
The Plundering System: Reincarnation of the worlds most powerful Mage

[ Ability Detected. Do you wish to plunder ] [ A rare Bloodline has been detected, Do you wish to plunder ] [ A special class has been detected, do you wish to plunder ] With the global release of Reverb Universe, Ethan Wilde returns back from the future with his accumulated knowledge of ten years as well as the God given gift, the Plundering system. In his previous life, he awakened as an measly E rank hunter with no real strength to turn the tides of calamity. However, with his newly gained ability to literally steal anything, be it knowledge, powers or abilities both in the game and reality, Ethan will go back to the peak of Reverb Universe and the world in a whole to gain the right amount of strength before the coming calamity. Until he discovers that a dimensional rift to a demon realm has opened up in real life, This Shameless and Lustful MC is just getting started

CarsonRome_432 · Games
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20 Chs

Chapter 7 System Ability Translucence

"What in the seven hells...!" Ethan suddenly exclaimed as his gray eyes widened from shock.

What the hell was he seeing right now?

[System Default, System Activated]

[Warning: Your sight has been disabled. Error viewing status screen]

[Recalibrating....... Providing solution]

"This! This is....." His mouth was already wide open from shock. How was he seeing things?

This definitely didn't happen in his past life.... Did it?

No, certainly not!

The white words that had appeared in his line of sight started fading and becoming blurry. Darkness seeped in once again as everything seemed to be covered overtaken by the dark, swallowing whatever light appeared.

Seeing this, Ethan became anxious. However, at that moment, his eyelids began to tremble as an uncontrollable itch surfaced in his optic nerves.

Ethan started blinking his eyelashes as his eyeballs started growing restless.

[System Function: Due to your absence of sight which prevents you from seeing the system, you have obtained temporary ability of Translucence]

"Ugh!" At a point, Ethan couldn't take it anymore and directly let out a groan.

Nope! He was certain of it now, this had certainly never happened in his previous life.

He had just started sorting out his thoughts. Why did something that wasn't originally in the timeline take place?

Suddenly, something changed. The gray, dead looking eyes weren't the usual color of gray anymore.

Instead, his pupils had changed colors. Its gray, desolate looking pupils were gone and instead had a Red hue in its place.

Ethan stood stunned!

The darkness that tried to overpower everything was illuminated with a single hit. The red hue forces him to close his eyelids.

A pained groan escaped his lips as he closed his eyes to shield himself from the red intensity. However, closing his eyes did little to alleviate Ethan's predicament.

All he could do was close his eyes and bare with it. However, what followed next was not something that closing his eyes would solve in any way?

[Assimilation successful]

[Completion requirements attained]

[Reincarnation successful. Welcome, Host]

[You have travelled back from The future and are starting anew. You have received the Plundering System]

As he closed his eyes, countless messages began bombarding his line of sight. However, Ethan didn't have the luxury to read any of them.

He placed his palms on his eyelids as he lowered his head in pain.

Thankfully, the pain didn't last long.

One minute later, the red hue subsided. However, Ethan's eyes remained tightly shut. His pained expression changed as his breathing became steady and calm.

Presently, he felt a weird sensation in his eyelids.

"Young Master, Lily is back to help you get cleaned up". Lily called out as she stood outside by the door.

In her hands was a small water fetching pail and a bar of soap. Slowly pushing the door open, she walks in with the items in hand as she prepares to carry on with her usual morning routine.

Due to Ethan's blindness, Lily was assigned to him by his mother to take care of his every needs.

Of course, bathing him was also part of the list of daily needs and since she was already used to it.

There was no way she would shy away from such a matter as she had been doing it for more than 2 years.

"Even if you want to sleep in for the day, I think that you should...."

She spoke absentmindedly, only to halt her sentence midway. Her expression changed as she saw him with both hands on his eyes.

"Young master!" She let out anxiously as she dropped the soap bar and pail in her hands and moved forwards. Squatting next to him, her face showed anxiety and concern.

"I..... I think am..... fine!" Ethan's said, his voice slightly suppressed. Following which, slowly but surely, he took his hands off his face, raised his head up and opened his shut eyes.

Lily heaved a sigh of relief after hearing his words. For a moment, she was worried that something had happened to him.

However, she was completely stunned in the next moment.

Opening his eyes, the first thing Ethan saw was the face of a 17 or 18-year-old girl.

Her mouth was slightly gaping as she stared at him with shock in her eyes, stunning Ethan on the spot.

"Who is this?" This was the first question that popped up in his head as he gazed at the unfamiliar face. Even though she was squatting, Ethan could easily tell that she was tall. At least, she was taller than the average man.

Her long, dark brown hair swayed slightly behind her as his eyes examined her long legs.

Yep! Her height is all in the legs!

Ethan thought to himself as he nodded inwardly. However, his eyes widened in the next second.

That's right, how in heaven's name was he able to evaluate a person he had never seen before?

