
Chapter 3

Sherlyn's POV

"You should keep it a secret. ok"


"Queen's murder and my disappearance occurred on the same day. So, I thought there will be a connection between the two incidents" Max said.

He also said that he knows the king and the queen very well. How is it possible, he is a normal citizen? Now he saying he has a connection with my mother's death. I didn't take it too seriously.

My mom was killed by an evil lady. Her name is Mora. Everyone called her THE BLACK QUEEN. I don't know why she killed my mother. She had the power of a black hawk. Everyone said that there may be a specific reason to kill my mother.

After three months...

Max became a good friend to me. Even though everyone hated him, he never became angry with anyone. because if he became angry he can't control his power. but an unexpected thing happened yesterday.

we all were in our class. But Max was not in our class. Suddenly, we all heard a scream. It was from the top floor of our building. So, we all rushed to the top floor. what I saw is...

A girl is crying loudly by sitting on the floor. She had some wounds on her hands. Max was standing near her. Everyone thought that he tried to kill her and shouted at him. but he walked silently.

Today royal guards came to our school to investigate the incident.

"What a Jerk. He is a heartless fellow", Jack was shouting.

" Yeah. he shouldn't be allowed to join in our school", Maya supported.

"That girl is very frightened. He must be punished"

"he is also like the black queen"

"Guys. Stop. Don't judge someone without knowing the real reason" I said with an angry face. He is a nice guy. Even though everyone hated him he loved everyone and I don't know about what happened yesterday. I don't want to judge him without knowing anything. The royal guards investigating him and the girl.

Yesterday morning, my teacher said me to bring the answer papers from our class to her table. I am a princess but in school, everyone just sees me as a student. I appreciate that. I took all the papers and walked carefully. Suddenly, a sudden rush of air collapsed the papers. I struggled to manage it.

Max saw it too. He controlled the air and helped me. Suddenly the air flows normally. I was shocked to see that. I noticed something really strange. When he used his power,


He smiled and passed me. Suddenly he stopped.

"Did you need any Help"

He helped me yesterday morning. He used his power to help me. I asked him how did he feel when others tease him.

"I didn't hate them for that. They are afraid of my power. I am sure one day everyone will understand me. Just like you", He looks very handsome when he said that.

I am not sure about the incident. because I saw the girl crying loudly. He looked very angry, but when everyone came inside he went out silently. Suddenly our teacher Linda entered the class. I can see the sadness and stress on her face.

''Students they find the truth about the incident. There is both good news and bad news"