
The pirate king

In the year 20XX. A golden man appeared in the sky and said that earth has reach the requirements to evolve and fruits of all kind will appear around the world and they give superpower to to the eater, those powers can rumble the heaven and earth. There will be new monster on land, under water and in sky in the day over 10% of all creatures on the face of earth almost go extinct so all human banned together and change the tide of the war. The golden man also said at the end of the miracle line you will get the power to split the earth in two. From that day every person wanted to become a pirate.

1GYALLIS_Murder · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 10: Blizzard fruit

Noah's crew had been sailing for days without any luck in finding new fruits or supplies.

They were about to give up and move on when they saw an island in the distance.

As they approached the island, they noticed that it was completely deserted, with no signs of life. However, as they were about to leave, they were suddenly attacked by a group of humanoid monsters.

Noah quickly sprang into action, utilizing his newfound abilities to fight off the monsters with ease.

His crewmates watched in awe as he effortlessly took down the creatures, realizing that their captain was more powerful than they had ever imagined.

After the battle, Noah noticed a small blue fruit, shaped like a carrot, lying on the ground.

He picked it up and examined itclosely, realizing that it was a rare fruit that could grant incredible powers.

Without hesitation, Noah gave the fruit to Lio, one of the crewmates he had recently recruited. He knew that Lio was a skilled fighter and that the fruit would help him become even stronger.

Lio gratefully accepted the fruit and bit into it, feeling an immediate surge of power coursing through his body.

He felt invigorated and powerful, ready to take on any challenge that came his way.

Noah smiled, pleased to see the fruit helping one of his crewmates.

He knew that their journey was far from over and that they would face many more challenges ahead. But with each new fruit they found, they grew stronger and more capable of overcoming.

Noah and Leo spent the next few days practicing and exploring the limits of their new powers.

Leo found that he could control the power of blizzards, summoning 1 meter tall snowstorms and blizzards at will, and creating ice and snow from thin air.

He was amazed at the potential of his new ability.

Meanwhile, Noah discovered that his new power, the Poisonous Claw, allowed him to inject deadly toxins into his opponents with his claws.

He spent hours practicing, learning how to control the amount of poison he injected and experimenting with different types of toxins.

As they practiced their powers, the crew continued to sail on, searching for any clues or information that could lead them to Noah's former crew.

The crew was growing stronger and more unified with each passing day, and Noah was confident that they could take on anyone who stood in their way.