
Dusk Erosion Beauty Of Withering Ash

She's fading

Like a corporeal body

That has lost its essence

All she wanted

Was to spread the gift of life

Instead her gift

Was betrayed

With a dagger through her heart

Tears roll from her graying eyes

Dropping down to the ground

Withering the luscious scenery

A lonely zither plays

Mourning the loss

Of the fiery transcendence

She's fading

The billowing crimson

Slowly becomes white ash

Like the next morning after a heavy snowfall

Her beauty tarnished

The world descends into grey stillness

Bleak and deathly

The wind of life

Now a tempest of decay

Underneath her exhausted body

The ground withers

Leaving black and white ash

Her gray eyes ignite a black flame.

She's fading

Unwilling to believe

Her drastic change of heart

The boundless love disappeared

As if a void consumed all her emotions

The kindness vanished

Like fleeting spectres in the night

Standing up from the ground

Blazing black flames

Shroud her like a mother

Wrapping her child into the caring embrace

Sighing to herself

Blaming this world

And it's unthankful people.

She's faded

Life had dismissed her

For the jealousy of her beauty

Instead rebirthing

A queen of withering radiance.