"Stop!!!" Three people shouted almost at the same time.
Nora shouted in fear of getting her had blown away, Trystan shouted unconsciously.
Alex shouted because he had many questions to ask her and also because he didn't want to kill a beauty in such a way not to forget he still needs to punish her in person.
Kerchak stopped his fist just an inch away from Nora's pretty head. The wind-generated due to the movement hit Nora causing her Black grey hair to flow in the opposite direction.
the faint-hearted, it could kill them with a heart attack but Nora only fainted as her eyes rolled back or so she acted to see if she can get out of this situation. She was a natural indeed.
Alex ordered Kerchal to hold her upside down with his one hand. Nora's hands have to confined, therefore, Kerchak only left her torso above the abdomen out in the open. Her Chest fell down due to the gravity almost reaching her face.