
The pieces I lost

The story that follows the heartbreak caused by one's first love, overwhelmed by the hurt that begins to consume her, she turns to a friend. To heal, she must hurt another, but along the way she questions whether she wants to hurt the one person who she knows could heal the pain that another caused. Meet Amanda, someone who makes terrible life choices because her first love was never able to love her the way that she needed it, leaving her sick and deadly when it comes to loving. The two boys eventually turn to men and Amber isn't sure how to feel about either of them, until she does.

Almmm1 · Teen
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Chapter 4: The Warmth of a Moment.

Trevor's POV:

'Man, I really needed to take a pi-' I thought to myself before bumping into someone in the hallway, it was Amber. This chick hates me, but I like flirting with her, she plays hard to get and that's what I like about her… well, her attitude and her looks. Except for today, today she looked more tired than she has these last few weeks.

"Huh, well look at who it is." I say with a smirk on my face.

She keeps a straight face, but the corners of her lips lift up for a mere second before she rolls her eyes. There's no way I'm not about to crack her, she was just about to smile at the sight of me.

"What do you want, Trevor?" She asks with a raspy voice, sounding sick. Must be why she looks so tired.

"You." I reply trying to get her to leave as I really needed to go to the bathroom.

"Ew, move!" She squeals as she smashes past my shoulder. I can't help but chuckle at how cute she can be at times.

I head back to class, watching videos rather than doing my work. It's not that I'm dumb, it's just that I'm too smart, so smart that if I studied anymore than I already do they'd get suspicious. I have good grades and that's all that I need.

After class had ended I headed over to the park, Roman and I ditching school during lunch to light on up (if you know what I mean).

"You see Aliah today? Man, she was looking good. Imma try getting with her, see what she has to offer." Roman says.

"Uh-huh.." I say, flicking open my lighter.

"Her little friend - the one with the curly hair, what's her name again?"

"Amber..?" I respond.

"Yeah, her. She's been looking dead for a while now, but I'd still get with her."

"I saw her earlier in the hallways, seemed sick to me. She might just have the flu, but once she's good again I might go after her. I like the attitude she gives me, makes her more attractive."

"Ha." Roman laughs, "I need a turn with that once you're done."

"Done deal." I say.

After a while, Roman gets up to head home.

"Alright, bro. That's it for me, I'm heading out."

"You not coming back for the day?" I ask him

"Nah, Imma go home and take a nap. Not gonna waste my time at this dump."

"This dump is gonna give you a future." We both stare at each other and start laughing.

"See ya." I say as I watch him walk away.

I get up and as soon as I'm about to start heading back to school I see Amber, she had her head down as she made her way to the swing. I got closer and her already red eyes were even redder as I watched her weep and wipe her nose on her sleeves.

I approached her slowly, trying not to scare her.

"Amber…?" I confront her, as she reacts with a gasp.

Her eyes widen and she furrows her brows, "What?" She hisses at me.

I felt bad, pity, I wanted to make her feel better.

"Amber, get up." I tell her, but she refuses. Well, if she doesn't want to, I'm going to make her because I know she's never going to give in, not with that attitude she has.

I grab her arm, lifting her from the swing and I wrap my arms around her tightly as I caress her hair. It takes her a few seconds but she eventually wraps her arms around me tighter than I had mine around hers and started sobbing more than she was just a minute ago. What could have happened to make her cry like this? I've never and never thought that I'd even see a side of her that was so vulnerable.

She quickly pulls away in panic, "Oh, god" she gasps after pulling out her phone.

"What's wrong?" I immediately ask, worried that something worse could've happened. I'll admit, whatever it was that put her in this state made me curious, but also sort of angry because I was more than surprised to see her like this.

"It's my mom, she's going to kill me… I have to go!" She says trying to leave but I grab hold of her arm.

"We're going to talk about this later." I tell her.

"There is nothing to talk about, Trevor. Mind your own business!" She says running away.

No way I was going to let this slide. I'm going to find out what happened, one way or the other.

I make my way back to school and head into the last class for the day, Economics. I sit next to Aliah, Amber's best friend.

"Hey, Aliah."

"Hi" She gushes.

"What's up with Amber?" I ask her, making her turn her head around.

"What do you mean?" She asks worriedly.

"I mean, why has she been acting weird these last few weeks?"

"Oh, she's just tired because she has some stuff going on, do-"

"What sort of stuff?" I ask, intrigued.

"That's not really my place to tell."

"But it's your place to leave your best friend alone at the park as she cries her eyes out?"

"Wait, what?" She asks confused.

"Aliah and Trevor, stop talking before I give you both detention!" The teacher yells at us.

"Does she have any social media?" I ask Aliah.

"Yeah, here. I'll write down her username for you."

She hands over the piece of paper and I type it into my phone, she had her account on private so I had to wait until she accepted my request to message her.


About a week or so had passed since I last saw Amber, but Monday morning as she walked into school looking more dead than ever, she looked over at me. What was going on with her?

I was about to get up and walk over to her but Nicole had done so before her, they exchanged a few words before Nicole grabbed onto her giving her a tight hug.

A part of me felt bad for Amber, probably because I'd never seen her like this. Maybe because she was so attractive that I hated seeing her sad. Pretty girls shouldn't be sad.

"Trevor, bro. Stop staring at girls and tell me which one it is!" My friend, Jordan hissed at me.

As I was walking towards my class, I just so happened to come across Amber.

"Amber..?" I said, to which she slams her locker shut and takes a deep breath. She did not look happy to see me, in fact, she looked embarrassed almost. I'm guessing she thinks that I think she's not some cold hearted person anymore.

"Don't." She says before walking away.

I watched her leave, only to see her turn her head back for a second.

What was this girl on? I thought to myself.