
The phoenix's dearest sorcerer [BL]

Once you find out your a threat to everyone as a soul phoenix, of course you want to isolate yourself, that is if you are as self conscious as Rin. Being a soul Phoenix meant that is was even harder to control his abilities than how his older sister does, so as to Rin's conclusion isolation was his bet. [seven years later]... Rin found himself longing to enter their countries biggest academy for sorcerers, but who knew that someone in the academy would become someone so important to him in just days. What would happen to Rin then? Is his school life going to be as ordinary as every sorcerer? or will it be as thrilling as flying on a dragon? Stay tuned for the story of The phoenix's dearest sorcerer!!

Lady_Lyrics · LGBT+
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8 Chs

[1] The entrance exam

As Kydo was hurriedly picking a terrain, he immediately jumped into what it looked like a forest. After he jumped in, he was immediately transported, he looked around and as expected the place was just like a forest. Kydo walked around for a while and thought 'if someone were to be here, wouldn't a water user and a fire user be perfect for this terrain??... or maybe wind user.. if I were to come across Kabuki or Rin right now they'd probably kill me...' with a stop he then thought again as he started blushing 'he was... really pretty.. Aghh!! what am I saying?!.. I shouldn't be like this! I Know I can't get him!. wait what!? argh!...' after a short while he stopped in his tracks and thought 'if one day.. Rin is going to have a lover, then i doubt it'll be me. Aghh!! stop it Kydo! you stupid fool!' he then walked as fast as he could while he was blushing like a red tomato, planning to venture the forest even more, to forget this feeling and to hopefully get out of this place safely.

[At the spectating rooms]

Ms. Hikari was sitting at the side drinking some tea, she was quite tense knowing something that the first years did not know. She thought looking at the crystal ball ' wouldn't the beasts cause chaos over there? knowing this but not saying it to them... I feel quite guilty.. if one of those kids get hurt I'm going to feel even more guilty... after I shouted at them at the classroom of course. ah, I should have just told them!... plus they're going to be there untill tomorrow at dawn!..' after a while Ms. Hikari couldn't take it anymore , she stood up, placed her tea on the table and said " Grand sorcerer! why did you not want me to tell them that there are beasts in there!? What if they get hurt?... o-or what if one of them dies.. wait- no! I mean!.. that's not!-.." just right then, the grand sorcerer said "Ms. Hikari, you can relax first... if anything happens we'll go after them. Before that, I want you to know my plans.. do you want to guess it first?" the grand sorcerer said this calmly, not upset nor was he angry.

After he said this Ms. Hikari then sat back in her seat, looked down and grabbed her coffee. She looked at the crystal ball and although she hadn't said it, disappointment could be seen all over her face. After a little while she took a sip from her tea and calmed herself down, she closed her eyes then thought 'what does he even plan to do?.. I mean, it could possibly be anything but someone passing away...' but before she could think of anything else, the grand sorcerer suddenly stood up and walked towards one of the balconies, then said "team work" he said with a stop.

shocked, Ms. Hikari looked back up then said in a small voice "what?..."

The grand sorcerer then continued "for last year's students, they were fine since they had already known each other... but for this year, I thought, if I don't give them a little push.. the distance of them from being strangers to friends, would be absolutely large, especially in our academy.. so what was my solution you ask?... beasts, teamwork, then friends. there is also a small possibility that some could become rivals and some could even become something more.." he then nodded to that thought and took a sip from his coffee.

Ms. Hikari disagreeing with him said in a cold but hopeless voice, knowing fully well that she could not even face him in a duel " then.. what if... it fails?."

Before the grand sorcerer could say anything someone said "you know Ms. Hikari, we could at least give this one a try, since the grand sorcerer planned it, let's support it. If anything goes wrong then I'll gladly help" while sitting in her seat, looking at the crystal ball while holding her coffee in one hand.

As she heard another teacher agreeing to the grand sorcerer she sighed and said "..alright... Ms. Shima..."




As Rin was walking towards a river, when he got close to the river he thought ' it's clear, the current of it's flow is fine and their is nothing wrong with the fishes in it. Meaning the person about 15 meters away from me is not a water element nor is it aware of me... gladly, I'll accept this opponent.' he then casted an invisibility spell and ran towards the place that person was.

when he arrived there there was no one in sight. Only the presence of an average user's magic was around the area flowing wildly as if it was recently struggling, and thought 'there is no one here yet there is still someone's magic presence.. they also could not have noticed me, since I've casted a barrier around me before going near here.' Rin walked around the area as much as possible but as expected he couldn't understand who or what was behind this. As Rin got impatient he used his abilities to find out where this was coming from but almost immediately after he used his abilities, he noticed that the presence was not coming from out in the open, but instead from under what he was standing. Rin noticing that what he was standing on was quicksand, feeling alarmed that the person inside might perish he then immediately plunged his hand in the quicksand and as expected there was a person under him. The person was already on the verge of passing out, only then when he noticed that he was saved was when he gave out of his consciousness and passed out.

Hey! Akichi here, I am so sorry for the late update. Recently the connection at my house is really bad, so basically in the past three or five days I couldn't update a chapter. Although the connection was bad I decided to make another chapter at midnight so that I could update another chapter. Also I don't know if the connection is to blame for me not being able to enter webnovel so yeah!

anyway thank you for reading

The phoenix's dearest sorcerer!!

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