
The Phantom Dragons

Okina island is a paradise for criminal warfare. Drugs, violence and dictatorship are just a seasonal norm. Between the white collar demons and the blue collar devils, everyone can find their place, some even with their head still attached. Debt rules everything here but one debt is more important than others. Five super powered adolescents are trapped in this world of drugs, crime and money as they are forced to pay a debt to a Yakuza group the only way they know how, robbery. As they navigate between school life, heists and keeping their identities hidden they find that there is more story to their debt than they ever knew and someone is pulling their strings aiding in their doom.

Crimsonshotsink · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 17: Wings (Hida)

Gamer walked slowly towards Sweet as she smiled sinisterly. Sweet rubbed his beard as he stepped in front of me. 

 "I am a seasoned hunter young lady. Even if you are a high ranking Peacekeeper you won't beat me so easily." 

 "Oh I count on it." She whipped out a pistol and aimed for his head but he ducked under her shots and punched her down the trash hill. But unfortunately the shot wasn't aimed for him. She managed to shoot my phone to pieces as she tumbled down before backflipping into a recovery stance. "Ooho, you ARE talented." She pulled out another gun and aimed at us. In the blink of an eye sweet grabbed me and shoved us down the other side of the hill as she began to unload. As we tumble I sprained my leg and scrapped my elbow before coming to a stop. 

 "Hida, I need you to run. They are obviously after me."

 "I-I told Liam."


 "I'm sorry, I panicked, d-do you think he's behind this."

 "I don't know, maybe. All that matters is that we get you somewhere safe. Come on." We ran together deeper into the maze of trash as Gamer followed. 

 "Sweet, should I get Betty ready?"

 "No Hida, I won't risk you."

 "Neither will I you, come on let me help."

 "Fine, did you finish the maze?"

 "Ya, everything is set."

 "Okay then, let's get these basterds and make em regret every challenging us." We split apart with me heading north to the largest hill in the junk yard. I rushed as quickly as I couldn't hear Gamer yell out for Sweet. Once I reached the top I could see a large contraption draped in an old dusty brown bedsheet. 

 "Hey there Betty." I yanked off the drap and what was under it was a double barrel Trebuchet style slingshot the size of a small car. "Alright then, let's see if you still work." I turned left to the magazine loader, it was basically a shoot with two types of ammo, explosive balls and scrap balls. I loaded in two explosives and aimed at the maze. From this height I could see everyone in our field. The sleeping girl and Gamer hunting Sweet. I turned left and hit a big red button powering the maze up. An emergency alarm went off warning Sweet that the traps were all set. He began knocking against the wall luring Gamer towards him. As she rushed she walked past a motion sensor that let out tranquilizing gas, courtesy of Vesta. Unfortunately she jumped back before it hit her. "Is this all you're capable of, a few parlor tricks?" She scaled the wall and made a bee line for Sweet. (Perfect) I aimed the trebuchet at her and took the first shot. Just as the were coming in close she jumped back but it was too late. The explosion destroyed part of the maze wall sending her flying to the other side of the maze. Sweet took the advantage and rushed her avoiding the sensors. As he reached her he took out his cuff and rushed to arrest her but she dodged quickly. He got into a ready stance and they began trading blows but she stood no chance. Every punch she threw he parried and countered ruthlessly. Though already bleeding she lunged With a heavy right but he blocked and kneed her in the stomach and tossed her aside. That's when suddenly the other girl appeared behind him. She landed on his shoulders as gracefully as a fairy would on a frail rose and whispered something in his ear. He slumped over and fell to the ground. "SWEEEEET!" I yelled. They turned to me and began working their way towards me. I loaded in two scrap balls and unloaded as best I could but they saw it all coming. Switching to explosives I waited for them to make some distance between them and sweet but it was to no avail. Before long they were too close for me to be able to aim at them so I got my knuckle busters ready. Gamer rushed me so I tried to intercept but just then sleepy girl kicked my hip sending me tumbling. I turned to them and put my guard up (Damn it, I'm no fighter. If this goes on I'll be dead in no time. I have to think of something but it'll take time. Oh I know.) I shifted my feet a little and adjusted my arms. My front arm with my elbow at ninety degrees and open palm facing the floor and the dominant arms plan wound up facing forward. (I may not be a master of this form like Liam, but I've seen it enough times to get the jist of it.)

 "Hey, Nightmare...seems this girl thinks this is an anime. Let's show her how it's done."

 "Kaaaaaay." She said in a sleepy tone.

 "Bring it on you bastards."

I waited for them to come at me and I immediately parried Gamer and countered with a lightning fist to the face. Nightmare suddenly appeared above me trying to land on my shoulders but I weaved left trying to connect a fist to her foot. She smiled and twisted in the air nailing me in the neck with her foot sending all of my air out. I kneeled and gasped for air but nothing would work. I tried screaming in pain but my voice was just a squeal. I stood up and took my stance again. "Nightmare, go finish off her brother. I'll take care of this."

 "Kaaaaaay.". (no....)

I tried attacking Nightmare but gamer decked me in the face. "Now we are even. We shall duel in Mortal Kombat, what do you say?"


 "Close enough."

I rushed her trying to land punches but she danced around me like I was a toddler playing with her and landed two punches to my face and stomach. I went in with two jabs and a right chop but she weaved past it all and did a little Bruce Lee jig as she stepped back mocking me. (The hell, a moment ago she was slow and manageable, now suddenly she's toying with me)

 "What do you say to a bit of Street Fighting huh."

