
The Player's Proposal

Percy Jackson is the player of Goode High. He has purely sexual relationships with girls and dumps them before they can get too close. He's considered a heart-breaker, and he's fine with that. After all, this title is better than everyone finding out his secrets. Annabeth Chase is a fighter. Even while dealing with personal stressors of her own, she is strong and always stands up for her friends. Her passion and pride lead to a confrontation with Percy Jackson. During their heated argument, Percy jokingly offers a proposal. However, Annabeth always despised Percy, so she jumps at the chance to serve some payback. The proposal is simple: Percy cannot have sex for three months (other conditions applied).

Sonu2314 · Book&Literature
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46 Chs

The Lemons

Annabeth POV

"Okay, we have to be quiet," Percy whispered as we entered the Grace household.

He has his own set of keys now. The first floor was quiet and dark. Considering it was Saturday night, I was surprised that Jason and Thalia went to bed so early. Percy and I tiptoed towards the stairs.

Percy's hand was wrapped around mine as he pulled me up the stairs. I knew that he was waiting for this for a long time.

I was nervous, yet not nervous at the same time.

We were halfway up the stairs when the lights flashed on, nearly blinding us. Percy and I froze while gazing up at the figure on the second floor.

"Funny seeing you guys sneaking around the house," Thalia commented.

"Thalia, it's not what you think. Err, I mean, it is what you think, but it's not a bad thing," Percy stammered on his words. I nearly facepalmed in embarrassment.

Her electric blue eyes looked at me knowingly.

My cheeks burned as I got closer to Percy. We decided to come here tonight because it was better than sleeping together at my house when my family is present. However, after this interaction with Thalia, I wasn't so sure.

Then, Thalia stepped aside to let us pass. Her smirk was irritating as we walked past her towards Percy's room, which used to be the guest bedroom.

"Be safe, you two," Thalia chuckled.

Percy groaned and flustered as we walked into his room. "Gods, that was embarrassing. I can't believe she caught us."

"She caught us sneaking into your bedroom. She didn't actually catch us doing anything," I explained. "Besides, Thalia's cool. We would've had a problem if it was Jason or Piper."

Percy chuckled. "Yeah, we'd never hear the end of it."

An awkward silence followed. Percy's bedroom was a normal teenager's room. There was a dresser, desk, and bed. The bed was next to the desk, and clothes were strewn along the floor. Percy wasn't the neatest of tenants.

Percy and I looked around and at each other. The air around us was thick with tension. It felt weird and awkward. Percy and I were usually so comfortable.

"Um, so-"

"SCREW IT," Percy exclaimed.

His body rushed forward and collided with mine. It caught me off-guard, which weakened my stance. Percy's inviting lips crashed onto mine as his arms wrapped around my body and pressed me against the bedroom door.

It only took a second for me to respond to his kiss I tilted my head and wrapped my arms around his neck. The motion deepened our passionate make-out session.

Then, his lips traveled along my jaw and down to my neck.

I groaned in ecstasy. Pleasure permeated through my room as I felt his burning hands exploring my stomach, waist, and back.

Heat. Fire. Passion.

I pushed off the wall roughly. Percy's body fell on his bed while I landed on top of him. His hands tightened around my waist and rolled us over. I gazed into his sea-green eyes while our kissing temporarily paused.

"Are you sure, Wise Girl?" Percy asked while panting heavily.

His eyes sparkled against the dim moonlight coming from eh windows. We didn't turn on the lights, which only elevated our romantic exchange. His arms were pulsing while trapping me between his grasp, and his body pressed down on me.

"Yes," I whispered. "I've never been so sure in my life."

I grabbed his shirt and pulled him, kissing him passionately. I yanked the shirt off of him and marveled at his muscular physique.

"Careful with your eyes. You'll see enough throughout the night," Percy smirked. I didn't give him the satisfaction of catching me.

Instead, I flipped us around.

My legs cradled his waist while I removed my shirt. It was his turn to pause and watch me. His burning hands clutched my waist and explored. I rolled my hair to one side before meeting his lips again.

Our clothes came off pretty quickly. Percy grabbed a condom from the nightstand so that we were safe.

We started slow but picked up in rhythm. We got used to our bodies entangled around each other. The passion flowed bidirectionally between us.

Percy was very good with his hands and lips. His whole body was quite impressive. Of course, I'm not gonna reveal details about my boyfriend to all of you.

With each stroke and push, I opened myself to him. His lips explored my mouth and neck while his body pushed down and pulled up against mine. I rocked my hips to add to the heat and love. The love flowed between us through the physical act of sex. The pleasure and ecstasy of release washed over me multiple times.

Our love would always be a constant, but sex is a very nice bonus. It was not the first time for either of us, but it was the best time for both of us.

"I love you," Percy whispered after his climax.

His eyes sparkled as they watched mine. I couldn't help myself. I brushed my lips against his. We held a tender kiss before I flipped us around.

My hair framed around his face. His hands wrapped around my back as I positioned myself on top. "Round 2, already?'" Percy smirked.

"I'll stop if you want me to," I commented with an evil smile.

His hands pulled down on my waist while he rocked his hips upwards. The act effectively initiated round two with me on top. I couldn't control the loud moan from escaping my smiling lips. We were so close to each other in every way.

Percy's face was only an inch from mine as he spoke sensually, "if I ever say stop to this, check me for a head injury."