This was because, he could actually see. As soon as that thought crossed his mind, excitement flooded his very soul.

He only had two words to say right now. How Timely!

Currently, he was finally able to see, something that he couldn't do in his past life for a long while and at such an important time when he needed it.

Wait! If he could see, then who the hell was the person he was gazing at right now?

Ethan's body froze.

(Unlike most reincarnated MC's) he certainly wasn't a moron who would take forever to figure something so obvious.

"L…Li…ly". Ethan stuttered as he spoke. His eyes were wide open and his breathing stopped.

His heart was incomparably anxious at the moment.

"Young master..... Your eyes. They've changed!" She exclaimed as she stared at Ethan's new reddish pupils.

As soon as she finished speaking, his emotions shot forward like a fountain as his eyes brimmed with tears again. However, these weren't tears of pain and sadness, but tears of joy and relief.

His feelings were hard to describe, and his body was almost bursting with emotions.

In his past life, Lily had died many years earlier before he regained his sight. Meaning unlike his mother who he at least had a vague memory of, he never saw lily's face at all.

Even after regaining his sight, it was hard to dig out information about a single person from nay years back, especially someone as irrelevant as a common maid.

So technically, in both his past life and this life, this was the first time that he had seen Lily.

Ethan, as a man, had his pride and wouldn't even cry under torture. But now, the floodgates had opened and his deepest, darkest regrets flowed out.

"Young master, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" She asked as her facial expressions creased. What was wrong this time?

It took an additional minute for Ethan to calm his surging emotions. As soon as he got control of himself, his lips curled upwards as a grin formed on his face.

"Say, lily, you never told me that you're a brunette". The grin on his face was particularly charming yet teasing simultaneously.

"Young master, what are you....." Lily suddenly blushed furiously as his words completely caught her off guard. However, a second later, she seemed to have realized something.

"You…. Young master…. You just....." Lily stuttered uncontrollably as she realized what Ethan had said to her. That's right. She had never told him that she was a brunette. However, he was able to tell. There was no way he would be able to perform such a feat if he were still blind.

Her eyes couldn't help but land on his reddish eyes. Subconsciously, she attributed his sudden restored vision to this fact.

"You can see?"

Ethan smiled and nodded affirmatively. There was no use hiding. She had already seen it and quite frankly, he would rather not hide it either.

How and why it happened, he had no idea. However, right now, he couldn't care less.

He turned his gaze away from her as he looked towards a table that was in the room. There laid his smartphone that was black and blue with a hint of red.

In fact, it wasn't just the phone, Ethan could see red everywhere. Almost like it was flowing around him, even around Lily, he could see red flowing within her and outside her.

The room he laid in was quite spacious. Unlike the rooms of other males Ethan's age, his was much simpler. There were no high-tech gadgets or televisions or stereo's and whatnot.

Due to his earlier blindness, he couldn't use all of this stuff, so there wasn't any need for him to keep them.

After surveying the room, his gaze returned to the dazed lily. Although she had guessed, Ethan's confirmation still shook her greatly.

At the moment, she didn't know what to say. The sudden development had completely caught her off guard, rendering her unable to process her thoughts.

For a few seconds, all she could do was stare at his face with a blank expression.

"Say! Am I too handsome that you keep staring at me like that? Or did you just realize it now?"

His voice sounded once again snapping her out of her daze. She blushed heavily as her face turned bright red. She didn't realise that she had been staring at his face for so long.

Not to mention, his change in speech pattern was entirely different from before.

Of course, she didn't know that Ethan wasn't the same as he was before. His soul had merged with the 30+ year old him from the future.

After gaining his sight back in the future, Ethan, despite being an unawakened with no real strength, had become incredibly notorious in the minds of men.

His promiscuousness had reached another level and his communication, seduction, and teasing skills on women had caused even high ranked experts to dread having him anywhere around their women.

It didn't matter whether he was strong or not, as long as he had the chance, even ice-cold beauties would blush after spending an extended amount of time with him.

The city lord of Green will city in particular had a deep grudge against this man and nearly killed him several times.

At that time, Ethan felt incredibly wronged.

It's not his fault that his wife slept with him.

Not knowing how to face him, lily turned around and fled from the room. Her red face was all the proof needed to show her embarrassment, as she was incredibly thin-skinned.

At the moment, she didn't have the courage to face him.

Ethan smiled deeply as a warm feeling spread through his heart. Currently, he had completely forgotten about the impending apocalypse.

His mind was in ecstasy.

However, Ethan noticed that as Lily sprinted out of the room, a ball of glowing white light fell from her body and landed on the floor.

"Lily, you dropped something!"

Ethan called out, but lily had already run too far away to hear him. Even if she heard him, the chances of returning to the room were basically zero.

Ethan sighed as he stood up from his bed. He took another look at the place and sighed deeply.

Just as he wanted to step forward to pick up with she had dropped, a cold, emotionless female's voice sounded in his head.

[Attribute orb detected! Do you wish to plunder]