
Chapter 3 Silver Diamante

At the palace on the platform at the top of the tallest building in Pantheon city, the one at the center, the ten suns could be seen orbiting around it. It was so high that it had surpassed the height at which the suns orbited. The building looked like a stand holding a palace.

"Your Majesty, why didn't you kill that bumpkin for trying to compare himself with your perfect self?" A woman asked. If Damien was here, he would recognise her as the only female god in that young girl's entourage. She was a silver haired light skinned woman dressed in a silver pencil mini skirt and blazer plus a white shirt underneath. Her long legs were bare without any pantyhose. Her silver eyes were currently trained on the golden haired young girl inquisitively.

"I know you hate outsiders who weren't born in Pantheon but not all of them are bad." The golden haired woman said as she ascended the stairs to sit upon the throne on top of them. The throne was golden and golden flames were burning on its surface. It was five meters large and looked a little too large for her. She climbed onto it and proceeded to lie on it with the right arm rest acting as a pillow. Her front was turned towards the silver haired woman.

"Let's make a bet. I bet he will arrive here while you will bet that he won't bother to come." The golden haired girl said upon which the silver haired one raised her eyebrows in shock.

'The godqueen has such high expectations of that man?!?! Interesting. I might gain something by betting with her. That worthless bumpkin deserves my thanks.' Thought the silver haired woman.

"What are the terms of the bet?" Asked the silver haired girl as she took out a piece of paper from her coat. She always kept pieces of paper around in case someone proposed a contract. Her family was rich and so was she but she wanted more.

"If that guy manages to come here in the time I set for him, he will be chosen as my second secretary and you will be his teacher." The golden haired girl said as a golden string was released from her finger tip. It sailed through the air onto the paper upon which it arranged itself into words.

Elemental strings had many uses but the most important one was weaving. All elemental string users were also weavers. Using elemental strings, anything could be woven into existence be it a flaming table to an engine. Even clothing and food. The number of strings you have determined the value of your woven good which could be exchanged for elemental crystals. The stronger you were, the more valuable the things you wove. Of course exceptions existed like those having unique laws.

"If he doesn't manage to come, I want your highness to weave a golden gown for me." The silver haired woman said while she wrote down the statement using her strings.

'If he manages to come, it will mean we are the same type of person. Too bad this woman grew up in Pantheon city and comes from a rich family. Sheltered idiots like them will never go far.' The golden haired girl thought as she looked at the silver haired girl.

"If you have nothing else to report, you can go. Unless you want to admire my beauty. I will make an exception and allow it." The golden haired girl said.

"I will now take my leave." The silver haired girl said as the ring on her right index finger shimmered upon which the contract vanished.

Her silvery white diamond encrusted high heels unique sound as they hit the floor remained the only sound that could be heard as the silver as she excited the hall.

She went directly to the formation in front of the palace. It was shimmering with the familiar glow of elemental crystals. It was a teleportation formation and it had been created by a god emperor. God emperors were the only ones who could create such formations.

She stepped in its center upon which a seven colored glow lit up the surrounding. The seven colored glow faded and she was nowhere to be seen.

In a room on the floor right beneath the palace, a seven colored glow lit up on a formation similar to the one on the palacial platform. The silver haired girl materialised.

"How was the meeting with her highness?" A male voice asked softly.

"It wasn't anything special except she might have taken an interest in that bumpkin." The silver haired girl answered as she stepped out of the teleportation formation.

"If it wasn't about the benefits of the people behind us, I wouldn't have agreed to become her subordinate. Don't you agree, Silver from the Diamante family?" Another male who had piercing blue eyes said as he looked at the Silver haired girl. Infatuation could be seen deep in his eyes.

The silver haired girl was truly called Silver Diamante and she came from one of the five ancient families of Pantheon city. They all had godkings backing them though they were out touring other universes.

There were a total of four other males apart from the silver haired girl. They were from the other four families and they also wanted to woo her.

Female gods and demigods were so rare that currently she was the only female god in the city. She was the target of countless males but only gods were qualified to date her. So far no one had been successful in moving her heart. She also looked down on all those who were poor than her.

'These idiots don't even know that they have no chance with me yet they immediately decided to follow me in working for the godqueen once they heard about me going to work.with her.' Silver thought as she looked at all of them with her beautiful silver eyes.

She proceeded to exit the room upon which office cabins came into her view. They were currently empty as employees hadn't been hired yet.

She inspected their placement as the four males followed behind. She was happy with the layout. Even though she didn't like the godqueen, she took work seriously.

She checked each floor meticulously until she was satisfied.

'Its time to go home. I also need to visit my shops.' She thought. Silver was garment elemental weaver and was very popular in the fashion industry. Many of her personally woven pieces were so high in demand that she had to auction them away instead of simply placing them in her shops.

A limousine could be seen hovering outside the tall building as she exited with the male followers still in tow. She entered without even taking the time to bid farewell to them. Her driver closed the door upon which he entered the drivers seat. The hover car sped away leaving the speechless quad behind.

Silver's tense body relaxed the moment the door closed. She had to act all prim and proper in front of those males which had been tiring for her.

"Let's go to the boutique. And take your time." She commanded the driver.

Silver looked out the window at the bustling streets her mind sinking into thought.

'I only chose go work for her to chase away those horny males. She isn't all that special only that she became a godqueen earlier than me. Am richer than her and I will eventually become a godqueen but she seemed as if she was bored. Was it my imagination? She genuinely got excited when she met that man.'

Silver remembered that obnoxious man. He was dressed decently but was poor. She saw nothing that would attract her. It seemed he was also as narcissistic like her majesty.

'I hope he doesn't show up. It will be too tiresome dealing with two narcissistic people.' That was her last thought as she drifted off into sleep. Even breathing could be heard as her head leaned on the left window. Her silver eye lashes gently trembled as she dreamed.


A silver haired girl who looked to be around 14 years of could be seen running around on the street. She is wearing a black dress. Today was the day she had been allowed to go out and explore the city. Since she was born a demigod, her parents weren't worried of anyone causing her trouble.

She had been walking when she heard shouting behind her. She turned her head and saw a group of people with placards walking in the middle of the road. It was quite a sizable crowd. They were smashing everything in their way.

The girl was terrified as this was the first time such a scene entered her eyes. Some of the people from the crowd entered the buildings and dragged out some people. They used vicious methods to slaughter them as blood ran down the street. In her terror, her legs froze in place robbing her of the ability to run.

"Oh... That girl must also be one if those people who were born in Pantheon city." A protester said as he abruptly appeared in front of the terrified girl after making that statement.

"Let's first play with her." Another one came, wrapped his fingers around her neck and dragged her into an alley. He unzipped hi pants as his large member slid out. He forcefully shoved it down her throat upon which she gagged. She was in her knees.

The girl gagged as she couldn't breathe.

'Someone, please save me.' She cried out in her mind.


Silver abruptly sat up as tears streamed down her face. She hastily wiped them away.

"Have we arrived?" She asked as she noticed that the car had stopped.

"Yes, Miss. You seemed tired so I didn't wake you." The voice of a male came from the driver's seat.

"You should have woken me!!!" She shouted at the man.

"Sorry Miss. I will wake you next time." The man apologised profusely as he ran out of the driver's seat and opened the door for her.

She alighted from the car and a large string woven neon sign could be seen in front of a store. Her signature some could be seen lighting up her face as she hid her pain deep within her heart.

//Silver Moon Garments//