

NOTICE__ This novel is currently on hold due to inadequate planning and numerous errors. The novel will be reworked in the future with a new title, revised character names, and numerous other changes. I will inform you all when I decide to resume writing, possibly in two months' time. Read my new book_ Assassin System: Rise of a nobody (I promise you won't be disappointed)

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90 Chs

83- The battle... 2

The sheer power of the blow left Zheng Junjie stunned, and he stumbled backward, struggling to regain his footing. 

It was abundantly clear that the qi beast was not playing around. Its intent was clear - it wanted to kill Zheng Junjie.

He was lucky that he had the foresight to get away from the attack rather than attempting to defend himself. 

With his sword still clutched tightly in his hand, Zheng Junjie attempted to strike the qi beast.

He knew that he had to be precise if he wanted to take down the azure fang.

However, the beast was incredibly fast, and it dodged his attack with ease. 

The qi beast let out an ear-splitting roar, causing Zheng Junjie's ears to ring.

The sound was so loud that it felt like it was shaking the very ground beneath his feet.

The azure fang pounded toward him, its razor-sharp teeth glinting in the sunlight.

Zheng Junjie knew that he had to act fast if he wanted to avoid being bitten.