
18 - The cruel truth

Hello there!

I wanted to leave a trigger warning here - there's mentions of past abuse in this chapter.

Again, this is just fiction, nothing in this story has happened in real life!


Seokjin glanced at Yoongi with a dour expression, but the latter didn't give a damn about it; he just ate his - now cold - breakfast in, unbothered. Jungkook followed him a few seconds later, a happy smile crossed his face, his eyes sparkled as he sat down next to Seokjin. The elder could sense how happy Jungkook was, making him relax a little in his seat.

They ate in silence, but Seokjin didn't mind it at all. After they all finished, Jungkook stood up and collected the dirty dishes before he made his way to the washing machine, putting the plates into it.

'I'd like to talk with you in private.' Seokjin heard Yoongi's voice in his head. Looking at this house mate, Seokjin gave a small nod. It was a bit odd if Seokjin was being honest; Yoongi was never the type who would rush things. Seokjin assumed that the latter wanted to talk about the mysterious angel - maybe something had happened that he wanted to tell him privately?

After his nod, Yoongi stood up and went into his room, leaving a baffled Seokjin who stared in his direction.

"Hyung? Is everything okay?" Jungkook asked him.

"Yeah, I just got distracted, sorry." Seokjin replied, his lips curling up to a shy smile. Jungkook hummed as he sat back next to him, putting his hand onto the table. Seokjin automatically put his hand onto the younger's, squeezing them lightly. He noticed the pink shade on Jungkook's face, but he let his hand to be hold. Seokjin felt warmth blooming in his chest at that, letting his thoughts wander as they sat there in silence for a short while.

"It's so strange." Jungkook said quietly.

"What do you mean?" Seokjin asked, a furrow appearing between his brows.

"That you two care about me." Jungkook replied, his voice barely louder than a whisper. Even though Seokjin didn't say anything at that, he squeezed Jungkook's hand, a reassurance that he's there. When the younger looked at him, a soft smile crossed his face.

"I wish we could've met sooner though." Seokjin noted with a bittersweet smile.


"Because maybe you wouldn't have gone through those horrible things that had happened to you..." The things Jungkook had told him echoed in his head, making his chest ache.

Hearing those words made Jungkook's inner nerves tingle, like a thousand butterflies came alive in his stomach. He turned his hand under Seokjin's, intertwining their fingers, squeezing his hand. He saw how his hyung's eyes widened when he looked at him, his lips parted just a little.

"What happened has happened, there's nothing we can do or change about it. I want to focus on the present, how I'm here with you right now. This is the only thing that matters to me." Jungkook felt how his cheeks were burning as he finished what he wanted to say. He wasn't alone - even though Seokjin smiled when he saw his flushed cheeks, his own were just as red.

"And what about Yoongi?" Seokjin asked a few moments later, his lips hiding a mischievous smile.

"I think I'll have to like him as well." Jungkook shrugged playfully, making the latter giggle quietly. Seokjin leaned closer towards Jungkook, giving a soft peck onto his lips.

"Don't say it in front of him, he would take this as an offense." Seokjin said quietly and stood up, pulling Jungkook up to his feet as well. He followed the elder as he went into the living room, sitting down on the couch with him.

Jungkook snuggled closer to Seokjin, smiling when he felt his arm on his shoulder. He rested his head onto the elder's shoulder, closing his eyes while he took a deep breath, a pleasant calmness taking over him. It felt so good for Jungkook to be this close to Seokjin.

"What should we do today?" Seokjin asked after a short while.

"Hmm... I don't know." Jungkook mumbled, leaving his eyes closed still.

"What would you like to do?" His chest resonated as he spoke, it sent a shiver up on Jungkook's spine.

"Hmm...maybe a walk in the park? I'd like to move out a bit." Jungkook replied after a short time of thinking and looking at the elder.

"Sounds good!" Seokjin smiled and stood up from the couch, taking his arm off of his shoulder, making his way to their room. Jungkook stood up as well, following his steps and closed the door behind himself.

A few minutes later they walked out from our room - they both changed their clothes - and Jungkook was already walking to the front door when Seokjin held his hand to stop him.

"I'm gonna let Yoongi know that we're leaving. You can go, I'll catch up on you in a few minutes, okay?"

"Alright, I'm gonna wait for you in front of the hotel."

"It won't take long." Seokjin gave a quick peck on the younger's lips and turned back, making his way to Yoongi's room. Jungkook slid into his shoes and made his way out to the hallway.

A quiet knocking woke Yoongi up. He got out of his bed, yawning as he partly cracked his door open. Seokjin looked at him with a questioning look, nibbling his bottom lip.

