
The Perfect Life

I was born to a beautiful mother no father, yet I was the ugliest person in town, short, overweight, and covered in flaws. My mother dies when I was three years old in a horrible carwreck under strange circumstances. I went to go live with my rich father and his other daughter who is two months younger than me, yet my exact opposite. Beautiful and attractive everyone naturally loved her, she is cruel and mean...yet not at all book smart in any way. Rebecca is the worst sister in history! My father treated me even worse than Rebecca did, he doesn't love me and in many ways I don't think he ever did. He pushes me around and beats me up anytime he gets, if that isn't bad he makes me sleep in the rusty dark attic with an infested mattress and rough thin sheets. He hardly feeds me in hopes that I'll somehow get skinnier. I never do... Of course my life isn't completely horrible, my aunt Fiona, she is everything to me, just as beautiful as my mother was, but sometimes I think she is kinder maybe because, as selfish as it is, my mother died and left me completely alone in this world. I hate her for it, leaving me like that, even though it really wasn't her fault. What can I say, after years upon years of being completely hated...I suppose I need someone to blame it on. Fiona is the only person that has ever cared about me. She was always there, always knew what to say to make me feel better. On terms of school, when is comes to grades and intelligence I am valedictorian and number 1, but when it comes to popularity I am at the bottom of the barrel and everyone hates me without even in knowing me. And if that isn't bad enough I am a Lesbian. I love everything that involves imagination and creativity...Anything depressing or real just makes me wanna gag. The ONE thing I had ever wished for was to NOT be myself, Frizzy brownish orange hair that never was ever tamed, my horrid mixed brownish blue eyes (mostly brown), my rough freckled pale skin, my shortness, and my fat...ness. Maybe that was the mistake,...because out of the 8 billion people in the world, my wish was taken too seriously and waaaaay too literally. After my 17th birthday...I woke up and I wasn't me. I am not me anymore, I'm tall and beautiful, flawless....but on the inside I was still...my mind? that seemed to be the only thing that didn't change. When I woke up my aunt was waiting for me with the most mind boggling news and secret anyone could ever receive or keep. The first day of school in my new body...I instantly became popular but there was one girl that never caught my attention until then. Hot. Sexy. yet kind and so, so alone. She is beautiful and everything I love, and the best about her...She hates my perfect body. But I refuse to give up on her, for once I will get a girlfriend and I will have a perfect life.

JunetheProdigy · LGBT+
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8 Chs

My Wish

I groan taking deep breaths my hair is soaked and wet, the only thing keeping me warm is a thin blanket, I don't want to open my eyes... I feel someone hover over me and something is put under my nose that makes it sting, I shoot up in response screaming in shock. I pant as the school nurse Mr. Ferro rubs my back softly. "Its okay kiddo, you're alive."

I look at Mr. Ferro and swallow hard as I look around,...I am in the school nurses office, I think. I don't think I have ever been behind the emergency curtains, this feels weird. I have been beaten up and abused before to the point where my arms and legs were broken, and even that wasn't enough to put me behind the emergency curtains. Mr. Ferro and I have a good relationship, I've been here a lot and he is the main guy for medical nature in school, so we have become like friends almost.

"Ungh...what happened?" I attempt to recapture my memory of what happened...He chuckled and sat back taking off his rubber gloves. Mr. Ferro is a thin guy, not muscular but not scrawny yet something in between, almost like a long large marshmallow. He always has his white hair combed perfectly, which makes it easy to tell his mood because the better the hair the better the day and the exact opposite for bad hair. His face is wrinkled with well...wrinkles. His eyes are a light grey and he always seems to have a warm smile even if has having a bad day.

Mr. Ferro chuckles saying, "Your bitch of a sister finally did it, she tried to kill ya!" He burst up laughing and I couldnt help but laugh too rubbing my neck. I groan coughing a little, "Figures, I knew it was only a matter of time before she threw me in the deep end." He laughs louder at my commet, yeah that's right, I'm funny. He straightens his white lab jacket as he opens the curtains, I wince at the light.

