
The Pinnacle of Life in the United States of America

I would like to clarify that none of this book is mine I just got it from another novel site and I saw it was not on Webnovel so here it is. there is alot of bashing of the usa in the book I have been trying to look through it and see where gas that happened so I can take it out if you see anything like that please tell me.

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61 Chs

Centurion Black Gold Card

   A red Ferrari F355 drove into the Beverly Hills Montage Hotel.

   parked the car in front of the lobby door, greeted guests and opened the door immediately, and the handsome guy who got out of the car was Lu Ning.

   handed a $10 tip to the welcome guest and walked into the lobby.

   At this time, Alice was already waiting in the lobby, and she saw Lu Ning Alice walking up to greet her.

   "How did you sleep last night?" Lu Ning smiled indulgently.

   "Not very good." Alice seemed to be dissatisfied: "Last night the ARMANI team came to the door at more than 10 o'clock, and the clothes were equal, and the style of the dress was more than 12 o'clock."

   It seems that our "American Sweetheart" is still getting up.

"Well, I don't know that Old Man George will chase me at home last night to stop me. I originally wanted to take you to buy high-quality garments from CHANEL today, but then I thought, if you wear another high-quality garment tonight. , I guess the face of the old man will not look pretty."

   Through Lu Ning's vivid descriptions, Alice imagined in her mind that old man George's face.

   chuckled out, the scene was a bit joyous.

   "You are too bad, how can you drive a bad old man like this." Alice patted Lu Ning lightly, but there was a full smile in her eyes.

   The two teased each other a few words, and then left the hotel. This morning, the only purpose of the two was to go shopping.

  The location of the hotel is excellent, nearby Beverly Shopping Center and Rodeo Drive.

   There is no need to drive at all. Today, Lu Ning and Alice have a keen choice of casual clothes of the same color.

   just like ordinary couples, holding hands, strolling slowly.

   Beverly Hills is also a famous attraction in the United States, and its famous is not so beautiful.

   is the most expensive area in the United States and a shopping street with all the top brands.

   Rodeo Drive is also known as "one of the top ten shopping paradise in the world".

  Because it is adjacent to Beverly Hills, it has the reputation of "Star Wardrobe".

   At the first store, Lu Ning took Alice to Breguet.

   As a couple, how can there be no couples to watch.

  . . .

  . . .

   "Sorry, sir, there are customers shopping inside, please wait outside."

   As a result, when they arrived at the door, Lu Ning and Alice were blocked by the door, which was a bit embarrassing now.

   "Wait a minute, then." Alice doesn't matter. Rodeo Drive is very characteristic, and it's everywhere.

   At this time, Lu Ning suddenly remembered the American Express Centurion Black Gold Card, which he had always kept in dust and had never used.

   "Well, let us in." Lu Ning took out the American Express Centurion Black Gold.

   The clerk was a little dazed. A pair of young men and women in casual clothes were about to enter the shop. They looked like a couple in love.

   But the customers in the store are already full, and politely stopping the couple, this is also standard professional ethics.

   As a result, the male of the couple directly took out the legendary American Express Centurion Black Gold.

   This is the legendary American Express Centurion Black Gold. On the first day of employment, he received the most professional training.

  The person holding this card is the highest-ranking guest of our store and needs to be cleared and closed immediately.

   According to legend, it is not the politicians of various countries or the super rich who own the American Express Centurion Black Gold. Now in 1998, the threshold of American Express Centurion Black Gold is not lowered like that of later generations.

   "What? Is it useless?" Lu Ning, who is not familiar with the Black Gold function of American Express Centurion, is ready to line up honestly~www.mtlnovel.com~Of course not, sir, wait a minute, I will report to the store manager immediately. "The clerk hurried into the store.

   Not long after, a middle-aged woman came out.

   "Hello, sir, I am the manager of Breguet's Rodeo Drive branch. Can you call me Annia, can I see the card you just showed?"

   "Of course." Lu Ning took out the black gold at will and handed it to Annia.

   Annia respectfully accepted the card. Yes, it is made of titanium alloy with the words AMERICANEXPRESS printed on the front. It is the American Express Centurion Black Gold.

   Even in the American market on Rodeo Drive, Ania has seen a handful of cards.

   "Mr. Lu, please wait a moment." We immediately cleared and closed the shop.

   One of the privileges of the American Express Centurion Black Gold, no matter which first-line big-name physical store is entered, the cardholder will definitely enjoy the treatment of closing the store.

   Not only Alice, but Lu Ning was also dumbfounded, deed, this card is incredible.

   Customers who were shopping in the store were politely invited out by the clerk. There is no shortage of knowledgeable people on Rodeo Drive.

   Looking at these battles, I know that a great man has come.

   After asking for a while, I knew that the customer of American Express Centurion Black Gold had appeared.

   Breguet quickly cleared the site and hung up a "temporary suspension" sign.

   respectfully invited Lu Ning and Alice into the store.

   was still around the people who hadn't left, and they made waves of discussions. They didn't expect that the American Centurion Black Gold cardholder who appeared this time was so young.

   have speculated on which top second generation is coming?

   Of course, a few people have already guessed Lu Ning's identity. As for Alice next to Lu Ning, it is even more reverie.