

At lakeside police department.

Naa had just come out of the captain’s office, the captain had discovered her wall of pictures and discovered her investigation into the so called syndicate and was completely livid shutting her down completely and taking her of almost all her cases in essence freezing her.

Naa stormed into the room slamming the door behind her, she was angry, no she was beyond angry… she was absolutely pissed. “mind if I come in?” her partner had appeared at her down interrupting her mini tantrum that she was throwing in her office “what?!”

“I can see you angry…” he began but seeing the look that crossed Naa’s face he paused before continuing “…okay major understatement, but you have to understand…” Naa interrupted him “understand? Oh I understand there is a high chance that there is a syndicate running this city from the shadows and no one in this building gives a damn about it.”

“That isn’t true” “oh really then please tell me what is..” Naa stared Jared dead in the eye daring him to come up with a believable excuse. After a short stare down Jarred let out a sigh “Naa you know why they are doing this. This city was run by a syndicate for ten years for ten years our streets became a warzone for the gangs and for a whole year, a whole f**king year! this entire city was placed under lockdown innocent lives were lost and worst of all the man behind it all managed to escape and become one of the most dangerous criminals in the world, the world hasn’t forgotten that and still has their eyes on us. This place is barely back on its feet, the government can not afford to have another him pop up again, they just can’t afford the idea of another syndicate.”

Naa had flashbacks of that man

“well, hello there, officer” A man in a neat tux turned to face someone, this person turned out to be none other than Naa herself when she had just joined the force and was just an average officer.

“Freeze you bastard!” Naa had her gun pointed at him her eyes burning with rage, she had managed to find him he had escaped from everyone else here he was the man who had caused all this right before her. The man had a smile on his face as he rose both his hands in surrender, “I have to admit I’m impressed I had calculated there would be a chance I would be stopped here but off all people I never thought It would be a mere officer.”

Naa was pissed about he was acting all calm even though she had him, “Shut up!” “I’m sensing some personal issues here, do I know you by any chance?” He asked intrigued as to why this officer had so much hatred for himself. “you don’t even remember do you, you bastard! You killed my father!”

End of flashback.

“that reminds me you were the closest to him that time what happened.” Jarred asked Naa, she stared at him with emotionless eyes she replied “he was gone before I got there.” Jarred kept silent in understanding, he knew him escaping was a sore subject for her.

“look Naa your upset and I get that but I just want you to be safe please, stop looking into this.” “alright” receiving her smile Jarred gave her a smile and turned to leave, Naa stood watching him leave in silence.

*ding* The elevator door opened and Hank stepped out into the lobby coming face to face with Michelle, “hello cuz” “Hank… what are you doing here?” Hank pretended to look on offended by that “I still am one of the bosses here right, I just came to check up on the company”. Michelle just gave him a really look causing Hank to relent under her gaze. “okay, I came to see my new friend he works here remember.” Michelle takes a moment to remember who her cousin is referring to before it clicks “oh” she nods her head in understanding.

“you know since I’m here and I’m free and you’re here and probably free…” “that’s a baseless assumption but go on” Michelle had a brow raised wondering just where he was heading with this “want to have lunch, we haven’t really caught up since I got back and I know it’s my fault…” “really I hadn’t noticed” “so you in. I mean there is a papaye right around the conner.” Michelle giggled “sure” she turned to her assistant and shared a few words with her before heading out.

“so why are you really doing this?” Michelle asked as she walked with Hank down to Papaye’s “what makes you think I don’t just want to hang out.” Hank asked with a smile on his face “hmm let me see you’ve been ignoring all my attempts at conversation since you came back from the dead” “okay, I can see why you would think that now .” They both begin laughing.

“you know I’ve missed this, I’ve missed you… when you and your parents went missing and were proclaimed dead I couldn’t believe it one day we talking with one another then the next day I hear your dead, I was devastated and then this whole place went to sh*t… *sigh* it was a rough 15 years, but I guess it was nothing compared to what you probably went through” “not really I did lose my memory after all I was just in a temple reciting sutras.” Hank turned to Michelle with a smile on his face but then noticed a faint red dot, it took a minute for him to realize what it was but he jumped at her immediately he understood “get down!” but he was a minute too late he had saved her life but she was still shot in the shoulder. “Michelle! You okay, somebody call an ambulance!” Hank shouted and as he did he frantically looked around spotting, although barely, the barrel of the sniper being pulled away from the ledge of a building. His eyes became colder than ever before.