
The Poker Game

In the vibrant streets of Seoul, amidst the dazzling world of K-pop, a thrilling tale unfolds. YN, the enigmatic fifth member of Blackpink, leads a secret life as a CIA agent known as Agent Apex. Tasked with infiltrating the notorious Asia Mafia, YN faces danger at every turn. Meanwhile, Jungkook, a rising star in the underworld, grapples with the shadows of his past as he ascends to power. As their worlds collide, they embark on a high-stakes journey where loyalty is tested and secrets unravel. Can they conquer the darkness that threatens to consume them, or will they be swept away by the tides of fate?

leoscribe7 · Celebrities
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38 Chs

Chapter 13: A day in CIA

Yn sat in her room, scrolling through her phone when a message popped up on her screen: "Come to our main office." Her heart skipped a beat as she realized it was a summons to the CIA for a meeting. She quickly pocketed her phone just as the door to her room swung open, revealing V standing in the doorway.

"Did you receive the message?" V asked quietly, his expression serious.

Yn nodded, her mind racing with possibilities. "Yes, I got it. It's time to head to the main office."

V stepped further into the room, closing the door behind him and locking it securely. "We need to be cautious. And be careful of Alex. Don't let him know."

Yn's heart pounded in her chest as she processed V's words. If Alex was indeed working for Jungkook, their mission had just become infinitely more dangerous. But she couldn't afford to let fear cloud her judgment. "We have to stay one step ahead," she said, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her.

"Jungkook won't let you leave easily, but we'll find a way. We have to." V's tone was resolute, matching Yn's determination.

"We need to hurry up. But right now, our priority is getting to the main office," Yn said. Then V had an idea. "Yn, I have an idea. Let's go to the shooting room."

As they entered the shooting room, Yn's heart pounded with anticipation. V's plan seemed risky, and she barely understood what he was going to do. "If they ask, just tell them that i were present in shooting room , had an accident at the shooting range. okay?" V instructed, his voice low but determined.

Yn hesitated for a moment, concern etched on her face. "But it will hurt you. We have to find another way."

V met her gaze, his eyes reflecting a steely resolve. "Do we have any other option? Come on, let's get started."

With a heavy heart, Yn accepted the gun from V, her hands steady despite the turmoil within her. She knew what she had to do, even if it meant causing harm to her friend. As they began the exercise, Yn, well-trained, found it nearly impossible to miss her target. Each time, she purposefully missed her mark, aiming away from the designated spots. But this time was different. This time, V stood beside the shooting spot, his arm exposed and vulnerable.

Yn's heart clenched with apprehension as she raised the gun, her fingers trembling slightly. Taking a deep breath, she steadied her aim, her training kicking in with precision. With a swift motion, she pulled the trigger, the gunshot echoing in the room as the bullet struck V's arm. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as Yn watched him, the reality of what she had done sinking in.

But V's steady gaze reassured her, his expression calm despite the pain etched on his face. "It's okay, Yn," he said softly, his voice filled with understanding. "We had to make it look convincing."

Relief flooded through Yn as she realized that V was right. Their sacrifice was necessary to maintain their cover and protect their mission. As they left the shooting room, Yn couldn't shake the guilt gnawing at her insides. With V by her side, she felt a renewed sense of determination. Whatever obstacles lay ahead, they would face them together, as partners in both mission and friendship.

As Yn and V left the shooting room, V's arm hurt from where Yn had shot him, but they both knew it was necessary to keep their mission safe. Yn drove the car toward the main gate, hoping to leave unnoticed. But the guards stopped her. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but the boss instructed us strictly: don't let you go out," one of the guards said.

Yn's frustration grew. She couldn't risk being stopped now. "Tell him that V was shot, and I'm taking him to the hospital," she insisted, her voice tinged with anger. "What will you say if he dies because you stopped us?"

The guards hesitated, visibly shaken by Yn's words. They exchanged uneasy glances before one of them stepped forward, a hint of sympathy in his eyes. "I'm sorry, ma'am. We're just following orders. I'll make an exception this time."

With a sense of relief flooding through her, Yn nodded gratefully. "Thank you," she murmured. They quickly stepped aside, allowing Yn to drive out of the mansion with V. As they sped towards the hospital, Yn couldn't shake the worry gnawing at her. But she knew they had to get V the help he needed.

Arriving at the hospital, Yn rushed V inside, her heart racing with fear and uncertainty. But as the doctors tended to V's wound, Yn felt a sense of relief wash over her. They had made it out of the mansion, but to be safe, they switched cars to avoid any GPS trackers that might be on Jungkook's car. Once V was stable, Yn took him to her office at the CIA headquarters. She covered herself with a hoodie and wore a mask, ensuring their identities were hidden.

Then, she called Director Park, urgently informing him of their situation. "We're here, hurry up and come. We don't have much time," she urged him. When Director Park arrived, he was shocked by V's injury. Yn wasted no time in briefing him, providing all the information they had gathered so far.


Director Park then revealed that "a new agent would be joining your mission to provide technical support."

Yn hesitated, feeling uneasy about bringing in someone new. "We don't need anyone else. We can handle this mission on our own," she asserted.

"I agree with Yn," V added, echoing her sentiment.

But Director Park insisted, explaining that it was an order from higher authorities. Reluctantly, Yn and V agreed to meet with the new agent for further discussion. "It's up to you whether you want to reveal your faces to her or not," Director Park said. "There's a meeting arranged. You guys will discuss it there."

With a heavy sigh, Yn and V prepared themselves for the upcoming meeting, uncertain of what the addition of a new agent would mean for their mission. But one thing was certain—they would do whatever it took to succeed, even if it meant stepping out of their comfort zone.

