
The Player Who Can't Level UP

While others are trying to control the mana within them, Vi, on the other hand, is controlling the huge pool of mana in the world he is in. As a level 1 player who can't level up, he resorts to other methods to become the strongest. Can't tame monsters and summon spiritual beings? No problem, he can use his own blood to create summons. Can't wield weapons made by metals and renowned blacksmiths? No problem, he can use his own bones as his weapons. Can't use elemental powers through mana? No problem, he can use his own shadow to cast magic. Can't execute enough physical power with his level 1 body? No problem, he can transform and bring out unparalleled strength. Can't use illusions and other mental attacks? No problem, he can do all of it with his hair. And thus, Vi becomes a king different from everyone. A king who without an army or kingdom, but a king who alone defeated everyone obstructing his path.

Tagasulat · Games
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180 Chs

More People Are Coming

Regret, resentment, helplessness, cursing... Somewhere inside a certain dungeon, these kinds of feelings filled the area. Three men in a critical condition could be seen lying on the ground, their limbs kept twitching.

Three other men were standing straight nearby. Two of whom had their faces swollen, one was perfectly fine.

Amidst these six men, there was a youth in his mid-teens standing with a faint smile before the three men lying on the ground. He was looking at them with thoughts unknown before he shook his head and sighed after some time.

Who else could it be other than Vi?

"For some time, you three will be slave number 4, slave number 5, and slave number 6," Vi suddenly spoke, seemingly talking to the three men on the ground. Only then did their limbs stop twitching.

Surprisingly, the color of their eyes suddenly changed and turned into pure black. It also appeared like their free will was stolen from them as they didn't have the ability to refuse.

As such, the three men got up from the ground and stood up straight. Bowing their heads before Vi, all the three of them finally replied, "Yes, master."

"Good," Satisfied, Vi nodded with a faint smile as he said. But shortly after, the faint smile vanished and his expression turned a bit serious. He shifted his gaze in a certain direction as he muttered, "Now then, how should I deal with you all..."

Not too far away from Vi, about twenty people clad in armor were riding on white stallions. All of whom seemed in a rush as they were going in Vi's direction.

Looking at them from far away, Vi could see that some of these people were on a completely different level compared to those six fools surrounding him. Even so, most of them were most likely similar in levels and abilities to these six fools.

But all in all, that was only his speculation. To see what their capabilities truly were, he needed to test them out in real combat. At best, he could defeat them all without breaking a sweat. In a worst-case scenario, he could just lose and drop dead. There was nothing to lose in his inventory anyway since he had just left the tutorial ground and had completely nothing.


However, Vi was just getting complacent about his situation when, suddenly, he realized something he'd overlooked. His eyes widened a little as he'd just recalled that his inventory wasn't empty at all.

In fact, the items he had in his inventory weren't ordinary either. They were black items that were unheard of in the entire world! Or at least, that was what he knew.

In any case, Vi treasured these black items well. After all, he was eager to know what kind of items these were and their purpose.

But at that moment, these very items were put at risk because of his own recklessness. There was a high chance for him to lose these items now that he could see that he was about to fight about twenty players at once.

What should he do now?! Vi suddenly began to sweat. Seeing the many players riding on a stallion getting closer, he couldn't help feeling a bit uneasy. Should he just pretend that he was lost and these six men were just trying to guide him away out of goodwill? As for the fireworks earlier, would they believe him if he said that it was just an accident?

If he knew that this would happen, Vi wouldn't have loitered around in the area earlier and waited leisurely for the reinforcement of those six fools! Vi regretted being complacent about his new abilities as he tried to rack his brain so as to know how he would escape this upcoming trouble.

Of course, if Vi didn't have those two precious items in his Inventory, he wouldn't have been this worried. After all, dying in-game was a pretty common occurrence, especially for him who had died in the tutorial ground countless times already.

Tak! Takatak! Takatak!

Just as Vi was still thinking hard about how he would evade the incoming trouble, all those people coming in their way finally arrived and immediately surrounded them with their horses. None of them seemed friendly at all as they brought out a hostile aura right away.

"Speak, what happened here?"

Shortly after, Vi and the other six men were surrounded by the group of people who had just arrived, one of them asked in a cold voice. It appeared like he was the leader of the group as his voice carried authority. This man's name was Cardo. He was in his forties and he had his body built well.


But to his frustration, the ones he asked didn't answer him at all. On top of that, none of these fools reacted as though they were just statues built there.

"Are you all trying to get on my nerves? Why are you not answering, do you want to die?!" Sweeping his hand to the side, Cardo furiously asked. A strong wind blew out in the wave of his hand, trying to push away all the six men and the brat standing in the middle of them.

But to his surprise, these people appeared like they weren't affected at all as they didn't react to his action earlier. They remained rooted in their spot as though nothing had happened. If it were other people, they would have fallen to the ground already due to the strong wind he released earlier. But these bastards...

Cardo's frustration was still trying to level up when he thought how frustrating they were when, suddenly, the kid standing in the middle of the people he knew, spoke.

"C-can I say that I am lost, and I just want to go home?"

Vi revealed an innocent face saying such claims. Not even a trace of fear could be seen in his eyes. Not even worries.

"..." Cardo was a bit taken aback when that kid suddenly spoke in such a manner. He deemed him insignificant earlier and didn't give him a shred of his attention, but now that he'd spoken, why could he feel a bit uncomfortable all of a sudden? He didn't know why, but with the appearance of this kid, his instinct was telling him that lots of troubles were ready to take place any time soon.