
The Playwrights

Kabenashi Tsubasa didn't feel like anything was wrong with his life and he was living normally until he came across a mysterious girl named Kurayami Akari. She asked him to help her with her search for the "door." As he found himself learning things that he shouldn't have, he was forced to confront things that he wished he had never seen or known existed. "Do you doubt your existence?" Kurayami asked him. Tsubasa was confused and didn't understand what Kurayami meant. He wondered what ignorance truly was, and whether it was a bliss or a sin.

Sushishy · Fantasy
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4 Chs

April 1st (6:30 A.M. — Monday)

"Hey, Tsubasa. Do you ever have any doubts in your life?"

Tsubasa looked up and saw a figure standing in front of him. However, the face of the person was indistinct, as if something was obstructing his view.

Tsubasa replied with a hint of confusion, "I'm not sure what you mean. Doubts about what?

The figure lowered his head and gazed at Tsubasa. "Have you ever questioned the mysteries of this world? Do we truly have control over our thoughts and actions, or are we being manipulated by external forces?"

Tsubasa pondered the question, but he didn't know how to respond.

The figure raised his head and pointed towards the sky. "Look at that bird, Tsubasa. Do you notice anything peculiar about it?"

Tsubasa gazed at the bird as it flew above them. "It looks like a normal bird to me," he said.

The figure smiled. "No, look closer," he said.

Tsubasa squinted his eyes and looked at the bird again. And then he saw it. The bird was flapping its wings, but it wasn't moving forward at all. It was like it was stuck in mid-air.

"That's strange," Tsubasa said, surprised.

The figure's smile only grew wider. "Indeed, it is quite peculiar, isn't it?" he said, his voice filled with mystery and intrigue. "But tell me, now that you've witnessed this strange phenomenon, do you ever find yourself questioning the meaning of your own existence?"

"I'm not really sure what you mean."

The figure merely shrugged. "Well, that's okay," he replied cryptically. "Perhaps it's a question for another time."


As Tsubasa heard the faint sound of his alarm clock, he grappled with his phone, pressing every button until the noise stopped. He could feel a magnetic force pulling his body into the bed, and his eyelids drooped heavily. Despite this, he opened his eyes slightly and glanced at the time.

It was 6:30 A.M.

"It's not time yet," Tsubasa thought to himself as he tried to drift back to sleep.

But before he could succumb to the pull of sleep once more, a sharp knock on his bedroom door startled him.

"Hey! It's already time! You're going to be late for school!" A voice on the other side of the door called out in a tone that brooked no argument.

Tsubasa groaned and lifted his head from the pillow, trying to locate the source of the voice. "Can't I have five more minutes?"

"No way! It's your first day of school, and you don't want to be late. You need to make friends, you know."

Tsubasa grumbled under his breath. She was right. He didn't have any friends yet.

"You need to get out of that room now, or else I'll come in and drag you out myself. Trust me, you don't want that," The voice sounded like she was ready to do just that.

"Fine, I'm getting up now. Jeez," Tsubasa replied. He pushed the covers off his body and swung his legs over the edge of the bed, his feet touching the cold floor.

He let out a huge yawn and stretched his arms before slowly heading towards the bathroom. The nap had left him feeling groggy, and he splashed cold water on his face to jolt himself awake. Tsubasa looked at himself in the bathroom mirror and sighed.

He thought back to what his sister had said about his lack of friends.

Tsubasa knew that his tendency to get into fights had earned him a reputation as a delinquent, making it difficult for him to make connections with his peers.

But for him, not having friends was normal, and he didn't mind it much. He figured he didn't need anyone else as long as he had himself.

"Tsubasa! Are you still up there?! Breakfast is getting cold!" the voice called from downstairs, interrupting his thoughts.

"Yeah, I'll be down in a minute," Tsubasa responded, his eyes lingering on his reflection a little longer.

As Tsubasa opened the door to his room, the sound of the television reached his ears.

The noise was muffled, making it difficult to discern what was being said, but as he moved closer to the source, he began to make out the words.

It seemed that there had been an accident, perhaps even a murder, though he couldn't be certain. Nevertheless, his curiosity was piqued, and he knew that he could learn more if he made his way downstairs.

The woman busily arranging food on the table was someone he knew well: Aiko.

However, he couldn't recall why he was living with her or what their relationship was.

She claimed he was her brother and that her two-year-old son was his nephew. Initially, he was confused, wondering who the father was, but he soon realized that dwelling on such trivial matters would only give him a headache.

He accepted that this was just how things were.

"...Sounds like something happened?" Tsubasa inquired as he glanced at the TV.

"Yes, a family of five was involved in a tragic accident," Aiko replied, her voice somber. "Their car lost its brakes and they collided with a train. Unfortunately, they all died in the crash. It's a sobering reminder that death can come for anyone, at any time."

Tsubasa turned his head away from the TV and slumped into his chair. "It's a terrible thing, but there's nothing we can do about it," he replied, his voice lacking emotion.

Aiko let out a deep sigh. "That's precisely why you struggle to make friends. Your voice sounds apathetic, and it's difficult for people to connect with someone who doesn't show any emotion."

Tsubasa raised an eyebrow. "How is that related to making friends?

"People, particularly those your age, are drawn to those who are friendly and approachable. When you come across as indifferent, it's hard for others to feel comfortable around you," Aiko explained. "Why don't you try to change your attitude?"

"Yeah, yeah. I don't really feel like listening to your lectures at the moment. I'd rather hear the news," Tsubasa replied sarcastically, before turning his attention back to the news. Although he wasn't particularly interested in it, he was using it as an excuse to avoid listening to Aiko any longer.

As he listened to the news report, he heard the family name of the victims of the tragic accident. "Kurayami?" he muttered, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. That name sounded familiar to him, but he couldn't quite place it.

Aiko noticed his reaction and asked, "Do you know them?"

Tsubasa shook his head. "I'm not sure. The name just sounds familiar."

Aiko frowned. "Well, I hope it's not someone you know. That would be terrible."

Tsubasa didn't understand why the name caught his interest.

He couldn't recall having any friends or acquaintances with that surname, let alone any friends in general.

So, why did the name feel familiar to him?