
The Plot & Sketches

Tom, a college freshman is now adjusting to university life. From being an outcast back in high school, he is now seen as a promising scholar in the university. This story revolves around Tom, and his newly found friend Leo. Tom's journey to resurgence and Leo's dark past. Their voyage in escaping the throbbing reality by crafting their plot and sketches.

Ryan_Lualhati · LGBT+
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Chapter 1: From Downfall to Resurgence

By Rye Gosmo Lualhati

Prelude Poem:

Plot and Sketches

Not all stories have a happy ending

But all narratives have heroes and heroin

Individuals who suddenly met each other

Just like magic, they instantly like-minded

Not all characters live happily ever after

For there are villains with antipathy

A personage who loves to hate our heroes

Just like gravity, he will pull you down

Not all heroes are strong and passionate

But I believe all heroes are pure-hearted

They are victims of circumstances

Meant to emphasize human nature

Not all plots follow the same pattern

Some writers are bold to break the norm

Inspired by their life experiences

Their pens are the living narratives

Not all sketches are imagination

Some draw the reality of life

Life with angels and monsters

Their pencil sketches life and death

Chapter 1

From Downfall to Resurgence

Not all stories have happy endings. Some are tragic to emphasize the value of life. For instance, the way Tony Stark died in Avengers Endgame is probably the most tragic scene for comic book enthusiasts like me. No matter how devastating the scene is, we cannot ignore the fact that it was for the greater good.

This is an exact representation of my life. They said everything happens for a reason, but what if the cause is unfair, especially on my part? This is my story. The happiest stage of my life, yet the most sorrowful one. It started at my downfall juncture as I moved forward to resurgence.

My name is Tom, Tom Tanapon, I am your typical type of nerdy student. I am tall and slender with a pale skin complexion. I always wear these thick eyeglasses and a loose gray cardigan which you might think are knitted by my grandmother.

High School was a downfall for me. In short, I was a loser. I'm used to being pushed around and called various names. I finished my High School education at Songkhon Secondary School, Nakhon Ratchasima in Thailand.

Songkhon Secondary School is filled with vicious monsters. There are monsters everywhere from the faculty room, where demons will crush your dream by uttering discouraging words to the classroom where their proteges always step on someone else's feet just to be on top.

The only refuge that I have in that school is my sketches. I believe that my sketches are the living embodiment of how I perceive the world around me. Probably that's why most of my sketches are monsters depicting the monsters that I encounter every day of my life in Songkon Secondary School.

It doesn't matter anymore. Now, I see myself in the persona of Billy Batson.


For I know, I am meant for a more significant duty. I just need to discover it. Moreover, I am about to discover it now. I just have to use my pencils to turn my life around. Yes! You heard it right, my pencil. Because I know I am a talented artist as I was accepted to an esteemed fine arts university, Silpaleya Phumipaya University in this province of Nakhon Ratchasima.

It was the 9th of May 2022, the first day of school. My first day as a university student. I am very excited. I have high hopes that I will turn my life around and forget about my horrendous high school life. As my alarm clock rang at exactly 6:00 in the morning.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Gosh! It's 6;00 in the morning. I don't want to be late on the first day of my class." I cried, as I relentlessly fight the feeling of sleepiness for I am used to waking up late during vacation.

I fix myself and skirmish into the cold water to have a bath. Though Thailand is a tropical country, remember I am in the countryside. Therefore, the weather is a bit cold, especially in the morning.

As I go down, my loving mother, Mind, right away greeted me. "Good morning my son! Breakfast is ready. Come on, let's eat."

Although I want to eat with her, my enthusiasm for my first day is stronger. I also don't want to be late so I said.

"Mother, that looks delicious, but you know I don't want to be late for my first day right? I will just grab this sandwich. Wish me luck!"

I step out of the door and start the engine of my motorcycle filled with hopes that this school year will be a different experience for me compared to the one I had back in my high school days. I feel like I am Johnny Blaze, Ghost Rider from Marvel Comics fearless and careless. The fire on my skull keeps on burning just like my passion for a resurgence.

As I arrive at the university, my courage seems to be unfastened. I eventually become anxious. The flame in the skull of your Ghost Rider seems to be extinguished. I asked myself.

"What if I cannot turn my life around?"

"What if I encounter the same people and make my life miserable?"

I pull out all the courage in my body as I told myself, "Come what may!"

Upon entering the university, I felt so small. The University is colossal. I might get lost because of its size. The university stands for its name being a premier school in the field of arts. The sidewalks are filled with old dim light posts which is similar to European streets. Most of the buildings are mossy concrete covered by roots which you might find creepy but for me, it was a work of art.

All the freshmen are gathered in the school field waiting for the orientation and the campus tour. Then, the facilitator went to see us. His name is Mr. Somsak, in English "worthy of Honor." He talked about the history of the school and how it became a pioneer in the field of arts. He epitomizes his name as he talks about how honorable the school is.

Being a typical student, I am so bored with history. In my daydream, the speaker seems like Chesire the Cat in Alice in Wonderland telling me to enter the rabbit hole with a swirling motion making me feel more sleepy.

I snapped out of my daydreaming because the orientation already ended. All the freshmen were grouped according to their respective faculties. As usual, I am in the Faculty of Fine Arts.

For our campus tour, we are guided by Phi (Thai used the word Phi to refer to their seniors) Arthit.

