
The Perfect War Story.......

Warning: Contains adult content. A story about seduction, lust, deception and power! .......... What happens when the country's two youngest and most successful lawyers, end up meeting in the courtroom? One is the charming and crude male, Austin, who has to now face his five year old crush Linda, a pure beauty with brains. Will it turn out to be love or war? *********** You have not even given me any time Linda. That is not fair." He held the girl's wrist pulling her closer to him. The girl was startled a bit and then looked in the man's eyes with surprise. His dark eyes were filled with love and pain, and he was looking at the girl with much resolve. "Austin what are you doing?'' Austin smirked a bit and then planted a quick peck on her cheek with much love and adoration. "I have not learnt to accept defeat. And this time all I want is you. I want to touch your body once again, this time without alcohol. I want to feel these beautiful lips on my lips once again and suck them very hard. I want to enter you once again and hug you for life. And I will keep convincing you, till you do not say yes to me." He smiled a bit and then instantly turned around walking away towards his car. In just another few seconds the man waved her good bye and was already driving away. Part 2 - The Pool Of Thirst And Sins ********** Other Novels- 1. He is a Nymphomaniac 2. When Love Happens! 3. The Girl Under Red Umbrella 4. It started with a Bra 5. My Three Husbands

Alaheeza · Urban
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105 Chs


"Tell me Mark! Are you sure that Charles killed him? If yes, then we will record your statement and you already know, if a person falsely accuses somebody with a wrong statement, what punishment they get."

The mechanic stood stupified, sweating profousely, while Austin gazed at him, giving him his usual ferocious look.

"I....I....N...no! I am not sure. I was made to say this. How can I be sure? It can be a normal accidental case too. I see hundereds of similar cases. So, I am not accusing anybody!" Mark freaked out, thinking about his family.

"Are you taking back your earlier statement?" Austin smirked.

"Y...Yes!" The mechanic looked glumly at the lawyer who had hired him.

Austin then turned to look at the magistrate. "Your honour as you see, this man Symond is highly unstable. He falsely claimed against my client, just to earn some fraud money. Also, the hospital treated him for free, and now he asking money for his treatment?"

The magistrate heard Austin's argument and write on a register in front of him. "Does the opposition have anything to say?"

"No your honour!" The opposition lawyer, sighed helplessly.

"Well then! As per the arguments and evidences produced, I hereby pronounce Charles as innocent. He has been falsely accused by Symond. Symond should be admitted to a rehabilitation centre for further treatment. The court is now adjourned!" The magistrate got up and left the court.

Charles and his father hurriedly came up to Austin to thank him. "Thank you so much sir! You are the best!" Charles spoke happily.

"That I am! Next time, try and be a little sober while driving. Your father can not afford hiring me everytime, to save you." Austin chuckled sarcastically and walked away, followed by his team.


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