"Sorry to wake you up, but I just wanted to tell you that we're gonna take a walk at the park." Seokjin said, and Yoongi was almost sure he sensed fear in his voice.

"Where is he now?"

"He's already in front of the hotel, waiting for me. Why?" Seokjin asked with a frown. Yoongi opened the door wider and stepped aside to let his hyung in. Seokjin hesitated for a few moments before he came into the room, sitting down onto Yoongi's bed.

Seokjin looked at Yoongi with a puzzled expression while he sat down in front of him but he stayed quiet.

"Hyung, I have to tell you something." Yoongi started, his nervousness sneaking up on the back of his neck.

"Yoongi, you're starting to scare me." Seokjin's voice sounded worried, he must've sensed the new emotion that took over Yoongi.

"This morning, when Jungkook had a nightmare..." Yoongi started again, noticing how the elder's body tensed.

"What did you see?" He asked without hesitation. He wasn't angry, and Yoongi was grateful for that.

"That he had told you... that he was..." Yoongi couldn't say the word, like it was already a sin to say it out loud.

"Yeah, I've already guessed that, but seeing your expression and sensing your emotions makes me assume that you saw something that Jungkook hasn't told me." Fuck, sometimes Yoongi hated that Seokjin had powers like this. He just nodded a bit but didn't say anything, chewing his lips instead.

Yoongi was scared. He hated to admit to himself, but he was so fucking scared. Seokjin was like a brother to him, and he knew if he's going to tell him what he'd seen it'd destroy him. Seokjin had gone to the bar because he'd been thinking about that asshole for fuck's sake! That's how he'd met with Jungkook. Years had passed, yet his hyung still couldn't forget that prick.

"Yoongi, what is it that makes you so scared of to tell me? Your fear makes my skin crawl." Seokjin said, his voice filled with worry. He put his hand onto Yoongi's, a small act to calm him down at least a little. Yoongi turned his hand, squeezing the elder's as he looked deeply into his eyes.

"I clearly saw the person's face through Jungkook's eyes." Yoongi finally managed to say.

"Don't get me wrong, but I don't really see why you were so scared to tell me this." A furrow appeared between Yoongi's brows.

"I recognised the person who did this to him." Yoongi said, hoping that the way he said it would be enough for the elder to put the pieces together. He didn't even want to say the name of that asshole.

Seokjin's body froze when he realized what Yoongi had said - he didn't have to use his powers to know how his hyung's thoughts were whirling around in his mind.

"Who was it? Who did you see, Yoongi?" Seokjin's voice cracked a little as he spoke. Yoongi still hesitated which made Seokjin lose his patience.

"Answer me, Yoongi," the elder's tone was cold, commanding even, "who the hell was that you recognised yet you're not willing to tell me his name?" Seokjin was almost shouted at the end of the sentence. Yoongi winced - he'd never seen his hyung like this.

"Yo-you're ex boyfriend." Yoongi replied.

Seokjin's lips parted, his eyes went wide, feeling like the whole world stopped. No, it must be a mistake, it's sure he'd heard it wrong.

"What?" He asked dumbly.

"You heard me. The guy I saw in Jungkook's nightmare, who..." Yoongi hesitated for a few moments, trying to find the right words, "who did this to him was none other than your ex."

There was no point in saying his name as Seokjin didn't have that many exes. More precisely he only had one man in his life he'd given everything he had, who he'd loved from the bottom of his heart. He'd been a fool as he'd thought he'd felt the same way as him, and he'd been so happy.

But Seokjin was wrong. Oh God, he'd been so fucking wrong.

If you really, truly love someone then no matter what kind of obstacle appears in your relationship, you will try everything to overcome it with the love of your life on your side. Because besides the happy moments you share, you share the sad moments as well. But if your feelings are true towards the other then you can take over these bad things too, making the bond between yourselves more stronger.

Seokjin had felt like that towards him. Unfortunately the pink clouds had blinded Seokjin, and he'd only realised that their relationship had been one-sided when it was too late.

Like whenever they'd been arguing, Seokjin was the one who apologised first even when he wasn't the one at fault.

Or when they had a program they'd been planning to do together, they almost always had done something he'd wanted, not Seokjin.

Or that how Seokjin had been the one who called or texted him first whenever they hadn't seen each other for a longer period of time.

That Seokjin had always acted how he wanted. If he had any kind of problem, Seokjin had always been there for him, supporting and helping him in any way he could, never complaining if he didn't like something that he'd done or said. Seokjin tolerated both the mental and physical pain that he'd caused.

The malicious remarks.

The green and blue bruises on his body that appeared after they had sex.