Phi Arthit is the typical student leader. Upon seeing him, I was mesmerized. Finally, a person I can look up to. His friendly, kind, and very helpful to us freshmen. He has a small oval face with chinky eyes behind his eyeglasses. As my imagination goes wild, I see him as Clark Kent hiding in the persona of Superman. He is just probably a Korean version of him.

I get out of my daydreaming as Phi Arthit asks me, "You're Tom right? Tom Tanapon."

I immediately responded, "Yes, krub." (Thai usually says krub after every statement as a sign of respect)

"I saw your sketches and they are amazing. The professors are talking about you. It's been quite a while since we have a talented freshman on this faculty. Would you mind being a part of the Art Club? Your talent is a great addition to our club."

My mind began to run slowly. I am not sure if I am hearing these words. A person appreciates my work. A community that values my talent, and does not belittle me. I am on cloud nine right now. I kept on asking myself, "is it just a dream?"

I just came back to my senses as Phi Arthit asked me, "Are you okay?"

I immediately answered, "Yes krub! It is just hard to imagine that people will see me that way."

"Don't be so emotional, you'll be having a blast in this university I promise," said Arthit.

"I don't know what you've been through, but dude you need to have confidence in yourself." He added.

He then puts his arms around my shoulder and said, "So, it's that a yes!"

Still surprised by what is happening, I just simply nodded to say yes.

This is what you called a turnaround. At last, people around me appreciate my work. If Phi Arthit is like Superman, now I see myself as Batman. Alongside, we will fight those villains and save the world from any kind of danger.

Phi Arthit is starting to be like a person I am looking up to. I know I'm straight but I am starting to find him handsome.

In my thoughts, "It can be! Probably I was just mesmerized by the fact that some appreciated me. It was the first so it is a milestone of emotion for me."

The orientation commenced in the locker area where we were provided by key with the locker number attached.

"So, I'll see you around," Phi Arthit said.

He also added, "I'll update you on the first meeting of the Art Club."

"Thank you, Phi Arthit. I'll see you around." I responded.

I then move forward searching for my locker smiling, humming, with swimming hands and crinkling nose and eye thinking about Phi Arthit. Thinking of him is so alluring for he is an embodiment of perfection.

My locker is number 14 as stated in the keys given to us. I easily found my locker and placed all of my things in there. While I am closing the door of my locker, a stranger thwarts the door from closing.

"Hi, there newbie." said the man with a mawkish croaky authoritative voice.

A group of five students is standing next to me. While looking at their uniform, they seem to be in the Faculty of Architecture.

"You seem to pay so much respect to your seniors, and you forget about us." The man added.

I suddenly feel so scared. I glance around the area trying to avoid eye contact. With uneasy breathing, I stutteringly responded, "I'm sorry, I am new here. I don't know you yet krub."

He suddenly walked close to me, his footsteps seem too loud. It is banging on my ears. All of a sudden my body was covered with terror across my spine. A very familiar emotion, I felt so alone during that time,

Then, he said. "I am Jerry. 4th-year Architecture student and this is my younger brother Mark. I bet you know him. You came from the same school. I also know a lot of things about you coming from him."

Mark is my classmate back in high school. He's a popular kid because of his looks. He has this chinky eyes, very pale skin, and a pointy nose with a good set of shiny hair. He would probably pass auditioning for a KDrama.

However, don't be deceived by his good looks. His looks are the exact opposite of his attitude. He is manipulative. He uses the people around him to his advantage. I just hate him because most of the time, I am the target of his scheme,

As they are ganging up on me, a voice interrupted the scenario.

"What do we have here? A bunch of cowards, teaming up for a weakling." He said.

"I pity each and every one of you, for you need to group up like that just to confront a single person." He added.

As I look back and gaze at him, I saw an angelic man with a touch of coffee brown hair. He has this very radiant energy as he smiles. Focusing on his face, he has this perfect proportion face, with bright caramel brown eyes spellbinding as a star. His sparkling smile seems like telling, don't worry, I got you covered.

Jerry responded, "Mind your own business freak!"

He smirk for a while and replied. "Sticking up with someone else's business is my business. Why won't go back to your tiny bat cave and hibernate so we will not see your pathetic faces in this part of the university."

Jerry violently approached him but he barge in and speak out.

"We'll you can be violent as you want. You and your boys can beat the two of us up. However, you know what this means. You are declaring war on two faculties. You probably don't want to have problems with the Faculty of Fine Arts and Faculty of Arts and Letters."

Realizing the consequences, Jerry suddenly stopped. He looked at me and said, "Always watch your back!"

Afterward, Jerry walked away.

"Sometimes you need to fight back. Being afraid doesn't mean you also need to be a coward." The man vocalized.

"Anyways, my name is Leo." He added.

Still mesmerized by his look and persona snap out of my daydreaming and responded. "I'm Tom."

He then responded, "Yes! I heard it from them."

"Well, story writing is the game, how about you? He asked.

I then answered, "I do sketching, I don't know if I'm good enough but they said I am."

"Of course you are. You will not be accepted in the Faculty of Fine Arts if you're not good enough."

He then grabbed my phone and dialed his number. "Call me up when you're in trouble. I'll be Jonathan Kent, Jay Nakamura."

As he walked away, there is a sudden bright aura surrounding him. I know it is just my imagination but that is how I see him at that moment. I later then realized that he called me Jay Nakamura.

"The f*ck! How can I be Jay Nakamura, he is Jonathan Kent, the current Superman in the DC comics."