
The Player Who Challenged God (Player Manhwa x Male Oc)

I do not own the Player Manhwa. I do own my Oc so please don’t worry A past similar to Heo Seol-Jin, Yin Seong-Yang was bullied due to his father being a serial killer and his blood run through his very veins. He read his favorite webtoon to keep his negative thoughts out of his head, until he was Isekai to the very world he dreamed of being in. The god of the word gave him an ego weapon, sending him to the very town where he met an old friend. Get ready for Betrayal, romance, sword-wielding action, his life begins to twist into what he didn’t want to become.

Arngrim_Asura · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

0. Life isn’t Fair



The sounds of yelling and screaming filled the empty alleyway. A young 15 year old boy holding his stomach, his face covered with ash marks, bruises, and even his sweat and blood. He slowly look up to bullies and tried to muster the little strength he had left.

"Stay down freak!" One of the kids, pushed him down. They beated him down to the ground, blood painted their knuckles red. His wines were heard but no one cared, he was nothing more than a curse to his own world. His mind went red as the sounds of scream finally stopped.


A few minutes after his torment, he limped out of the alley, his face bruised up, his clothes tattered and beaten up. The bullies on the other hand, laying on the ground unconscious and bloody. "I told you not to mess with me…" his voice had fear in the tone of his soft voice.

He made his way to his house, where he found his house covered in graphites and even paint saying words like: Cursed Child, Murderer house, Repent to God, Spawn of Devil, Psycho house. Ignoring it was all he can do, the doctor said he would become his father if I given into his genes.

Yin enter the house and announced his arrival, "I'm home, mom." He closed the door behind him and saw his mother walking out the kitchen. She gave him a bright smile, of course his mother was okay what the neighbors did but as long as I was okay it didn't mean much.

"What happened to your face!?" She asked rubbing her warm hands onto his bruised up face.

"I got bullied, but it didn't matter I beat the crap out of them and walked away." He replied bluntly his hands shaking.

His mother, Serena, sighed heavily "Yin, you can't be fighting or else they'll put you out of the school. I know your father was the #1 psychotic serial killer known to man." She said grabbing the first aid kit. She began patching his face up, she smiled warmly at her son. "It's okay to feel upset, I just want us to live a happy life. So I'm making enough money to get us out of Korea."

The news shocked the boy, he never thought about leaving his only friend behind. He forced his bright smile on his face and nodded, "I'm going to my room." He said leaving his mother back to her cooking.

When he walked into his the room he dropped his bag on the floor, his phone in his hand already on a WEBTOON called ≪Player≫. It was a very special comic he loved to read in order to keep my sanity, he always wanted to be like Dean or maybe even Natch but I couldn't. If he had been born differently would everyone look at him the same?

He laid on his bed slowly closing his eyes. Meanwhile a certain god was watching a snapped his fingers. "Let's see how much you'll grow in this world." He said summon in the poor boy to his domain.


A few hours later, he woke up to see he was in a world he didn't know. His eyes adjusting to the sight seeing what looks to be a blue man with blonde hair. He couldn't see his eyes from the black blur in front of it, yet this man gave off a deity like aura.

"Nice to meet you Kid! I'm Arthur, the god of this world." He introduced himself yet, Yin was sweating bullets.




Rank No. ???


"Did I die!?" Yin asked still shocked to see a god. He checked around his body to find wounds, that's when it hit him. He wasn't dead, he was summoned.

"You're a very smart kid! I'm impressed!" Arthur said patting him on the shoulder.

Yin then asked panically, "Was it something I did to make you summon me?"

"Your comments." He bluntly stated


"I brought you here because of your comments of living a life in my world." God wasn't playing, he was serious.

"I admit that I said that but what about my mom, she's going to be lonely without me." Yin looked to his legs, he still couldn't believe it.

Arthur sat down in front of him "Your mother would be happy without you there."


"Think about it, if you're gone then your mother won't suffer anymore." He spoke the truth to the cursed child.

Yin knew the truth yet he tried to fight back reality, this was always his dream but now it's time to show them that he can become something more. "Fine, you win. Where do I start?" He wiped the last tear he shed. Arthur grinned, he finally gotten what he wanted.

"You have to choose a ego weapon." He snapped his fingers and there was a storage of legendary items. Weapons alike, from the smallest knife to the biggest hammer.

"If you want to survive then choose your weapon." God said showing Yin the weapons. He noticed that a flaming aura caught his attention, he followed it and found a dark skin muscular girl there eating fresh cooked meat.

"Is she a weapon?" He asked the aura felt stronger around her which caught her attention. She turned around staring daggers into him.

"So scary!" He shouted as God laughed.

"This is Vesta, she's a claymore but who ever wields her can use her as an normal weapon.

"Nice to me-"

"Who the hell are you!?" She asked, she definitely had a tomboy personality which explained a lot about her.

Arthur got in front of him and chuckled "Now, Now Vesta. He's going to be your new Wielder."

