
The Player's Proposal

Percy Jackson is the player of Goode High. He has purely sexual relationships with girls and dumps them before they can get too close. He's considered a heart-breaker, and he's fine with that. After all, this title is better than everyone finding out his secrets. Annabeth Chase is a fighter. Even while dealing with personal stressors of her own, she is strong and always stands up for her friends. Her passion and pride lead to a confrontation with Percy Jackson. During their heated argument, Percy jokingly offers a proposal. However, Annabeth always despised Percy, so she jumps at the chance to serve some payback. The proposal is simple: Percy cannot have sex for three months (other conditions applied).

Sonu2314 · Book&Literature
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46 Chs

The Stars

Bonus Chapter - Piper POV

"Hey, Pipes, what do you want for breakfast-"

"SHHH," I hushed my boyfriend. "Don't wake them up. They look so cute." Jason and I had just come downstairs and found my friends sleeping in our family room.

My kaleidoscope eyes lingered on Percy and Annabeth.

I had no idea how they fell asleep in the way that they did. Annabeth was sleeping on her back. A couch pillow was under her head, and her blond hair was spread out like a halo. Percy was sleeping on his stomach with his head resting on Annabeth's stomach. Her arm was wrapped around her waist, and his raven hair was cast over his closed eyes.

They looked so cute and peaceful. Considering Annabeth 'didn't like' Percy, she seemed awfully comfortable. I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture.

A few others were scattered through the first floor. The Stolls and Rachel were sleeping on the couch. Thalia was the funniest. She was sprawled on the dining table. Meanwhile, Leo was sleeping under the dining table.

Frank, Hazel, and Katie must've left the party. Good for them.

"Well, it looks like I'll need to make food for more than ourselves," Jason whined. He groaned while walking towards the kitchen. I took another picture of Percabeth before following my boyfriend.

"Percy's favorite breakfast is pancakes. They're pretty easy to make, so we can do that," he informed. I nodded in approval.

Since it was Winter Break, my staff were off work. I had no idea how to cook, so I let Jason handle the food. I acted as his little helper and gave him the ingredients.

"I love you, Pipes. You're so welcoming to everyone," Jason whispered while sharing a kiss with me. I melted into his gentle passion before he went back to stirring the mix.

"The party was fun yesterday."

"It was, but I enjoyed what we did after."

"JASON," I giggled while nudging him with my hips. He laughed while adding some more flour. Since we had to feed teenagers today, we needed a lot more pancake batter. "Jason, you're such a perfectionist, but you don't have to be so clean and organized."

"This is who I am, thank you very much," he retorted.

Just then, Calypso came downstairs while yawning. She was surprised that all our friends were still at the home. Regardless, she told us that Bob was still asleep.

To be honest, I liked living with Calypso and Bob. Bob was like a cute younger brother that I never had. I loved playing games with him. Calypso was a nice girl as well. Overall, I was happy with them moving into my home.

"Hey, can I ask you guys something?" Calypso started.

Jason was currently spilling the batter onto the frying pan. I was mixing different colored dyes into the remaining batter. Jason liked yellow pancakes. However, I preferred pink pancakes while Percy loved blue food. Yup, we're very strange people.

"Go ahead."

"Well, Leo asked me on a date yesterday. Um, I didn't give him an answer yet because I don't know what to do."

"Calypso, why are you struggling? Leo may be weird and all, but he's a very sweet guy. One thing I can say is that you'll never be bored with him," I expressed. Jason stayed quiet because he was bad with relationship drama.

"I don't know if it's a good idea. I know that Percy and I broke up years ago, but being around him again is stirring feelings. I don't know," Cally stammered. "However, he has no intention of being with me."

"What happened with you and Percy?" I asked quietly. I was curious. However, Annabeth also wanted to know, so I was asking for my best friend as well.

Calypso sighed before sitting on the bar stools. Tears bristled in her pale eyes while she rubbed her shaking fingers. Whatever happened, it was her fault.

"I cheated on him," Cally admitted.

"He kept me safe and made me feel loved. He was the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I threw it all away. His being a player is probably my fault as well. I hurt him so much."

Tears escaped Calypso's broken eyes. Despite everything that has happened, I haven't seen her cry. Seeing her beautiful face in pain was agonizing.

However, a part of me wanted her to cry. She deserved to for hurting Percy who is the sweetest guy. He's handsome, warm, and loving. Yes, he has a playboy persona at Goode High. However, when he is in relationships, he's respectful and loyal. He always commits 100% to a girlfriend.

"Don't cry, Cally. Percy's isn't a player because of you," Jason affirmed. I looked at my boyfriend who had a deep expression on his face.

He knew the truth about Percy's playboy actions, but he never told me. It must've been private if he kept it a secret from me. I was still in the clouds about Percy. I liked him as a friend. I even liked him as a possible boyfriend for my best friend. However, I hated this deal.

Calypso shook her head before wiping her face.

"I just don't know what to do. Leo isn't even my type."

"I think that it'll be good to try something different. You never know where you'll find the right kind of love for you. Percy didn't work out, but you should give Leo a chance," I explained. "Love is worth the risks."

"You really think so?" she asked softly.

I looked at Jason who was smiling back at me. My boyfriend wouldn't admit it, but he loved when I talked about love.

He once said that my eyes change colors and sparkle when I talk about love. I shared a kiss with him before turning to Cally.

"I know so," I replied genuinely.

"Anyway, I'm gonna start waking everyone up."

I kissed Jason once more before walking to the family room. The house was still a mess from yesterday, but I didn't mind. We'd have all day to clean up. Besides, the holiday season always messed up the organization of my house anyway. My butler was off, and I always had my friends over.

