

Tetsuo Kawaguchi is starting his first years in high school, after various encounter with people from his past and present, we find that there is much more to him that meets the eye. Notice: the story is slow paced . ???- this sign is used when background characters are speaking

KOGURE · Sports
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28 Chs


Liam: sure thing, let's go

( Hayato changes into his gear)

(Hayato taps his shoe on the floor)

Hayato: how about we play a friendly one vs one , for old time's sake

Liam: okay, but don't expect me to go easy on you

Hayato: we'll be playing ones and twos, so threes counts as two and twos count as ones, first to sixteen

Liam: you're still as cunning as ever, taking advantage of the fact that I can't shoot

Hayato: it may be the only way that I can win against you

Hayato: okay, I'll shoot for it

(Hayato shoots a three pointer)


Hayato: lucky, I sank my first shot of the day, you are totally going to lose

Hayato: check up you big old giant

(Liam passes the basketball to Hayato)

(Liam takes a defensive stance)

Liam: bring it on

(Hayato fakes)

(Liam doesn't move an inch)

(Hayato): so you really think that I'm bluffing huh

(Hayato shoots a three pointer)


Hayato: that's two points, you better guard me up close if you want to win because I'm on fire today

(Liam passes the basketball to Hayato)

Hayato: come on you won't step up? Are you sure that you want to give up two more points?

Liam: you have to show me that you can score efficiently before I respect your outside shots

Hayato: okay, that's just disrespectful, if you are not going to step up , then its time for you to check up

(Hayato shoots a three pointer)


(Ball falls to the ground)

(Hayato): man am I on fire today, three consecutive three pointers in a row

Hayato: are you still going to sit back and watch me beat you sixteen to zero?

(Liam passes the basketball to Hayato)

(Liam starts applying defensive pressure on Hayato)

( Hayato ): yes , that's much better

(Hayato sweeps and then attacks Liam's left leg)

(Liam runs him down)

(Hayato stops mid drive and then pulls up for a mid ranged shot)

(Liam reacts and blocks the basketball)

Hayato: damn so high, you sure can jump

Liam: check up

(Hayato passes the basketball to Liam)

(Liam bodies Hayato all the way to the rim)

(Hayato): damn , he's really strong

(Liam then spins off of Hayato and dunks)

(Basketball bounces on the floor)

Liam: only fifteen more to go

Hayato: and you're saying that I have the advantage

(Liam takes two steps and then dunks the basketball)

(Liam shoots a Layup)


(Hayato): there is no way that I can guard that, the difference in our height, wingspan and athletic is far too great, i can't take him on the post, I'll have to figure out a way to stop him

(Liam fakes to the left and then shoots a layup on the right)


(Liam shoots a floater)


(Liam dribbles the basketball to the hoop)

(Liam shoots a hook shot)


(Liam pounds Hayato under the basketball rim and then proceeded to casually dunk on him)

(Hayato): I'm screwed if I let him anywhere near the post, I'll have to steal the ball mean while he dribbles on the outside

(Liam crosses Hayato and then hop stepped into a reverse dunk)

(Liam shoots a left handed layup)


(Hayato): yeah there's no way that I'm beating him, I can't stop his offense, he's so strong and powerful , having him on our team would make us the best in the prefecture

(Liam shoots a Layup)


Liam: and just like that it's now ten to four, six more points to go until you're beaten, your cheeky tactics won't save you this time

Hayato: I may be lacking in height compared to you but I'm not just going to roll over here

(Hayato passes the basketball to Liam)

(Liam backs down Hayato)

(Hayato): Just try to match his rhythm, find that brief moment that the ball will show, and then rush in an steal it now!!

(Hayato steals the basketball)

(Liam): whoa, he took the ball away from me, not bad Hayato

(Hayato dribbles outside the three point arc)

(Hayato drive towards the rim)

(Liam rushes towards him)

(Hayato hop steps and fakes a Layup)

(Liam attempts to block)

(Liam): he faked me out

(Hayato steps through and goes for a reverse layup)

(Liam attempts to block but was to late)


Hayato: I totally got you didn't i?

(Liam smiles)

Liam: you were just lucky that's all

Hayato: we'll see about that, I'll turn this game around

(Liam passes the basketball to Hayato)

(Hayato): I bet he wouldn't expect me to shoot now since I broke through to the rim earlier, I'll just shoot so that I can close the gap

(Hayato shoots a three pointer)

(Liam jumps and blocks the basketball)

(Hayato): damn he really can reach pretty high, his defense is almost impenetrable

(Liam dunks the basketball)

(Liam eurosteps)

( Liam does a back scratcher dunk)

( Liam shoots a Layup)


(Liam shoots a floater)


(Liam scores another layup)

(Liam bounces the basketball and pounds Hayato under the rim)

(Liam dunks with both hands and held on to the rim)

Liam: and that's game, sixteen to five

Hayato: yeah, you won fare and square, though you were using your height to gain the upper hand

Liam: don't be making excuses a lost is a lost

(Liam jumps down)

Hayato: yeah you're right and I accept it

Liam: this was truly fun , let's do this again some day

Hayato: yes, definitely