"Huh!? What the hell is that supposed to mean!?" She asked walking up to God. Her eyes scanning Yin body, when she got to his crotch she grinned. "For such a young boy, you're packing a weapon~." She teased the boy, his face glowed bright crimson red.

"I'll take him, besides he needs to get in shape to wield me." She said wrapping her around Yin. He was blushes deep red color. He never been near a girl before.

"My name is Yin Seong-Yang." He offered his hand to her, she then slapped his hand away.

"Whatever loser." She then walked next to God and pouted. She sighed in annoyance. "Well looks like I get to see Excalibur soon."

Yin only smiled but it was forced. It seemed that she didn't truly except him. "Well where do we go?"

"As a player, I'm sending you to the current location of the first player."

"What's a player?" Yin asked causing the claymore and God to fall down.

Arthur sighed as he raised his arm into the air and spoke with confidence. "Fine. I'll show you." He then snapped his fingers.

<Heavenly Arena Terrarium>

Filled with endless gold and treasures— A tower filled with hopes and dreams! And those who climb the tower are the ones we call <Players>.

"Okay." He said bluntly stretching his arms, his face filled with excitement.

"Such a fast learner, are you sure you're a weakling?" Vesta thought to herself as she was pushed next to him.

"Wait, before you send me there. Send this back to my mother." He handed Arthur the letter as he nodded. Snapping his fingers sending them to the outskirts of the city for players, Normad.


<Yin Seong-Yang>

Class: Student

Rank No. Lowest Rank


Class: Ego Claymore

Rank No. Lowest Rank


When they fell into the ground, Yin was landed near a stack of hay while Vesta landed next to him. The ground splint when they landed, he sat up rubbing his head. "…Ow…" he whined a little in pain.

Vesta groaned a bit as she looked around to see that she was back in the human world, and not only that her appearance had changed.

"Where are we!?" She picked Yin up from the ground who was shaking a bit in fear.

He was about to answer until he heard loud footsteps, it was huge man holding a huge tree in his hand. Yin expression changed into fear, the amount of pressure he felt from him made his coward in fear.

"We can take him! Hang on tight!" Vesta said her body being engulfed by golden flames transforming into a flaming hot claymore.

"This is new! I never had this power before." She exclaimed noticing her weapon form was different from before. Yin clenched his weapon but his body wouldn't move.

"I-I-I can't do this!" He said backing up slowly, memories flashing into his head. He dropped Vesta and ran straight into the forest.

"Come back here coward!!" She screamed as she transformed back to her human form and chased after him. The man roaring as if he won the war.


"I found you! Do you have any ideas what you just did!?"

It's been time since he ran away, she found him under a tree rain soaking his body, his were trying to adjust to his new environment. His hands shaking and lips quivered.

"So this where you've been, huh?" She wasn't really the type to comfort someone.

"Don't…you even know me or what I've been through. You're a weapon with a soul…I'm just a nobody with depression and anxiety." He turned his head away from facing her.

"Look pal, you think I wanted this, hell you could have went back to your world to save me the troubl-" she was caught of by a punch to the face. She was sent back few meters, she haven't realized that she had fucked up.

"Then how about we go our separate ways and never see each other again!" He shouted before storming the other way. She noticed the glare in his eyes, he had something to hide that was more dangerous than the tower.

"What have I done?"

She questioned herself. She watched the boy leaving to the point of no return. "God is going to find a replacement for me! Hey, wait up!" She called out to her wielder.


She made it back to the village, she couldn't help but remember what it was like to be a nobody before becoming a somebody. The smell of blood filled the air, a body ripped from limb to limb, his inners torn out. She wanted to puke from the sight of it until she saw the weak kid do it with his bare hands. His expression showed that he was enjoying the murder, chuckling as if this was nothing more than a game.

"…Yin…" Vesta tried to call out to him. Nothing got through….she dashed over to stop the boy from causing more harm to his hands. "It's okay.. I'm here." She rubbed his head comforting him.

His eyes watering, he knew how much he didn't want to be like his father. Vesta saw it all, his memories are linked with her the moment he grabbed her. He embraced tightly not wanting his to let go of her, she was warm like a fire that could never be put out in the coldest of winters.

Yin spoke in such a depression tone, "I-I-I didn't mean to kill them.." His faces being soaked in fear. She quiet him. The fact he was able to kill someone who was way bigger than him was impressive enough. "Yin, I can see your memories loud and clear. I know the hardship you've been through… I guess me being swallowed by emotions was never my intent. I just wanted to be wielded by someone who was just like me." She said standing up on her own two feet.

"So, for now on, let's be friends and find the first player!" She offered her hand, Yin gladly accept and wiped his tears away.


He then noticed he was covered in wraps of cloth. "What the?!" He tried to break free, but it was too strong to be normal fabric.

"Take them back to the Entry, we'll make sure to interrogate them." The man said knocking Yin unconscious.


As Yin was knocked out God was watching it back in his domain, "It seems the real games have begun, how long until your sanity breaks, Yin?" He grinned while watching through a blue screen.