
✨Chapter 11 ✨



The Devil in disguise


After I spent a bit of time with Daniel, he left and I finally left my room for the first time today

I visited my mom where I thought  she'd be.

In the kitchen

"Hello mom" I greeted her, taking a seat on one of the bar stools.

"You look better" she smiled handing me a plate with a sandwich "Eat something"

"Where's Justin" I asked bitting into the sandwich.

"Probably basketball practice - should be home now" she checked her wristwatch.

Just on que his car pulled up into the driveway. I watched him throw the kitchen window. He came along with Blake.

The door opened and the boys were talking--alot

"Hey mom" Justin walked in dropping his sports bag onto the floor.

"Hey baby. I made you guys sandwiches. You boys should be hungry" my mom sent another two plates on the counter.

"Thank you Mrs Rye. We are starving." Blake cheered taking a seat next too Justin on the stools.

I remained silent, just finishing my sandwich.

"Hey Mrs Rye. Can I ask you a question? " Blake said out of the blue.

Justin and I both looked at him at the same time. What could he possibly want to ask my mom.

"You can asking me anything" she said packing the dishwasher.

"Can I take Avery out tonight. I promise to have her back by 10" he said in one breath.

Justin chocked on air, holding his throat. My mom stopped packing and turned to face him. And I, well I attempted to disappear.

She paused looking at me, then at Blake and back at me. She opened her mouth to say something but Justin beat her to it.

"Why would you be taking her out. My sister, why?" his voice got thicker, and he sounded confused. Kinda like my dad when I asked him for a car, I am still waiting.

"She's OK with it" he motioned to me.

"Don't look at me, I am the victim here" I put my hands up in defense.

"You aren't going to fuck around with my sister" Justin pushed off the chair and walked away.

"C'mon dude" Blake followed him.

They left to talk about who knows what. My mom turned to me.

"And then" she lifted her eyebrow.

"Don't turn this on me, you were OK with it yesterday"

"Yesterday Amelia said she's joining you, so it didn't bother me. But now you going alone"

"But mom I like him" I tried protesting.

"So, think about your brother. Don't they have some sort of bro code about dating each other's siblings" she narrowed her eyebrows.

My mom wasn't angry, she's calm. I am surprised.

"But mom this isn't about Justin. It's about me and my feelings." that sounded selfish.

"How would you like it if he dated one if your friends, like Amelia." she's trying to turn it on me. 

"I will be OK with it. Because if they like each other and wanna be together that's their decision which makes them happy. And I want to see my friends happy" I proved my point. "So why can't Justin see me happy?"

"His your big brother, his trying to protect you"

"From what mom? Heartbreak. I am not 10 anymore. I don't need protection any more" I snapped.

"You don't know what guys like him are capable of doing. You brother is exactly like him that's why he doesn't want you to -" she tried reasoning with me.

"Well if they are the same. Wouldn't both of their minds be in their best intentions to protect me and make me happy" she said it herself, they are the same. So he wouldn't hurt me, even if he tried.

"Calm down and go talk to your brother, ok. And if his OK with it you can go on your date with Blake" she walked away into the back of the house

I jumped off the stool to go talk to Justin. As I walked up I heard shouting, angry shouting.

I continued to walk over to my room and was going to wait it out.

While I was in my room, thinking my door opened. And in walked Justin with Blake. Hotheaded

I sat up straight on my bed.

"Why don't we all just talk together like mature people" Justin sat on my bean bag chair.

Blake walked over to sit next to me.

"I don't know where this is coming from all of sudden" he looked in between the both of us. "How?"

"Like I told you, I like you sister and I want to take her out"

"Don't fucking lie to me, ok. Just a few days ago you were sobbing over the bitch of a girlfriend now you moving on like nothing happened. And out of all my people you pick my little sister" Justin was yelling.

"I am not a little girl anymore Justin. I don't need you looking after me all the time" I snapped.

"If I am not going to, who is, him" he pointed at Blake.

"Why not?"i shrugged.

" All he wants to do is fuck with you, then his going to leave you"

"You don't know that" Blake spoke.

"Yes I do, because I know you. And I am not letting you use her for your own selfish reasons" he snapped at Blake.

He was no longer in the bean bag chair, but pacing up and down the room.  I got off my bed and stood on the floor, ready to stand my ground.

"I won't do anything to hurt her, you have my word" he sounded promising.

He looked at Blake for a second then looked away. I am surprised they haven't fought yet. It amazing me how friendships can prevent it.

"I don't know what you want from her or what spell you put over her, but when I find out what is going on. I won't spare you. You'll be a dead man" he looked Blake in the eye before walking off

He stopped at the door and looked at me. "You know Avery, you always got whatever you wanted. Mom and Dad always tried keeping you happy and you always got everything. Now you want the one thing I thought I still had, my best friend. But you want him too. Nothing is ever enough for you" his voice was calm and a tear ran down his cheek.

For the first time, I had seen my brother cry and it was my fault.

"Let me go -"

"Now this is something between the both of us" I cut him off before running after Justin.