

Tetsuo Kawaguchi is starting his first years in high school, after various encounter with people from his past and present, we find that there is much more to him that meets the eye. Notice: the story is slow paced . ???- this sign is used when background characters are speaking

KOGURE · Sports
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


Hayato: say do you remember the day when we met

Liam: yeah of course I do , you were my first ever Japanese friend

Liam: when I first came to Japan, no one in my grade wouldn't even approach me to say a single thing, I know that I didn't know much Japanese back then and the language barrier would have been an issue but no one took the initiative to talk to me, it was pretty lonely back then. Until you came up to me one day out of the blue.


Hayato: hey you, big guy down here, damn how are you so tall, what are they feeding you

Liam: are you talking to me?

Hayato: oh , I'm sorry your Japanese probably isn't that good

(Hayato proceeds to speak in English)

Hayato: " nice to meet you, my name is Hayato Nakajima and you are"

Liam: my name is Liam Ainsworth

Hayato: " so Liam where are you from?"

Liam: I'm from United Kingdom

Hayato: " I see, what do they feed you, you are absolutely massive, how old are you actually?"

Liam: what do you mean, I'm 14 just like you

Hayato: " damn, have you ever considered playing basketball because you'd definitely make a great player in the future "

Liam: I haven't thought of that before, though I'm on the track team, so I'm not sure if I can play basketball

Hayato: " I see, too bad"

Liam: it wouldn't hurt to try though, but I can't take it as seriously as running

Hayato: " fair enough, let's play after school "

Liam: alright

Liam: you taught me all I knew about basketball, how to make a layup, to dribble, pass , how not to travel and you showed me a lot of videos on how to dunk and I eventually got it. Even though basketball wasn't my main sport I enjoyed playing it. The thrill of dunking alone is enough to get anyone hooked to the game. We would always dominate everyone in street basketball and despite my inexperience we would always win.

Hayato: Liam, I was wondering

Liam: huh? What is it?

Hayato: would it be possible for you to join the basketball team, no , I want you to join the basketball team

Liam: don't be silly Hayato, remember I'm a track athlete , I've devoted myself to it for years now

Hayato: I'm being serious, the team needs someone like you if we want to have a shot at go to the inter high

Liam: listen man, I'm sorry, I really want to help you out , however I'm devoted to running, I can't just drop it just like that

Hayato: fine , I understand but promise me something

Liam: what's that

Hayato: be sure that you're running for yourself and yourself alone and have fun while doing it

(Hayato puts out his fist)

Liam: of course

(Liam fist bumps Hayato )

(Everyone talking)

???: did you guys hear

???: here what?

???: the newspaper club wrote an article on our basketball team, apparently they lost by one point in a practice match against one of the top schools in the prefecture Yokonan high

???: no way , are you serious? Let me see that paper

???: omg, they are so handsome

???: yes especially this one , his name is Katsuragi Shino, he's so adorable

???: wait this guy is Yukio, he's in my class, he was one of the top scorers in the match with twenty five points

???: wow, that's amazing, he looks so mature and intelligent, I'll definitely have to check him out during practice

???: and this one , Tetsuo Kawaguchi, he's so gorgeous, I can't take my eyes off him, I think that I'm in love

???: he was the main scorer for the team with twenty seven points and not only that he's a first year, that's quite the accomplishment

??: you can say that again, these guys are truly reviving the basketball team in Chiaki's place

Naomi: the rebirth of Toshigawa Academy's basketball team huh, they did really well yesterday

Sachiko: really?

Naomi: yes they did, they only lost by a single point against the number two team in the prefecture, oh looks like Tetsuo made the front page, do you want to see him (chuckles)

Sachiko: (blushes), what do you mean by that?

Naomi: oh nothing

(Naomi): Noboru's name is not even visible on the newspaper, serves him right

(Makoto): They held their own against Yokonan's main team, even though they lost that's still quite the feat. They only have six players and a high school girl for a coach yet still they gave Coach Arimoto this much trouble . There team definitely can go places

Noboru: hey Tetsuo

Tetsuo: huh?

Noboru: I heard that we are on the first page in the newspaper, we did a great against Yokonan

Tetsuo: yes we did

(Noboru spots Naomi with a newspaper)

Noboru: hey Naomi, so you saw the newspaper, tell me how do I ? Don't be shy

Naomi: for your information, your face didn't make the front page but you did score eight points though so at least that's something

Noboru: yeah, I know I'm awesome aren't I?

Noboru: wait, did you just say that my picture isn't in the Newspaper?

Naomi: um, yes I did, who would want to see your face first thing in a newspaper, this article would have been a bust

Noboru: let me see that

(Noboru takes the newspaper from Naomi)

Noboru: no frickin way, how did that amateur make it on the front page and I didn't !!

(Noboru): he only scored two points and I scored eight

(Noboru): oh, no way, unless…

Noboru: Rie is behind this !! I'll get her for this!!

(Rie sneezes)

Yuri: looks like someone is talking about you

Rie: you think so

Yuri: are you hoping that it's Katsuragi?

Rie: w..wwwhat! (blushes), no I'm not

Yuri: you printed his picture on the front page despite him not doing so great in that match, so it's obvious that you like him , it's a cool and creative way to try and make your feelings reach him , that's so cute

Rie: (blushes) , please stop teasing me, I can't take anymore of this

Rie: the only reason why I put him on the front page is because he looked way better than the other persons on the team

Yuri: so you admit that you find him attractive then

Rie: no , that's not what I meant, Yuri!!

Yuri: I'm just joking, calm down jeez

(Kanae): the basketball team is quite the scoop this year, I look forward to reviewing them in the tournament. Try your best to impress me Nanaho