
The Phantom Teens

I am a writer who likes to improvise on the spot. I don't like to make plans about books or else I get writers block and overthink. I'm sarcastic and truly love to just write for hours on end about things that I know nothing about. I want to get onto the top charts with one of my books one day so I hope that all the readers out there can help me accomplish my dreams.

Mia_Cross · Teen
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15 Chs

Setting plans

Mira's POV

After I met Meags and Marcel and they agreed to share their food, Marcel took all of us back to his hide out and showed us around. We ended in the lounge where he had comfy leather couches and side chairs along with a small coffee table in the center of it all.

"So, what's your big plan on bringing an end to this nightmare?"Marcel asked inquisitively. He crouched down next to me as I was checking through the pages that Blake handed to me, but they weren't the pages that we looked at before. I looked up at him in confusion and handed the foreign pages back to him without a word.

He snatched the pages out of my hands and looked at them with a confused expression.

"I was sure that I tore out the right pages from that book!" He stated and managed to act so sure of himself.

"First off, obviously you didn't." Meags pointed out.

"And secondly, how dare you tear pages out of a book? Heathen!"

Blake fell down and slowly sank back into on of the black double seated leather couches. He placed the pages beside him and ran his fingers through his dark brown hair.

"This doesn't make any sense. I was so certain." Blake muttered under his breath and then looked up at me and he seemed to have been genuinely upset with his inexcusable mistake.

"I knew it!" Came Gerhards voice from the darkest corner in the room. "You never wanted us to end this, cause you're apart of it, arent you?"

"Gerhard, that's ridiculous." I tried to reason but Blake stood up with a defeated expression plastered on his face that made me think that maybe Gerhard was onto something.

"Blake, is Gerhard-"

"-He is right." Blake cut me off before I could finish my sentence and everything in the room fell silent. A million questions filled my head all at once, but there was only one that I was going to ask.

"How are you involved in all of this exactly?"

"I doubt you would believe me if I told you."

We all sat down at once on the couches that surrounded Blake, except for Gerhard who stood in his dark corner grinning to himself.

Blake took in a deep breath as he sat forward.

"Schrodina is my sister."

I watched as all the energy drained out of everyone's faces and I felt it drain out of my entire body.

"If shrodina is an Egyptian goddess and Schrodinger is her brother which we read about in her- your history book, that would make you..."

"Schrodinger, yes."

"Why do you want to stop your sister?" Damian asked.

"I want to take her home." Blake/Schrodinger corrected.

"Her and I are from the past and she fell down a mythological rabit hole all because I didnt give her enough attention. She is a good person way down, but she fell to witchcraft which led to her being burnt and stuffed in a jar for a really long time. When she got out, she was furious and wanted revenge and so she used her birth given skills and created zombies to give her the overflowing attention that she wished to obtain, in an attempt to fill a hole. I tore out the wrong page because the blade that u wanted to use against her would kill her for good and I can't have you do that."

"So why not say all of this when we first met, why only tell us now?" I asked.

"Would you have trusted me enough as a relative to the bad guy or as Blake?" He asked and I knew the answer. I wouldn't have trusted him knowing that he could choose his own blood over any one of us.

"No, I wouldnt have." I replied truthfully.

"And what's to stop us from thinking that you're going to turn to the winning side at the first chance you get?" Marcel asked out of curiosity

"Because I finally have the brains bron and symbols I need in order to capture my sister for good." He tried to explain.

"Let's get this messed up story straight. You would rather lock your sister up for the rest of...however long you live for, instead of ending her suffering and the suffering for yourself by keeping her around?" Meags questioned.

"Yes." Blake replied.

"Alrighty then. What's the plan, what's the plan box-man?" Damian asked.

"Time travel." Blake replied in full confidence.

"Oh, now I know you're joking." Gerhard said as he softly chuckled to himself.

"I'm with Gerhard on this one," I stated. "People to this day havent figured out how to time travel. As far as I know, it's impossible."

"But you see, dessert flower that's where you're wrong. In fact, there is someone here right now who has an ancestor who secretly figured it out and I helped him do it but all I have to do is find his grave." Blake looked over to Marcel who sat there quietly and contemplated and collected all the information his brain was being fed.

"My grandfather?" He asked Blake.

Blake nodded and Marcel got up and walked to a cupboard that the TV was resting on and opened up one of the draws and pulled out a brown, leather bound book with loose papers sticking out from every other place in the book. He pulled out an old photograph of his grandfather shaking hands with and older man dressed in royal robes who was handing him a dark red rose broach. and after that, Marcel handed me another photo of his grandfather with the broach attached to his black pinstriped blazer pocket with a smile on his face as he stood in front of the Egyptian palace.

"The broach is the key to time travel." Marcel stated while pointing to the artifact in his grandfather's hand. "If you have this pin in your possession, you may as well have the very time in your hands."

"How do we get it?" I asked.

"I think it's time we go and visit you grandfather." Blake suggested to Marcel and Marcel looked down and nodded his head in small jolts.

"I suppose it is."


Hey guys

Sorry it's been so long since I wrote last and it probably not gonna be any time soon for the next chapter iether. I've been super busy with my final year of highschool and I couldn't find time until now, but I hope you guys enjoy.

And thank u guys for the 3000 views🥳

super exciting! Anyway enjoy

yours truely