I swallow at the light my memory rushing back to me, I attempt to shake it off as I get up and walk following him. I sigh and ask, "Just a question, how did I survive my attempted murder?" Mr. Ferro chuckled and turned around after grabbing a clipboard with paper (likely mine) he takes a moment to read it before answering, "School Police got a tip." I chuckled and asked, "By who."

He narrows his eyes, clears his throat, and says, "Don't say kiddo, just says someone gave a tip." Someone tried to save me?....Someone went against my sister, the most popular girl in school...? Who would want to put their ass on the line to help me like that. I don't realize I hadn't said anything in a while until Mr. Ferro clears his throat and I am snapped out of my confused trance. Mr. Ferro sighs relieved and says softly with a grin, "Its nice to know there are good people out there."

I sigh as I can't help but smile, someone saved 'my' life... I clear my throat after spacing out again as I look around and ask, "How long was I out?" Mr. Ferro sighs and looks at his watch before responding, "Eh, only about 30 minutes." I sigh disappointed. He seems to notice my disappointment as he crosses his arms and says, "But ya don't have to go back to class, I won't make ya. Principle offered to call your father, I know how he can be so I told her you'd be fine enough for him not to get involved. Your sister and her large onterage however are now arrested with future punishment to come, I wouldn't recommend going home. But to be honest I do not think Rebecca will be locked up for long, I'm sure your father will pay her bail if not all the others by tonight if he hasn't already."

I sigh and ask, "What am I supposed to do?" He sighs leaning back on the medic desk and seems to stare into space as if he was thinking, after a long while he says, " Well, you can stay in here, or go into town, maybe the forest, I know you like the plane or you could go to your aunts." I sigh rubbing the blanket drying off my face and say staring into space as well, "Eh, I don't want to go into town or stay at school after today, and my aunt isn't expecting me for another 3 hours...I suppose a peaceful walk in the woods wouldn't be so bad. But..." I gester to my soaked clothes, his mind seems to click that was snowed this morning and is now likely 21° by now.

He points up with an idea, "Oh I got some extra clothes, and my nephew grew out of his old winter jacket if you want it. I shrug and say, "That would be great Mr. Ferro.

It isn't long before I find myself wondering the cold white woods completely dry and for once warm, My backpack is heavy upon my back. I look around the woods trying to see if the pack is out, which now that I think about it, probably not, they usually spend noon either eating or hunting. I walk more deeper into the forest I have come to know so well. I look at the large trees, sometimes it feels nice to see life bigger than my problems, bigger than me. Somehow it gives me hope.

I find myself in a rocky part of the forest and it isn't long before I become breathless hardly able to breathe, I lay back into the snow covered rocks to look up at the white sky, I really can't tell the clouds from the actual sky sometimes. I close my eyes taking in the cool air as I find myself daydreaming, of the perfect girl, who doesn't judge based on looks, who is loving and perfect. Who is kind no matter what and is always willing to do the right thing over anything other.

I scream in pain as something heavy and big jumps on my stomach yowling happily jumping off. I get up groaning as I look around and instantly spot- "Jackie! The hell that is not funny!" The large mountain lion stays huddle behind a rock with an excited look in her eyes. I grin and crawl towards her almost stalking and I keep towards her she lets out a playful roar embracing me as I hug her tackling her to the ground. I laugh as we tussle around for a little while. Eventually Jackie pins me down laying on top of me. I giggle as I say, "Okay Jackie you win, jeeze girl you weigh more than I do!"

She roars happily getting off and running back into the woods after taking my lunch box from my backpack. I loved help but laugh, that one is on her, it's only salad and junk like that anyway. I pick up my backpack and head closer to the packs den, it isn't long before I find myself surrounded by a series of hills and larger holes dug into the sides.

