written test?"

Rose shook her head, looking up from scanning the now useless contract, "No, Master, you have to take classes to be a Grand Master, just like we take classes to become a perfect sex slave. Each set of classes takes the Master to the next level. But no one's ever gotten high enough to graduate as Grand Master in hundreds of years. They usually die."

That was a little disconcerting, but I had already died once, so death wasn't something I really feared at the moment.

"Really? So let's say I wanted to become a Grand Master. How many classes would I have to go through?"

Rose burst out laughing, and I scowled at her before she gathered herself and responded, "Sorry, Master, it's just that human Masters cannot become Grand Masters. Human Masters stay here, above ground. Only demons can apply to be Masters and Grand Masters in Hell."

Another obstacle I didn't think of in my Master's scheme. But still, if the Director is desperate enough, could I convince her?

"Rose, I have an idea, but I'm not sure it will work. It may or may not be hard. I need your help, though."

I watched her eyes light up, and she smiled, "Rose would love to help Master. Let me warm my hands first."

Looking at her curiously, I couldn't think of what was going on in her mind for the life of me, but when she blew into her hands and started rubbing them together, I began to get a little uneasy.