Seokjin bared it all, but when he needed the latter the most, he hadn't stayed with him.

On his eighteenth birthday Seokjin had realised that he's not an ordinary human - he could sense and read in people's emotions. As Seokjin had not wanted to keep secrets from his boyfriend, he'd told him what had happened. He couldn't control his powers so he'd sensed every emotion his boyfriend had felt right away.



Seokjin could bear these. But he'd read something else that had made his heart broke into a million pieces.

Disgust. Pure, immense disgust.

Of course he'd tried to hide it, but the words he'd said were nothing else but gibberish to Seokjin's ears, and he'd asked him to stop talking. He'd looked at him with wide-opened eyes at first, but a few moments later he'd nodded and left, disappearing from Seokjin's life.

Seokjin had been sitting on the couch, his tears rolling on his face, his chest burning as his breathing had been uneven, rigid, looking yet not seeing anything but vague shapes as his eyes were out of focus.

The love of his life had left him forever.

It took several weeks for Seokjin to think about him without the urge to cry.

It took him months to finally gather up enough courage to start dating, but he couldn't do it as his powers had been still too new to him at that time and he'd given up the hope to have a normal relationship.

Seokjin had started going to clubs, trying to convince himself that maybe the one-night stands would make him feel less lonely. It took him a few tries to get to the conclusion that he couldn't live his life like that.

He felt like a wreck, a waste because of one person.

A person who'd turned out to be someone who'd ruined someone else's life as well, not just Seokjin's.

How had he charmed Jungkook? - Seokjin wondered. By his manly emission? His intelligence he showed when they chit-chatted? With his dimples which showed up when he smiled? How he could've he done this to him? Ho-

"Hyung?" Yoongi's voice pulled Seokjin back from his thoughts. When Seokjin blinked and looked at the younger, the worry and fear he felt smashed into his mind. Yoongi lifted his free hand and gently caressed his face, wiping a tear drop off. Oh, Seokjin didn't even realised he'd started crying.

"I'm so sorry." Yoongi's tone was soft, as light as a whisper yet Seokjin could hear how his voice trembled.

"Why are you the one who's apologizing?" Anger lit up inside of Seokjin out of a sudden, suppressing every other emotion he felt. "You're not the one who basically raped Jungkook!" The words were harsh as they left his mouth, echoing in the room.

Neither Seokjin or Yoongi knew that Jungkook heard what Seokjin just had said.

He'd come back because he'd left his phone in his and Seokjin's room - he'd been waiting for Seokjin for a while and when he'd wanted to check the time out he'd realised he'd forgotten to take it with him. He'd barely slipped out of his shoes when he'd noticed that Yoongi's door was slightly open. He slowly took a step closer when he heard Seokjin.

Jungkook was still in shock, his body frozen in place.

"How could he'd done this? How could he have gone that far? Leaving blue and green bruises on his partner was not enough for him?" Seokjin's voice became more and more desperate after each question he asked, like he was close to crying.

"Hyung, please calm do-"

"How the fuck could I calm down, Yoongi? Hm? You just told me that the man who almost ruined me for the rest of my life was the one who'd done this to Jungkook!"

Jungkook's eyes went wide, his mouth fell open. He couldn't believe what he'd just heard. His legs started trembling, making him lean to the wall for support.

"I don't know hyung, but you have to. We can't do anything about it for now, but trust me when I say I want nothing more than hitting that bastard until he's moving," Jungkook heard Yoongi. He had no idea how long he'd been standing at the front door, even breathing felt like a hard task for him.

"You're right." Jungkook heard Seokjin, his tone was more calm now.

"You mean what? I can kill Namjoon?" Yoongi asked and Jungkook guessed that he was smiling. A few moments later he heard a smacking sound.

"Ouch!" Yoongi hissed.

"You deserved that. No, you won't kill anyone except my patience," Seokjin noted, clearly annoyed.

"Come on now, I just wanted to ease the mood..." Yoongi mumbled.

"It was a weak attempt." Seokjin's words had no malice, it was more like he was bickering the other.

"That's what I've got." Yoongi sighed and Jungkook could hear the older one's chuckle.

"Well, thanks I guess. I gotta go or Jungkook's going to go to the park without me," Jungkook heard someone's moving, and Jungkook needed a few moments to realise that if he wasn't going to leave he's going to get caught.

The thoughts were racing in his head but his body failed to move, still frozen in place. The few seconds he was standing there felt like forever before he could finally turn around, reaching his hand towards the handle of the front door, but it was too late.

"Jungkook?" Jungkook heard Seokjin's voice from behind.

'Shit', Jungkook thought, he screwed this up nicely.