


A blue McLaren pulled up in front of the building drawing a lot of attention from the bystanders who were all wondering who the vehicle belongs to at that moment a man stepped out dressed casually tossing the keys to the valet "not a scratch."

The man was none other than Hank himself. He barely entered the building when he saw his cousin staring right at him. "hey Michelle"

"don't hey me, when were you supposed to get here?" he paused taking of his shades "around 2" "an hour ago." "oh erh, yeah I kind of got caught up in something".

Michelle sighed before walking "my dad's been waiting for you, your lucky you just returned from the grave or else he wouldn't be so lenient with you." "oh come on, we both know uncle loves me." Hank replies as the enter a lift. Michelle glanced at him "uh huh, keep telling yourself that."

Soon they arrived in front of an office, the door was opened to reveal a man who was decked in a suit he had a goatee which had streaks of gray in it just like his hair showing his age. The man was none other than Hanks uncle the younger brother of his father, Ernest Thompson.

"It's nice to see you once again Hank."

"The feeling is mutual uncle"

"I have been meaning to see you ever since you returned but it seems I haven't had much luck...I wanted to discuss some matters with you but I don't really have that much time how about we meet once more next week Tuesday there is a Gala going on"

"no problem uncle, I will be there."

Ernest stood up "good" and began to head out stopping after reaching the door turning to Hank "oh and please try to be on time" smiling he left.

"see I told you he likes me" Hank turned to Michelle with a smug look.

"barely" Michelle responded before leaving him on his own.


"What are you up to"

"working" Naa replied

"weren't you supposed to be resting"

"I was"


" I did "

Her partner just stared at her for a good half a minute before sighing

"okay what have you got." he got close to her to see what was on her laptop.

"remember my theory-" she turned to look at him "you mean conspiracy" he interrupted her. She gave him a glare "theory".

Jarred looked at her amused " okay your 'theory ', yeah what about it" he said making air quotes when he said 'theory'. Naa looked at him ignoring his antics "based on it, he must be hunting a group of people and based on his victims there is a high chance the next victim would be Roland Walker...."


Roland was walking around his pool wearing a bathrobe talking on the phone.

"Don't worry I have the best legal team money can buy this would be another success..... Okay good night see you tomorrow."

Putting his phone away he leaned into his poolside chair getting comfortable "oi Jeffrey bring me another bottle of scotch I need to celebrate"

He waited but no one responded confused he got up and took a look around, he realized he couldn't see anyone.

"Jeffery! Kwadjo!" he called for his guards but a dead silence followed a sense of impending doom washed over him. He turned quickly to were he kept his gun only to come face to face with a man in cloak, the man was completely in black and his face completely covered by the shadow of his hood leaving nothing but two visible glowing eyes.

"They can't hear you " an inhumanly grave voice spoke scaring the hell out of him he fell on his bum then quickly turned to escape only to be grabbed and slammed into the wall.

"please... Let me go I'll give you anything... You want money I've got lots I've -" "shut up" Roland was interrupted by the intruder. He nodded his head furiously to show he understood. " Now this is how things are gonna go I ask the questions and you answer if you lie... " he stabbed a knife into his hand causing him to scream " understood? " Roland continued to nod whilst sobbing.

Outside Roland's residence

"Are you sure about this?" Jarred asked Naa "for the millionth time yes"

She replied as she pulled up right in front of Roland's residence.

"look I understand the one's before they are all criminals but Roland, he is different he is a law abiding business man without a single criminal record. He's clean." Jarred continued to try to talk Naa out of whatever was running through her mind.

" He not as innocent as you think he just has good lawyers and deep pockets and aren't you the least bit curious how he ended on my list. "

She rose a brow, Jarred stared then gave in "you have a list?...fine I'll bite how?"

" He has connection with one of the thugs who were murdered by our guy"

"could be-"

Jarred couldn't finish his argument when they both heard an ear piercing scream from the residence.

They gave each other a look before drawing out their guns and calling for back up as they made their way in. As they made their way to the source of the scream they passed a lot of dead people which stunned Jarred and confirmed Naa's suspicions.

Soon they came upon a scene which shocked them to their core. "FREEZE!" Naa shouted towards the unknown assailant.

The cloaked guy turn to look at her before jumping of the railing and escaping unto another building. "What the…wait where are you going?!" Jarred called out as he saw Naa chasing after the cloaked guy


I couldn't believe it I had finally seen the guy responsible for all those murders and today I was going to catch him.

But darn this guy was fast I could barely keep up with him he was maneuvering from building to building.

I lost it, shooting at him unfortunately I missed but it caught his attention he turned to face me and I had a good look at him. He was tall like NBA tall he was decked in some sort of protective gear that looked like it had seen better days, his pitch black cape with his hood down concealing his face but what drew my attention where his eyes, they were glowing.

"On your knees! hands where I can see them!" he made no movement just watching me which to be honest creeped me out.

"on your knees! now!" I shouted once more this time my gun pointed towards his head. He shook his head and began to go on his knees and just when I thought I had him... he threw a knife knocking my gun a few feet away I turned to where he once was only to realize he was no longer there

"what in the world"

At an abandoned warehouse

"Glad to see you finally made it" Ernest Thompson spoke out to a woman who seemed to literally walk out of the shadows. The woman was decked in combat gear with a hood and a white faceless mask that covered the entirety of her face " it's always a pleasure to see you Ernest ".

"it's good to see you my dear friend."

"let's cut the pleasantries, you wouldn't call me here at this ungodly hour if you didn't need anything"

"you know me so well my dear friend"


"*cough*…I need your expertise to deal with a certain small issue "

" what issue do you need my skills for Ernest."

"There's been a certain pest that has been after the gangs."

" so I've heard , what does that have to do with me."

"he is interfering with our plans."

"how is taking out a few criminals interfering."


"watch your tone with me Thompson."

At this point Thompson knew he messed up as his partner only called him Thompson when she was angry

"I'll deal with him later... When he becomes a threat"

After saying that she walked off into the shadows.