
The Pleasure House

Welcome to the Pleasure House, a series of smutty medieval stories. Mature Content Original smut Dark content Adult material

BellaJade · Fantasy
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Secrets among Friends

Iona's POV:

With Derek's hand in mine, we weave our way through the corridors of the castle from one to turn to the next, until we finally end up at my Chambers. I know the consequences will be dire if I am caught. At 18 years of age I had finally become a lady in waiting to the queen. My position was a high one, and it was not as if I was intending to disrespect my title. More simply put I am a woman with strong desires, who, given my position I am unable to wed. Why not have a few moments of pleasure sprinkled in? We enter the chamber and close the door behind us. His lips are on mine before the door even clicks into place. His hands move to the front of my dress, in ottiining it. I pull at the ribbon around my waist, loosening the garment more. Before we can continue, Derek pulls away. I stare back at him confused.

" I bought a gift for you." He says

"Show me."

He points over to the right side of the room and I see that I figure emerges from the shadows.

" we're going to share you tonight. Just like you always talked about."

My jaw hangs open.

Derek, a tall man with toned muscles a strong jawline and dark green eyed stares back at me, his black hair just long enough for me to run my fingers through it.

"What do you think?" Derek asks

I stare back at othe other man.

He is just as fit is Derek and he has deep, blue eyes and sand colored hair. I turned my intention back to Derek.

" What if people talk?"

" They won't."

"How can you be so certain?"

"It's a secret. Nobody saw him enter." Derek reassures

The man nods in agreement.

I turn back again to Derek, a smile growing on my face.

"That sounds perfect then. Where were we?" I ask

Derek goes back to the task of undressing me.

In only a few seconds, I stand there in front of both of them. Derek leads me over to the bed, guiding need to lie on my back. I do as I'm told that he climbs up above me before sliding down to be in between my legs. Without warning, he dives in, sliding his tongue inside my pussy.

I let out a cry.


I pull my tongue out, turning to the gentleman.

"Shut her up." I tell him

He walks over, pulling his dick from his pants. He begins to stroke it with his hand up and down his long length. He makes his way over to the bed, over to Iona's mouth. She accepts, opening her mouth and taking him in. I feel pleasure shoot through me when I hear her gag.

I lick her clit and swirl around her pussy a few more times before I climb off, standing before I pull my own dick from my pants. I position myself and push gently sliding inside her. She groans then gags against the other man's dick. This only makes me throb again. I grip her thighs and begin rocking my hips at a slow pace, releasing more moans from my lover's lips, even as she gags against another man's dick. Enjoying the power and pleasure that this gives me I begin to thrust harder, causing her to cry out with pleasure. Her legs begin to tremble, and I do not stop. She cries out again. My thumb finds her clit and I begin to rub it continuing to pound mercilessly and to her. The room is filled with gagging sounds from Iona. The two of us grunt and groan as we continue the rhythm.

Iona trembles even more now and I feel her pussy muscles clench around me, she cries out still gagged by the penis of the other gentleman. I continue rocking my hips until I cum inside of her. Then I pull out of her, switching with the other man.


I slide inside the young woman's entrance, keeping a grip on her thighs to balance myself as I begin to thrust. She whimpers which pleases me and I continue rocking back and forth at a slow speed, teasingly . I can feel her clinch and unclench repeatedly around me as I bring her to the edge again, and again. She glares at me and I can see the frustration in her eyes. I begin to increase my speed.

" my apologies, dearest I thought you would enjoy it if I took my time but I see you rather like it hard and fast."

With this statement every time I move back, I slammed into her just enough to get a gas or a whimper from her.

Her eyes roll back in her head.

Her body begins to shake, as I throw her into another orgasm.


I am then moved to be on all fours.

My lover moves so he is positioned in front, Derek is behind me. Opening my mouth, I take my lovers dick into my mouth yet again. Derek climbs onto the bed, sliding into my pussy. The two move at a fluid pace, one moving forward, gagging me while the other one moves backwards. Then they switch going back in the other direction. The friction and pleasure this gives me is almost too much to bear. My lover keeps his hand placed behind my head, guiding me. I take him deeply, gagging almost every time, but this seems to please both of them from the ground so I hear escape their mouths every few moments.

My lover finishes inside my first. Derek pumps harder to me cuming inside of me. The two then pull out. The three of us get to work cleaning ourselves up.

" Same time tomorrow?" Our lover asks.

"Perfect." I say

"Agreed." Derek says

With that Derek and I get to work putting the bed back together so the servants don't suspect. Our lover moves one of the stones in the wall aside, revealing a secret doorway, that he then opens and disappears inside of, closing the door behind him.