

NOTICE__ This novel is currently on hold due to inadequate planning and numerous errors. The novel will be reworked in the future with a new title, revised character names, and numerous other changes. I will inform you all when I decide to resume writing, possibly in two months' time. Read my new book_ Assassin System: Rise of a nobody (I promise you won't be disappointed)

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43- The beginning of the cloud gathering contest....4

Amid the Zheng imperial clan, a tranquil atmosphere prevailed as the highly anticipated cloud-gathering competition was on the verge of commencing.

All the various clans and sects had taken their respective places, eagerly awaiting the start of the event.

Zhong Peng, positioned alongside the Duan clan, would be grouped with them for the initial hunting phase of the contest.

Despite being unfamiliar with the specifics of the hunting stage, Zhong Peng remained keen to witness its unfolding, having received scant information about it beforehand.

Zheng Hongyi rose to his feet and strode towards the center of the stage, his powerful presence still radiating with utmost authority.

Approaching with a genial smile, he addressed the assembled crowd, "We have gathered once more for the highly anticipated cloud gathering competition. Today, we are graced with the presence of esteemed guests from a big sect who shall oversee the proceedings. " Pointing in the direction of Lin Daiyu and Elder Liang.

"This is Lady Lin Daiyu, hailing from the Frozen Lake Sect," Zheng Hongyi announced, directing the crowd's attention towards Lin Daiyu who retained a haughty demeanor, her countenance fixed with a proud expression, conveying the impression that no one present was deemed worthy of her time or a smile.

"And also, we have the honorable Elder Liang from the revered Divine Moon Sect," Zheng Hongyi continued, indicating the elder who reciprocated with a cordial and inviting smile towards the audience. " They will be overseeing the proceedings of the cloud gathering contest.

If anyone has any queries or suggestions regarding the arrangements, please do not hesitate to voice them," Zheng Hongyi concluded, scanning the crowd for any responses or objections.

No one spoke which was expected, because who would object, the person standing before them was Zheng Hongyi the clan leader of the strongest clan in the Zheng great-kingdom and as for the guest they came from an even more powerful background so no one in their clear mind would dare utter a word.

As the weighty silence lingered, Zheng Hongyi took the initiative to speak up, "In that case, let us proceed with the contest."

As soon as Zheng Hongyi concluded his words, an elderly man ascended the stage. He donned a resplendent golden robe, adorned with regal designs, and his white hair was neatly tied back in a ponytail.

Despite his frail appearance, his very presence exuded an immense aura of power, surpassing even that of Elder Liang.

Zhong Peng was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the elderly man.

The pressure emanating from the elder was far greater than what he had felt from either Elder Liang or Lin Daiyu. It was evident to all that the elderly man was the most formidable presence in the room, surpassing even Zheng Hongyi himself.

Zhong Peng was still reeling from the shock of the elderly man's appearance, so much so that he didn't even notice Xiao Se sneaking up to him. In a hushed tone, Xiao Se whispered into his ear, "That's Elder Zheng Wei, the first elder of the Zheng imperial clan. He is older and more powerful than you could ever imagine. "

The revelation left Zhong Peng in a state of awe, and he couldn't help but inquire further. " May I ask how old he is? " he inquired with great curiosity.

Xiao Se replied with a hint of uncertainty, " I cannot say for certain, but he is undoubtedly over eight hundred years old. "

The news was so startling that Zhong Peng had to cover his mouth to suppress a scream.

His mind was reeling at the thought that the elder before him possessed at least eight hundred years more of experience than he did.

He was so shocked that he didn't even notice his jaw had dropped, leaving his mouth agape.

After a moment, he managed to compose himself and inquire further, " May I also ask how powerful Elder Zheng Wei is? " he asked, his curiosity piqued.

"I cannot definitively attest to his current level of power, as his most recent notable demonstration of strength occurred some five centuries ago when he had already achieved the pinnacle level of saint cultivation. Furthermore, to have survived until this day, it is likely that he has advanced to the level of the heavenly sovereign. Xiao Se's tone conveyed a profound reverence for Elder Zheng Wei, and it was evident to Zhong Peng that he held him in high esteem.

Zhong Peng himself could not fault Xiao Se for this sentiment he could not contain his shock.

Zhong Peng was taken aback by what he had just heard, but he was equally astonished that Xiao Se possessed such knowledge.

It was evident to Zhong Peng that Xiao Se did not belong to any powerful clan or sect; in fact, he was a lone cultivator. So how could he possess such extensive information? It was clear to Zhong Peng that some disciples of powerful clans or sects did not even have access to such information, and even some disciples of the Zheng imperial clan themselves may not be privy to it.

Zhong Peng who couldn't contain his curiosity asked Xiao Se curiously, "How do you get access to such information and who exactly are you."

"Let us simply say that I have connections with individuals who possess a wealth of information," he replied, his eyes fixed on the stage as the eerie grin crept back onto his face.