
The Play-Toy Of Three Lycan Kings

Maya, an omega, has been a victim of bullying since she turned sixteen and was found out to be without the wolf gene or trait. Her chief tormentors were the three sons of the Lycan King who ruled over the entire werewolf regions, taking into captive colonies that defied his order. After being set up by a jealous classmate, Maya is beaten and left for dead at the borders of their pack by the king’s three sons, who told the pack that she had been captured by some rogues. Maya is saved by a witch who adopted and drilled her on the ways of the ancient magic and sorcery, whilst encouraging and preparing her for a huge revenge plan which threatens to upset the balance of the world and unleash the great threads of darkness seven years later when she returns to her previous pack to perpetrate justice on her tormentors. She comes at a crossroads when she discovers her true heritage and that her mate was the biggest bully there ever was, Adam Brekans, eldest son of the lycan king. What happens now? Would Maya continue on her quest for revenge? Or would she submit to the threads of love so that peace could reign?

nuvvy10 · Fantasy
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231 Chs

An Old Dream II

I knew that in this realm I was human, knew that I was different. I wished though it transcended to the reality realm. However not the blood needing part.

Things moved in the forest, banshees wailed, unfamiliar creatures gathered in the bushes and along the ground.

It made no sense, not for one of my kind.

What kind?

The night should have welcomed me-soothed me. Enfolded me in its rich blanket of peace.

The night had always belonged to me-to my kind. Information should have flooded me with each breath I took into my body, but instead my mind played tricks, saw things that couldn't be there.

I could hear a dark symphony of voices calling to me, the sounds swelling in volume until my head pounded with moans and pitiful cries.

The spider legs are next.

I passed to myself, right before I felt it.