Sweat permeated in the heat between our bodies. We both pulsed in sync while feeling the pleasures of our love. We felt our love for each other in every movement.

"Your hair smells of lemons," Percy breathed out.

"I know," I whispered, panting heavily. "You like lemons, don't you?"

"I feel like any answer to that question will get me in trouble right now," Percy answered. I laughed heartily while kissing him again, and he embraced me tightly.

Yup, Percy is definitely in trouble tonight.


I woke up to sunshine streaming against my face. I didn't feel like moving because of the warmth wrapped around me. Percy had snuggled a blanket around me.

Where is he anyway? I thought to myself.

I looked around his room to find a note on the dresser. The blanket was still wrapped around my naked body as I read the note.

Hey Wise Girl,

I still have that appointment with Officer Ares. You looked so cute and peaceful, so I didn't want to wake you. I'll be back by lunchtime.

Love, your Seaweed Brain.

P.S. Enjoy the breakfast. You deserve it after the fire performance you gave last night ;)

I laughed at the messy note before looking at the breakfast tray in front of me. Percy provided me with blue pancakes and syrup as well as a glass of orange juice. Gods, he was the sweetest boyfriend ever.

I enjoyed the breakfast a lot before showering and getting dressed in my clothes from yesterday. After making sure that I was presentable, I walked downstairs. I probably knew the Grace house more than Percy even did.

My best friend was drinking coffee at the bar table in the kitchen.

"Hey, Annie," Thalia cooed with a knowing smile.

"Thalia, can you please stop calling me Annie? Like seriously," I expressed. "Also, I'm not gonna be sharing any details, so don't ask."

Thalia smirked. "I don't need to ask. The lovey-dovey smile on your face says it all. I'm glad that you and Percy are together. You guys have genuine love."

"It makes even an asexual like me believe in relationships."

"I'm grateful to have found someone like Seaweed Brain," I answered honestly. "He's one of the best things that could've happened to me."

"I'm sure he feels the same way towards you, especially after last night. Percy literally couldn't erase the goofy smile off his face."

I laughed. Yup, that sounds like Percy.

Last night was just that good for both of us. I was nervous about crossing the threshold with Percy, but it was so worth it. It only emphasized our feelings for each other. There was no stopping us now. We had every good thing in our relationship.

Just then, Jason, Piper, and Leo walked into the room. They had come from the front hallway, indicating that they came from outside. They had several garbage bags in their hands, which piqued my curiosity.

"Hey, Annabeth, I wasn't expecting to see you," Jason greeted.

I looked at Thalia who just shrugged and nodded at me. I breathed in relief since Jason had no clue that I was here last night.

"Um, yeah, I came this morning. To hang out."

P{per eyes studded me with interest. She could obviously tell that I was lying, but she didn't need to know the truth. At least, not in front of everyone. Suddenly, Piper smiled and started squeezing. I sent her a warning glare to stop her from overreacting in front of the guys.

"Well, Percy's not here, unfortunately."

"I know. I can still hang out with my friends. Guys, just because I'm dating Percy doesn't mean that he's the only reason why I'd come over," I stated firmly. Percy was a very significant part of my life, but he wasn't the only aspect.

"Yeah, Percy and Annabeth aren't like you," Leo commented.

He started laughing as Jason and Piper protested violently. Thalia and I couldn't help but smile. Gods, Leo was surprisingly good at insults.

"ANYWAY, do you guys think that Officer Ares will make a case?" Jason asked. They all turned to me for answers.

"I'm sure that Percy will make a good case. He has many ways to prove that Gabe was abusive. He not only has physical evidence on his body, but there's also video footage from the parking garage," I explained.

There were many circumstances where Percy was staying overnight in his trailer. During some of those times, Gabe would force Percy to come back home.

The footage was sad; I hate seeing the evidence whether it was on a screen or on his body. It makes me so angry that someone could hurt Percy so much.

"Besides, Gabe deserves to rot in jail," Thalia spat.

"Anyway, how about we shift the conversation? What's with the garbage bags?" I asked. It didn't feel right to talk about Percy's case without him here.

I knew that Percy wanted to keep this private.

"That's a great question, Annie," Leo stressed my annoying nicknames. "We have five garbage bags filled with plush toys and pillow pets."

"WHY?" I exclaimed.

"Well, a few kids in my neighborhood are doing a fundraiser. They're donating a bunch of old stuffed animals to local orphanages," Piper explained. "However, the parents don't want to keep the bags of stuffed animals at their homes."

"So, you're keeping them in ours?" Thalia asked in shock.

"Yes, the fundraiser lasts for a few more weeks. In the weeks to come, we're gonna get a lot more bags. I can't wait for sorting day."

"Sorting day?"

"Yeah, we need to make sure that all the stuffed animals and pillow pets are in good condition before we donate them. We'll be doing that in a month," Jason replied.

"It's a pillow. It's a pet. It's a pillow pet," Leo sang cheerily.

"Oh god, please don't sing," Piper laughed. "I can't take another second of your singing. he was singing This Girl is On Fire during the whole car ride here."

"Because it's the best song ever," Leo exclaimed. "THIS GIRL IS ON FIREEEEEE."

I groaned while covering my ears. Thalia looked ready to pass out while Jason and Piper started protesting against Leo. Of course, that didn't stop Leo Valdez.

Nothing could stop Leo Valdez, the boy on fire.

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