

NOTICE__ This novel is currently on hold due to inadequate planning and numerous errors. The novel will be reworked in the future with a new title, revised character names, and numerous other changes. I will inform you all when I decide to resume writing, possibly in two months' time. Read my new book_ Assassin System: Rise of a nobody (I promise you won't be disappointed)

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90 Chs

67- The shameless Longwei

The swiftness of Longwei's movement was unparalleled, leaving Zhong Peng no opportunity to inquire or act.

Before Zhong Peng could even utter a word, Longwei had already arrived at the qi core, snatching it with its maw, and, with equal celerity, disappeared into the spatial ring once more. 

The two qi beasts, sensing the disappearance of the qi core, turned their gaze towards Zhong Peng, their visages betraying both astonishment and fury.

They were astonished by Zhong Peng's arrival, and infuriated by the theft of their precious qi core. 

Zhong Peng, observing the wrathful countenances of the beasts, immediately cursed Longwei for placing him in such a predicament.

The two qi beasts, despite their injuries and exhaustion, paid no heed to their physical state and launched themselves at Zhong Peng with fierce determination.