As they walked towards the interrogation room, Yn voiced her concerns. "V, don't you think there's something fishy?"

V shook his head but kept his expression serious. "I don't think so, but if there is, we'll handle it." Then, in an attempt to lighten the mood, he added with a giggle, "If we stay alive."

"Stop it, let's go," Yn said, managing a small smile despite the tension.

Together, they approached the room, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Inside the room, Agent Phoenix stood waiting on the other side of the interrogation room. She had an air of confidence, her posture straight and her eyes sharp. "Nice to meet you, Agent Apex. I've heard a lot about you and Agent Spector," she said with a hint of attitude.

V didn't waste any time. "Should we get to the main business?" he asked, his tone direct.

Phoenix nodded, a slight smirk on her lips. "Yeah, sure. Why not? Let's begin."

They discussed the brief details of the mission, but Yn and V withheld the most crucial information. They couldn't trust anyone completely, not even someone sent to support them. The nature of their job demanded caution.

Phoenix finally broke the tension. "Should I trust you guys or not?" she asked, her tone challenging.

Yn, who had been silent during most of the discussion, spoke up. "That's what we should be asking you," she replied, her voice steady. Then, she whispered in V's ear, "Let's go. It's almost time. Jungkook and the others are about to come back home soon."

As they prepared to leave, Yn and V exchanged a final, determined glance. They knew the road ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but they were ready to face it together.

They went back to the hospital to make it look like they had been there the whole time.drive jungkook's car, they returned to the mansion. As they entered the living room, they saw everyone was present. Alex had just come in from outside and joined them in the living room.

The atmosphere was tense. Jungkook sat in his usual spot, his eyes narrowing as he saw V's bandaged arm. "What happened?" he demanded, his voice laced with suspicion.

Yn spoke up, her voice steady. "V had an accident at the shooting range. I had to take him to the hospital."

Alex's gaze flickered between Yn and V, his expression unreadable. "An accident? And how exactly did it happen?" he asked, his tone suggesting he didn't fully believe them.

V, quick on his feet, answered smoothly. "It was my mistake. I was adjusting the sights on my gun, and it went off unexpectedly. Yn acted fast and got me to the hospital right away."

Jungkook leaned back, his eyes still scrutinizing them. "Be more careful next time. We can't afford any slip-ups."

Alex remained silent, his eyes lingering on Yn and V a moment longer before he finally nodded and moved to sit down.

The tension in the room eased slightly, but Yn and V knew they had to stay on high alert. Alex's presence was a constant reminder of the danger lurking within their own ranks. As they settled back into the mansion, they silently vowed to keep each other safe and stay one step ahead of any threats.

Yn and V exchanged a glance, their silent communication clear: they would protect their mission at all costs, even if it meant navigating through a minefield of deceit and danger.

Yn broke the silence, her voice calm yet filled with concern. "Should I take you to your room, V?"

Jungkook, still watching them closely, nodded slightly. "Suga, go and see if everything's alright with V," he instructed.

Suga stood up, stretching a bit before heading over to V. "Come on, let's get you settled," he said, his voice gruff but caring.

As they helped V towards his room, Yn added, "I'll make some soup for him. It'll help with the pain he will be fine soon"

Jungkook nodded again, his expression slightly normal. "Good idea, Yn. We need him to recover quickly."

V gave Yn a grateful smile as they moved towards the hallway. "Thanks, Yn. I appreciate it."

Yn returned the smile, though her mind was still racing with the events of the day. "No problem, V. Just focus on getting better."

With Suga supporting V and Yn heading to the kitchen, the atmosphere in the mansion seemed to relax a bit



Jungkook's frustration was palpable, his sharp intelligence evident in the way he dissected the situation. "What's wrong, Alex?" His words were clipped, his tone cold and distant, laced with an underlying concern. They were all gathered in the meeting room, except for V, who was resting, and Yn, likely in her room.

Alex leaned in, his expression grave, but Jungkook's demeanor remained unfazed. "Hyung, I overheard something today that sent chills down my spine. There's a secret taking place among some top senior agents, as per my information one of them goes by the name Apex. I don't have all the details, but from what I could gather, they're plotting something major. Something... game-changing."

Jungkook's eyes narrowed as he absorbed the information, his mind already calculating the next steps. "Apex... That name isn't unfamiliar." His words were measured, his voice betraying no emotion. "If they're planning something big,. Any other information?"

Alex shook his head, his troubled expression deepening, but Jungkook's demeanor remained unchanged, his cold and calculating nature coming to the forefront. "I wish I knew, hyung. But whatever it is, it's serious. Apex has a reputation for pulling off impossible missions. If he's involved, it means trouble."

Feeling the weight of the situation, Jungkook's sharp intelligence and mastermind tendencies drove his next words, his rudeness overshadowed by his strategic mindset. "Let them do whatever they want to do."

Suga's voice cut through the tension. "So, how do we track him down?"

Jungkook's response carried the weight of authority, his voice low and commanding, reminiscent of a mafia boss issuing orders from his throne of power. "Don't fret over it," he declared with a dismissive wave of his hand, his icy gaze piercing through the room. "Just let it play out as it will, but make it your priority to uncover the identity of Apex."

His words hung heavy in the air, a silent reminder of the hierarchy within their clandestine world. There was no room for hesitation or questioning in Jungkook's domain, only swift and decisive action guided by his unwavering resolve. As the others nodded in silent acquiescence, they knew that failure was not an option, not when the stakes were this high and the shadows of betrayal loomed ever closer.