
The Pinnacle of Life in the United States of America

I would like to clarify that none of this book is mine I just got it from another novel site and I saw it was not on Webnovel so here it is. there is alot of bashing of the usa in the book I have been trying to look through it and see where gas that happened so I can take it out if you see anything like that please tell me.

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Announce the spokesperson

   In the end, the two women did not quarrel, mainly because George Armani took the initiative to find the door.

"Boy, why are you still hiding here, the beautiful women surround the gentle town." George Armani gave a very unceremonious irony when he came up. Hard work.

   But Lu Ning is not good, as today's half of the protagonist, he is still nestling here.

   "Master, I didn't offend you today, am I?" Lu Ning was a little dazed by the criticism.

"Hmph, don't forget that there will be business in a while. After the new release show is over, I will come on stage to announce that I have signed an endorsement message with you. Obviously, I was afraid that Lu Ning would mess up his press conference.

   "Mr. George, did you say that Lu Ning has become the endorsement of ARMANI?" Julia Roberts asked somewhat surprised.

   The contact between Lu Ning and ARMANI has always been kept secret. Neither party has leaked the news. Lu Ning also knows about Alice and her mother Isabella.

   "Ah, yes, I'm going to have an explosive news in a while." Giorgio Armani was a little proud.

   Don't look at ARMANI as a top brand. Even if its endorsements are even the top stars of Hollywood, it's the same thing for Lu Ning.

   Lu Ning's family background is too terrifying, even if ARMANI is a leader in the fashion industry? If Lu Ning is showing the wind and expressing his willingness to accept the endorsement.

   There are top big names waving banknotes to find Lu Ning to sign. After all, the influence of a top second-generation American is no weaker than Hollywood superstars in the United States.

   And Lu Ning still has the identity of Chinese descent, as long as he freely exposes the tip of the iceberg of his family background, his influence in the Asia-Pacific region will even be stronger than that of most top stars.

   The ability to sign Lu Ning is also the pride of George Armani, otherwise the old man will have to get Lu Ning sooner when he is full and waits to eat in Beverly Hills at night.

   Lu Ning's endorsement of ARMANI shows that Lu Ning is optimistic about it, and that the top second-generation brands in the United States are optimistic about the brand, doesn't it represent the vision of most second-generation brands.

   is like Paris Hilton of later generations. She fell in love with juicy. Not long after she wore it, the entire American ladies and ladies handed it.

   Then Hollywood women followed suit, and their influence spread across five continents.

   Although juicy will ask Paris Hilton to endorse it, but it can't be liked by others.

   This trend has made Juicy directly popular for nearly 10 years. It just made a fuss on the pattern of the clothes. It has never changed the style and is still popular all over the world.

   has made enough capital, this is the power of the top second generation, everyone is watching, the top second generation not only represents traffic and topics.

   Their dressing is the target of the crazy imitation of melon eaters, and the top second generation is synonymous with fashion.

   "Boy, who is this next to you?" Giorgio Armani looked at Ning Jing a little strangely.

   Julia Roberts and Alice King are of course quite familiar.

   One is a top Hollywood star, and the other is a new generation known as "American Sweetheart".

   And Alice is now backed by Lu Ning, and her future is unlimited.

   As for this Asian-faced woman, Mr. Joe is really unfamiliar.

   "Master, this is the Chinese actress Ning Jing, or the invitation letter sent by your ARMANI team, but you don't seem to pay much attention to China."

   Lu Ning said exactly what happened to Ning Jing after coming to Los Angeles.

   "Ah, that is really our ARMANI's negligence."

   "Ms. Ning Jing, I apologize to you on behalf of ARMANI." Mr. Qiao took the initiative to hold Ning Jing's hand and apologized again and again.

   Knowing that Ning Jing's American-speaking Lu Ning temporarily acted as an interpreter.

   "The old man said that this was a mistake in their work, and I sincerely apologize to you."

   "Ah... Ah, the old man is too polite, I am not careful, and I can't blame others."

   Ning Jing is like in a dream now, who is Giorgio Armani? The godfather of the global fashion industry!

   personally apologize to myself, what a great honor is this?

   I was very excited to receive the invitation letter from ARMANI to come and meet the world. I didn't expect to be able to talk to the legendary godfather of the fashion industry. This is definitely a surprise.

   The look in Lu Ning's eyes changed again. Lu Ning is now synonymous with mystery in Ning Jing's eyes.

   "Okay, let's not talk for now, the new release show will start soon, Lu, I will be ready to go on stage in a while." Giorgio Armani stopped the topic directly, seeing that the time was almost up.

   ARMANI has made great improvements to the new model this year, adding many Asian elements, which is also to better enter the Asia-Pacific market.

   "Lu Ning, I just wanted to hear Mr. George talk about the term "endorsement" with you?" Taking advantage of the gap between the catwalk, Ning Jing asked her curiosity.

   "Ah, this is not a secret. It will be announced soon. I took the endorsement of ARMANI. Of course, it is mainly because ARMANI wants to enter the Asia-Pacific market."

   "You are amazing." Ning Jing's eyes are now full of stars.

   Lu Ning became even more mysterious in her eyes.

   Besides, Lu Ning felt very uncomfortable when he saw all this.

   The United States and Europe in 1998 really didn't take China to heart. This made Lu Ning, who knew how powerful China was in later generations, a little uncomfortable.

   Twenty years later, there is no need for stars from China to be as cautious as they are now.

   It seems that today, I have to say something no matter what.

  . . .

  . . .

   The new release show soon came to an end. Giorgio Armani took the stage to thank you as usual, and there was applause.

   "Here, I still have two important things to announce. The first one, after watching the release show just now, many people may have guessed that, yes, ARMANI has officially decided to enter the Asia-Pacific market."

   This news is strong enough. Although many big names have tried out the Asia-Pacific market earlier, it is the first ARMANI to enter the Asia-Pacific market.

   "The second thing is that ARMANI officially signed Lu Ning as our new image spokesperson."

   The news announced by Giorgio Armani directly detonated the audience and dropped a blockbuster in the luxury and fashion industries.

   ARMANI joins hands with Lu Ning, and the fashion industry leader joins hands with the second generation of the top American.

A combination of will sweep the entire United States like a typhoon.

   "Next, I would like to invite Lu Ning to come on stage." After the discussion subsided for a while, the old man sent an invitation to Lu Ning.

   At this moment, Lu Ning is the focus of the audience.

   The aristocratic aura was fully opened, and Lu Ning stepped onto the stage under the attention of everyone.

   is not shocked, and has an extraordinary bearing. This is the temperament of the top second-generation. How many people can perform so easily under the gaze of so many celebrities?

  Just because of this, there are not many people as big as Lu.

  George Armani finally let go of his hanging heart, always worried that Lu Ning was young and stage fright, in case he couldn't hold the audience.

   Then everything today will be vanished, even reduced to a laughing stock.

   Fortunately, our young master Lu is great, no, even beyond Giorgio Armani's expectations too much.