 "The hell are you talking about?"

 "This." She hopped back and charged up a blast. She fired a fire ball at me and I tucked and rolled to the side. Just as I did so she...well the only way I could describe it is fazing. She faced towards me like a phantom and elbowed me in the stomach. That's when my vision went black and she did something impossible. She disappeared and teleported behind me decking me on the back of my head, then teleported and punched my stomach, then again with my face, then knee, then forehead, shoulder and countless other parts. Then a final one straight to the face sending me flying. I slowly got up, barely able to stand as she charged up another blast. (I..h..have to, break it.) I aimed my gauntlet at her then over charged it and fired sending a blast of energy her way. She met it head on causing a massive collision kicking up smoke. I used the opportunity to run to Sweet. As I got close I saw Nightmare slowly shuffle to Sweet as she yawned. I picked up a stone and threw it at her but she caught it surprisingly quickly. "Judging by your name you probably put him to sleep, correct." 

 "Something like," she yawns "something like that, ya." I rush at ready for blood. She dashes to me preparing to attack but instead of intercepting her fist I took the hit but powered through to lunge at Sweet. I landed with my hand on his and sent a massive shock through his body. 

 "Aaaaaaaaaaahhh!" He yelled. He wiped back and saw me on the ground bleeding.

 "Sweet, y-you're okay. Good." He dashed at Nightmare and kicked her across the field. He ran to me and picked me up running around a few corners and putting me at the other end of a clearing. He was shaky, whatever he was dreaming about took it's toll on him. "Sweet, w-we need to r-run." I said softly, in a delirious voice.

 "We can't, we'll be run down in no time and we can't involve civilians. The closest house to us is probably Vestas."

 "You...you two. Late night work?" I said panting.

 "Ya..." He heaved

 "You good to her."

 "Didn't last that long kid. Anyway I need to take them out." 

He turned and there they both were, rugged but still ready for battle. The story finally broke and the downpour was brutal. The ground quickly turned to mud as the two forces came to blows. Gamer rushed at him with a flurry of rapid kicks but he dodged as best he could before Nightmare elbowed him in the stomach. He kicked her away as he pulled out an assortment of knives and tossed a few in the air. Then he threw a rock at them sending them flying at both Gamer and Nightmare. They dodged but were caught in the arms by the other knives. This didn't faze them however. They both rushed him again, he was exhausted both mind and body, each hit chipped away at him. (I have to do something) I overloaded my gauntlet and went for a roaring uppercut to nightmares face but missed knocking Sweets knife into the stratosphere. Gamer ran and kicked me across the face knocking me out cold. 

 "You're alone now. Nightmare, let's finish him off."


They ran at him but her weaved out of Nightmares fist and fell on his back with his feet to her stomach. He then kicked her upwards just as the knife that I punched out of his hand landed right on her back with lightning speed and force. Gamer took the chance and drove a knife through Sweets abdomen but he punched her away. He took a few shaky steps back and knelt down.

 "You may have stabbed me, but your friend there has a knife in her artery. Trust me, I'm pretty accurate. If you want her to live, you'll take her away now." Gamer looked to Nightmare with a little fear in her eyes. "Fine, you win." She grabbed her carefully and they began walking away together. "Just so you know, I'm pretty accurate too." She turned away and walked off.

 "N-nice work Sweet. Though I gotta...nhaa, I gotta say I wish you kicked their butts sooner. Sweet?" I looked at him and he was still kneeling.

 "Sweet?" I picked myself up and walked to him and shook his shoulder. "S-sweet." Suddenly he coughed up blood.

 "I, I guess she was pretty accurate."

 "Sweet? No, no. I'll go get help. The hospital will do something. Maybe our neighbours will help. Come on." I lifted him but the arm and slowly we made our way to the kitchen.

 "I'll be back."

 "Wait, Hida there's -"

 "SHUT UP! I'm going to save you."

I quickly ran out the gate looking for any home that was open. I ran for a few kilometres arriving at the closest suburb. My heart fluttered as I could see countless houses all having their lights on. The street was vibrant with a warmth about it all. I could hear kids playing and people watching TV in the houses. I could smell potato soup, apple pie and all manor of food emanating from the houses (their home, okay let's get him some help). I walked up to the porch and knocked. "Please help, my brother-"

 "Go away!" They yelled back. "Damn Playground trash." My heart sank but I had to keep moving. The next house had an Oakwood door. I rushed to it and knocked, "please my broth-" "I swear if you stay on my lawn I'll have your head removed, now be gone."

I turned and saw that the house lights one by one were snuffing out, each home, each shred of comfort lost to with each dead light leaving me to be swallowed in black. Before long the street was dark, the warmth was gone replaced by the cold bony hands of abandonment. The smell of food was growing fainter and fainter. The laughter, TV and life snuffed out. There was only one house left, at the far ends of the suburbs. Far away from the others but still just as beautiful. The smell of beetroot stew was in the air. Children sang and chanted as I walked closer. (Please don't let me down, I won't be able to take it) I knocked on the door and there she opened. A tall beautiful goddess of home stepped forth, an apron that says kiss the cook and a large wooden spoon for cooking. My face was washed in her welcoming embrace chasing away the darkness.

 "Please, you have to help me!" I yell in between sobs "MY BROTHER, HE IS GOING TO DIE!"