
The Phoenix Shall Rise Again

One hand pointing to the sky, the other to the earth. She looked past heaven and earth only to face her own face . The day she had been betrayed by her lover was the day she fell to the abyss of hell. In a world where demons and gods existed, he had now became a demon, a demon with eyes that no longer looked at her with love, but only a deep burning hatred. Now, all she saw when she closed her eyes was the look on his face when she had stabbed his heart with the dagger he had gifted her. Gods and demons were the symbolization of a stark contrast of polar opposites. She was not allowed to love him, just as he was not allowed to see her. They were never allowed to be together in the first place, and in the midst of being swayed by the words of others, she had forever wounded the heart of her beloved that had trusted her with his life. Just like that, while her body was still in heaven, her heart had already succumbed to the depths of hell. Standing at the edge of the cliff, she turned back to look at his face that was void of any emotions. To ask for forgiveness had never been an option for her in the past or in the present, for who was she to ask for forgiveness when her life had completely become a mess? The only thing she hoped was for him to forget her, to forget all the time they had spent together, all the memories they had shared. If that could lessen the pain in his heart, she could deal with the sins that stained her soul. Offering him a gentle smile, she took out the dagger he gave her, not noticing the sudden change of look in his eyes. I'll experience all the pain I have done onto you, all the sufferings you went through. Stabbing herself with the dagger, she fell from heaven into hell like the wisps of the first snowflake that graced the earth every winter. If only she had looked back, she would have seen his hand reaching out to her desperately as if she was the light in his darkness. For him, she was willing to die not only once but many times.

Divy_ · Fantasy
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9 Chs


Wu jiang sat in her carriage, but with a disciple and also with chu yin , wu looked at chu yin "chu yin, his name is hwan, go on and tell him about the rules" she said politely, it was the first time he had heard his master say something politely, he even thought that his master was an imposter he then stood up and went outside the carriage where he met the white-haired person with the mask "so you are the new disciple" he scoffed "indeed" the beautiful man replied in a word. "What do you know about master" he sounded sarcastic while the masked man giggled, "what is it" chu yin asked boiling in anger "oh… I am sorry, it's just that you don't even know half of the things that I know about master" he said with a smile "y..you" this angered him a lot "does master know about it, if not then I am going to tell master about" his face turned red from anger "shh… don't she's asleep, if you wake her up you know what can happen "his face dulled but still looked beautiful, chu yin at this point was terrified of his master who was on the other side of the carriage, "interesting… I did underestimate you hwan" wu jiang mumbled to herself.

Hours later, when the carriage stopped to rest

"master are you alright" hwan was outside the carriage "indeed I am, what about you" she asked "i never thought someone would be so considerate to me, I am fine master" he politely replied "please enter the carriage" she said as he entered and sat down "was chu yin impolite to you" she asked "no master he is my elder, everything said by him has meaning within it. He said for my own good" he said, "where did that brat go" chu yin screamed while qiqi asked him.

"who are you talking about?" she asked while eating moon cakes

"qiqi...… have you seen that tall white-haired brat with a mask?" he asked and qiqi hummed while eating. " Where is he?" he seemed curious. "he is with young miss," she said, which left chu yin speechless and horror on the same page as the two people in the carriage burst out in laughter. "master" chu yin cried "what is it chu yin" that was the most beautiful voice that chu yin had heard in his life, he was unsure what was the reason of her behaving this way but he was mesmerized but then he felt as if the devil himself came to tell him, his master is no more nice to him.... "master, when will my practices will take place" hwan questioned "in a week" she replied and poured tea for both of them while leaving everyone in shock, she never poured tea for herself why would she pour tea for another man. They were sure something was wrong and didn't know how they will manage until they reach grand general palace.

After they reached the palace,

After the two started behaving like couple and talked friendly as they entered the palace "would you like a tour of the palace or would you like to have a rest?" she asked "if you'd like to give me a tour, master" he smiled "okay" she looked away with her blushing ears showing, "doesn't it look suspicious" chu yin whispered in qiqi's ear, qiqi agreed, "qiqi, get some servents to prepare a guest room for my new disciple and chu yin... you can go home and some rest" she ordered both of them and then smiled at him , as the both of them (chu yin and qiqi) went away hwan and wu started running "zhiyuan... are you sure you want to live with the tittle of my disciple" she burst out in laughter "its alright with me, at least I can stay with my darling jiang'er" he said dramatically but was hit by wu jiang's elbow the both started laughing but they both didn't notice two people have been watching the both of them fooling around and the two people were chu yin and qiqi peeking from far away"I knew they were a couple" qiqi whispered to chu yin "but master didn't behave like this" chu yin cried "chu yin listen, sometimes when I talked to young miss, she would tell me about a white haired kid whom she played with when she was very young… so that means they were-" "childhood sweethearts" the both of them whispered in unison


hi it's me again, the A/N,

It's been a long time, right?

how had your day been....

mine has been tiring....

this chapter is a special chapter, so it doesn't count in main story line

okay then, ill take my leave