In fact, I had already invited Annabeth for New Year's. However, she reversed the offer because she wanted to be with her brothers and stepmom. It was admirable. I wanted to spend the New Year with a family. My dad was busy on an international movie set. Jason and Thalia were traveling to California where their dad set up a celebration.

As such, I decided to accept Annabeth's invitation. Calypso, Bob, and I were going to Annabeth's house for New Year's.

I smiled before approaching my sleeping (lazy-ass) friends.


The reaction was immediate. Percy jolted awake with wide eyes and an eager smile. Blue pancakes were the trigger. No surprise there.


I was greeted by a man whom I haven't seen in months. I come to Annabeth's house often since she was my best friend. However, her dad usually was never around.

"Piper, welcome. Happy New Year's Eve," Frederick Chase greeted.

"To you as well, Mr. Chase."

"You two must be Calypso and Bob. Please come in." Mr. Chase led us towards the living room where Matthew and Bobby were playing video games. A fresh aroma was permeating from the kitchen where I assumed dinner was being prepared.

"ANNABETH, you're friends are here," he shouted towards the stairs.

Bob shyly cowered behind Calypso as he stared at the boys. I hadn't realized that they would be the same age. They were in the same class according to Annabeth. He was very shy, so this was a good opportunity for him to make friends.

Mr. Chase noticed his hesitation and crouched in front of the little boy. "Hey, Bob, it's okay. I believe that you will get along great with my kids. Go ahead and ask for a turn. I believe that they're playing Mario Kart."

"It's actually Super Mario Bros," Bob responded quietly.

I smiled as he waddled over to the twins. Mr. Chase went into the kitchen to help his wife with dinner.

I sat on the couch as Annabeth walked in wearing jeans and a red sweater. Her hair was in a casual ponytail. I always admired Annabeth's natural beauty. Honestly, all of our friends were attractive. Annabeth, Calypso, and I sat down and conversed about our week. However, our attention was on the boys.

"Hello, my name is Bob Titan," he acknowledged nervously.

"Bob, oh my god, my name is Bobby. Some people even call me Bob sometimes," Bobby answered excitedly. Suddenly, Matthew gasped while dropping his controller. "Do you play Mythomagic? Who's your favorite God?"

"Um, I like Artemis. She's silver and fierce."

"Plus, she matches your hair," Matthew commented.

I laughed as the boys continued to talk about Mythomagic in great detail. They were so cute. Before we knew it, Bob was laughing brightly as a game of Mythomagic started.

Calypso and Annabeth's interaction was awkward. There was a silent tension between them because of Percy. It was my duty to lighten the mood.

"Annie, I'm surprised to see you your dad here."

"Yeah, it's been so great. he initially said that he wouldn't be back for a month. Then, something happened. He came home two days ago, and he stayed for a whole week. he also promised that he'd come home and call more often."

"That's such great news. I know how much you've been missing him," I said with a smile. "What happened?"

"Percy happened," Annabeth whispered. Her gray eyes sparkled lightly as a peaceful smile drew onto her face. She seemed so content and happy.

Calypso and I waited for her to elaborate, which she did.

"I don't know how, but he got my dad's number. He called my dad last week and explained how much the family was missing my father. Whatever he said, it worked."

"Your boyfriend said that it would be my loss. He said that I'd regret it later on if I didn't spend time with someone as amazing as my daughter," Frederick explained as he walked in. He had a plate of sweet appetizers for us.


"I'm serious, honey. Percy made me realize that my family was more important than my work. My kids need a father at this age, and my wife desires my love."

Calypso and I smiled as she hugged her dad. This was probably the best Christmas present she could've received from anyone. Reason #187 why Percy was the sweetest human being.

"Dad, he's not my boyfriend," Annabeth finally affirmed.

"I don't know, Annabeth. He speaks so highly and caringly of you. How could you not be dating?"

Annabeth's face reddened. "DAD, we're just friends."

"Anyway, Calypso, did you give Leo an answer yet? He won't stop ranting to me about not receiving an answer from you," Annabeth asked with a smile. My best friend seemed so happy today. It felt so good.

"I'm gonna tell him YES."

"CALEO FOREVER," I cheered. This was so exciting. Annabeth laughed as Calypso blushed. I couldn't wait for their relationship to blossom.

As New Year's approached, I realized that Bob was staring out the window more. he was fine through dinner, which was delicious (by the way). He was still playing with the twins, but he kept watching the sky.

Annabeth also noticed, so we nudged Calypso quietly.

"My brother loves space. He loves watching the stars and constellations. Since the clouds cleared outside, that's what he's doing. He's all right," Calypso said before going back to playing Candyland with Matthew and Bobby.

"Percy soothed him by talking about the sun and stars. That's how Bob calmed down on the night of the incident," Annabeth whispered to me.

Annabeth walked towards Bob with me in tow. He was sitting on the couch near the double window. The sky was clear, so the stars were like bright diamonds in a dark sea. Beautiful.

"Hey, are you having a good time?" she asked.

"Yes, I am. That one is Cassiopeia," Bob whispered. His smile was radiant while he leaned against the window to get a clearer look. His cheeks pressed against the cool glass.

"Did you know that the sun is also a star?"

"Yeah, I did. Percy told me that. He never made fun of me for liking space even though we only talked a few times."

I smiled at Bob and Annabeth's interaction. She wrapped an arm around Bob while I ruffled his hair gently. He smiled before pointing to another constellation.

"Bob, why don't you say hello to the sun and stars?" I suggested.

Bob brightened pulling away from the window. His face was filled with wonder and happiness. Gods, he was such a precious child. He nodded while looking out the window. His silver eyes sparkled like the stars outside.

With a pure smile, Bob said hello.

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