
Resounding Through the Burning Mountain!

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

It was drizzling.

Su Yun walked deeper into the Burning Mountain as usual.

"It's already the fifth day. I keep feeling like I'm about to break through. The second realm is right in front of me, but I always return empty-handed. I keep feeling like I'm missing something."

"Could it be that if I don't enter the supernatural state, I'm destined to not be able to break through? However, if I keep relying on the supernatural state, I'll be at a disadvantage. Everything must ultimately be in my hands."

"I must succeed today. Otherwise, I won't leave the mountain!"

Su Yun secretly made up his mind.

The more he thought about it, the faster he walked.

After a few days of hiking and training, Su Yun could clearly feel that his footsteps were much lighter.

When he arrived at a familiar place, Su Yun could not help but sigh.

"It only takes a few more visits to become familiar with an unfamiliar place."

"Same with people."