I lay my backpack around and walk carefully around looking for the pack taunting them, "Astro, Luna....? Allen....Babe? Noah?...I know you guys are out there. Come out, come out wherever you are." I hear a low stalking growl behind me and I can't help but smile as I stop...Babe. The medium beautiful mixed red Wolf tackles me from behind and Allen so quickly joins her as she licks my face and sniffing my body. I laugh as Noah clumsily stumbles towards us sniffing my face. I play with the pups as the continue to play and lick me at the same time leaving small nicks as the play with my arms.

A loud growl and snarl makes them completely freeze as they look up to Astro and Luna. Luna is mostly white with a red underbelly and muzzle, Astro is almost completely black with spots of white, he looks a lot more like a husky if it weren't for the fact that he is almost 4 and a half feet high.

I groan and laugh nervously as Astro growls lowly and Luna glares at me, I feel like a kid around them. "I can explain." Luna perks up, I point at Babe and said with a straight face, "She started it." Babe jumped almost seeing me point at her. She looks from me to her parents and then runs away. Astro looks at Allen and he follows Babe. Luna looks at Noah wth a tilted head, he leans into me with a wag in his tail and a goofy smile. I smile, Luna and Astro go after Babe and Allen. I turn to Noah and say, "We're the good ones huh?"

I spend a long while with Noah, until I notice that the sun is about to go down. After a sad goodbye with the pack and Jackie I walked into town and into a bakery shop as I had every year since I turned 6 years old. I looked around and breathed in the warm bread and bakings. "My word!" My eyes dart towards Mrs. Jessie. I can't help but smile as tears sting my eyes, she burst into tears before me and comes out to hugged me tightly. Mrs. Jessie and I are both short and overweight, but unlike me she is African American and is over 60 years old. Also people seem to really like her. She just...gets me.

"Is it that time of year agian!? Oh darling you should come in more often!" I laugh and she rocks me back and forth as I am still wrapped in her embrace. She finally pulls away and I feel myself breathe. She clasp her hands looking at me as she walks around me with a wide smile. I smile nervously and say scratching my head, "Oh Mrs. Jessie yoiu know how I feel about coming into town." She sighs putting her hand her breast and says, "I know darling, how about that cupcake and candle, free of charge as always." I force a smile a nod. No matter how much I offer to pay, she will never take my money.

She smiles brightly and rushes into the backroom her pink dress and dirty apron flowing in the indoor breeze as she rushes into the backroom. It isn't long before she comes out with a cupcake with white frosting and rainbow sprinkles put into a box, but she also comes out with a note. She hands me the box and I look inside to see a single candle and a single match. She then hands me the notes and says, "Your aunty came by earlier looking for you, she says it is imperative that you go to her as soon as possible so off you go!" She continues to say go and she shoos me out, well that was new.

I sigh, I really don't feel like going anywhere, I notice the sun setting, I don't want to go....anywhere. I groan and begin to walk, I walk for a long time throughout the woods not really sure where I am going until I come upon a condemned white house hidden in the woods. It's practically falling apart but even now and so easily remember the days I spent learning to walk and crawl as long legs walked around me almost completely unaware I was even there.

"Home..." The word escapes my lips before I even realize it does. I don't even know how I got here, how am I supposed to get back. I hold my arms as the temperature seems to get colder. I groan nervously and look around, I walk towards the building and walk inside after taking down the yellow condemned tape. I breathe in, it's surprisingly warm. I make my way around the first floor. I find a room full of musical instruments. I marvel in awe of the room. I walk towards a dusty green couch with a brown rusty table in front of it. I quickly take out the candle, match, and cupcake.

It doesn't take my long the light the candle and place it into the cupcake. I close my eyes as I reflect on my year, all just horrible. And all of it comes down to one thing...My looks. I open my eyes to look at the open flame I whisper hopefully, "I wish for once in my life, my looks were...better?" I didn't mean for my wish to come out as a question but it didn't matter as I blow out the candle and dig into the vanilla cupcake. Okay this is reallyg good. I sigh and lean back as I feel myself fall into a deep slumber...


HOW ARE YOU GUYS?! So the next chapter is going to be really intriguing and I hope you guys like it 😁 Have a beautiful day dorks 😗!