
The Phoenix of Jujutsu Kaisen

This is gonna be AU in jujutsu kaisen new curses and people would be appearing and the ways techniques are used and can't forget about our mc as he traverse through this new world with the powers of a Phoenix

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · Anime & Comics
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106 Chs

War Comes To An End But At What Cost

(Omni pov):

Ash at the moment was shocked beyond belief, when the war with Geto was finishing he did expect to catch a glimpse of Kenjaku but not like this.

Not at the cause of the one he held as a mother figure in this new life.

Kenjaku seeing Ash's expression and him not saying anything he attacked.

While Ash was busy thinking about what to do about Geto, Kenjaku was making his way towards The Inverted Spear of Heaven.

While he can seal him, he decided to seal Gojo instead while killing Ash as that would have been the most beneficial solution.

And so when he arrived infront of Ash and exposed himself he was thrilled to see Ash in such a shocked state that he was unable to react to his attack.

With a quick motion he swung The Inverted Spear of Heaven cutting Ash in half from head to toe.

Seeing that He killed Ash his expression turned sinister as he just got another idea.

'Why just have 1 body when I could have both of them and switch between them, or safe one for when one gets destroyed'

As these thoughts occurred in Kenjaku's head he saw that Ash's body started to catch on fire.

'Tsk is it a counter measure for when he dies or is he going to resurrect himself. Well I'm not stupid to stick around and find out'

With that Kenjaku grabbed Geto's body and disappeared leaving behind the spear as he was in a hurry to get out of there and not get caught, although he would have to change his plans slightly to really shock Gojo incase Ash really does resurrects himself and informs Gojo of what he's capable of.

As Kenjaku leaves, Ash's body soon turns into ash and it scatters along the wind and into the sky.

When Ash died Maki then turns to the direction of the school.

Her expression hardens as she whispers to herself "somethings wrong" not knowing what it is and having a bad feeling about it.

In the sky the ashes of Ash soon started to come together and form a ball, within it that ball soon was surrounded by purple flames like a cocoon. Inside that cocoon Ash's body started to form itself back together.

Once his body was fully back together again, he started to regain consciousness. When his consciousness returned he broke out from that cocoon and turned into his phoenix form and flew higher into the sky past the cloud

Once he was above the clouds he made a mournful phoenix cry letting out all of his sadness and frustration from seeing his mother dead


The sounds of his cries were so powerful that the entirety of Japan was able to hear it.

All over Japan every single person looked into the sky and let out unwilling tears flow out of their eyes.

Maki was probably the only one who's tears weren't unwillingly shed due to her knowing something happened to Ash and knowing what she was feeling was probably his sadness.

Ash while still in the sky in his phoenix form then returned back to his human form and started to run his fingers through his hair, while his hand was in his hair he balled it up into a fist

His eyes started to narrow as they started to glow a really bright purple as if they were on fire and said outloud in a maddening voice

"Just like in the legends of a phoenix, I have risen once again from the Ashes and Flames and in these very flames I shall burn you from existence as you scream in agony begging for mercy and by these words I solemnly swear to make it into fruition"

After letting out his frustration Ash soon came down where he found Gojo waiting for him due to the scene he was making.

With a serious expression he asks "what happened here and what happened to Geto's body"

Ash just tsked "I was killed with the body of my mother"

Gojo confused asked "What are you talking about I thought you were an orphan"

Ash just nodded at his question "You're right I am an orphan but that matron of the orphanage treated me like her son and I came to see her as a mother but then a crazy bastard came and took over her body."

Hearing this Gojo was quite shocked but before he can offer his condolences Ash continued

"And with that body he caught me off guard and killed me and probably took Geto's body to possess him as well and since he takes over bodies I won't be surprised if he can use their techniques as well

Which is probably why he wanted Geto's body to begin with"

Gojo hearing this got pissed, after all it was his best friends body that they took.

"Wait they 'killed' you, how are you alive"

Ash just said "phoenix"

"Oh, then how many more times can you resurrect yourself excluding this time" Gojo ask curiously about the limitations of his resurrection.

"Based on the feeling I got two more chances, once those chances are used up I die for real this time"

Gojo hearing Ash's response just nodded.

With that they left the scene with Ash picking up the Inverted Spear of Heaven and all the other weapons that were dropped on the ground during his fight with Geto.

Luckily during their final confrontation Geto's worm like curse spirit was unharmed and was still capable of holding weapons and can still be used as such by them in the future.

Soon everything came to an end and When Maki arrived the first thing she did was run towards Ash and enveloped him in a tight hug.

Ash when he felt her hug him and start worrying about him just smiled and hugged her back and put his head near her neck and softly breathed in her scent to calm himself down.

Maki while hugging Ash just asked "what happened? I know something happened, I heard your phoenix cry all the way from Shinjuku and when it was heard everyone just started to cry"

Ash hearing this just sighed "My mother was killed by a curse user"

Maki hearing this was shocked and just hugged Ash tighter as to squeeze out all of his sadness

Ash seeing this just softly smiles as he said "Don't worry that phoenix cry was just me venting all of my feelings outwards and letting it flow outside from me, so I'm not that upset about it that much anymore, although it's still sad thinking about it"

Maki just sighed at his answer still not letting go of his body. Ash just shakes his head and continues to softly smile at her .

And while Ash and Maki were having their little moment the rest of Ash's classmates were sent to Kyoto to help out since they finished earlier than them due to the help of the special grade sorcerer Yuta.


I know that it's shorter than the most recent ones but I just had to type out this chapter quickly. I can't in good conscience leave it like that and wait for tomorrow so enjoy